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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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Accessing the Oracle Workflow Self-Service Home Page
Note: The Oracle Workflow web pages are being converted to the Oracle Applications Framework user interface format. Depending on your version of Oracle Workflow and which patches you have applied, you may see Oracle Workflow web pages in the new format as well as in the previous format. The self-service home page is currently available for the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications.
Use the Oracle Workflow self-service home page to link to Oracle Workflow's web-based self-service features. This page centralizes your access to the features.
To Access the Oracle Workflow Self-Service Home Page
1. Use a web browser to navigate to the self-service home page, using a responsibility and navigation path specified by your system administrator. See:
Oracle Workflow User Navigation Paths.
You can navigate to the self-service home page from other Oracle Workflow self-service web pages by choosing the Home tab or selecting the Home link at the bottom of the page.
2. Navigation buttons appear in the upper right corner of the home page, as well as on every other Oracle Workflow web page.
- To return to the Oracle E-Business Suite portal page, select the Return to Portal button.
- To log out of the Oracle E-Business Suite, select the Logout button.
- To set your Oracle E-Business Suite general preferences, select the Preferences button. See: Preferences, Oracle Applications User's Guide.
- To view online help for the current page, select the Help button.
You can also access these pages by selecting the corresponding links at the bottom of the current page.
3. The Notifications region of the home page lists your five highest priority notifications, ordered by priority and then by date. For each notification, the list displays the from role, workflow type, subject, sent date, and due date. Select the From, Type, Subject, Sent, or Due column heading to sort the list by that column.
- To view the complete list of all your notifications, select the Full List button. When the full list is displayed, the Notifications region also displays the View pull-down menu, the Open button, and the Reassign, Delegate, or Transfer button.
- To specify which notifications to display in the Worklist, select the type of notifications you want from the View pull-down menu and select Go. You can choose to view Open Notifications, FYI Notifications, To Do Notifications, All Notifications, or Notifications From Me. If you choose All Notifications, the list additionally displays the status for each notification. If you choose Notifications From Me, the list displays the recipient of each notification instead of the from role.
- To view and respond to a notification or a group of notifications, select the notification or notifications you want and select the Open button. If you select more than one notification to open, only one notification is displayed at a time. You can navigate among the open notifications by selecting the Next or Back buttons in the Notification Details page. See: To View the Details of a Notification.
- To collectively reassign a group of notifications, select the notifications you want and select the Reassign button, the Delegate button, or the Transfer button. The Reassign button appears if you have access to reassign notifications to another user either by delegating the notifications or by transferring complete ownership of the notifications. The Delegate button appears if you only have access to delegate the notifications. The Transfer button appears if you only have access to transfer ownership of the notifications. See: To Reassign a Notification to Another User and Setting the FND: Notification Reassign Mode Profile Option, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Note: Your workflow may include special logic to restrict reassignment of notifications. If any of the notifications that you selected are restricted in this way, Oracle Workflow displays an error message when you select the Reassign, Delegate, or Transfer button. In this case you should deselect the restricted notifications before performing the reassignment. See: #HIDE_REASSIGN Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
Additionally, you cannot reassign a voting notification that tallies the recipients' responses. See: Voting Activity, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
4. The Status at a Glance region displays the five most recent workflows that you own and that were started within the last two weeks. For each workflow, the list displays the status, workflow type, workflow identifier, start date, and completion date. Select the Workflow Type, Workflow, or Started column heading to sort the list by that column.
- To view the notification history for a workflow, select the workflow identifier link in the Workflow column. See: Viewing Notification History.

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