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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To Reassign a Notification to Another User
Navigate to the Reassign Notifications page by one of the following methods.
- In the Advanced Worklist, select one or more notifications and choose the Reassign button, the Delegate button, or the Transfer button.
- In the Notification Details page for a single notification, choose the Reassign button, the Delegate button, or the Transfer button in the Response section of the notification.
Attention: Your workflow may include special logic to restrict reassignment of notifications. If so, the Reassign button, Delegate button, or Transfer button may not be displayed in the Response section of the Notification Details page, and you should not reassign the notification. Also, if any of the notifications that you selected in the Advanced Worklist are restricted in this way, Oracle Workflow displays an error message when you select the Reassign, Delegate, or Transfer button. In this case you should deselect the restricted notifications before performing the reassignment. See: #HIDE_REASSIGN Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
Additionally, you cannot reassign a voting notification that tallies the recipients' responses. See: Voting Activity, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
The Reassign Notifications page displays the subject of each notification that you selected to reassign.
2. Oracle Workflow displays either a Reassign field, a Delegate field, or a Transfer field, depending on the reassign modes to which you have access. In this field, enter the user to whom you want to reassign the notification. Select the field's search icon to display a list of values from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values and Setting the FND: Notification Reassign Mode Profile Option,
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Attention: Your workflow may include special logic to restrict the users to whom you can reassign the notification. If so, only users who are valid for reassignment appear in the list of values. See: #WF_REASSIGN_LOV Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
3. If you have access either to delegate or transfer notifications, select the option you want to specify how you want to reassign the notification.
- "Delegate authority for responding to this notification" - Select this option if you want to give the new user authority to respond to the notification on your behalf, but you want to retain ownership of the notification yourself. For example, a manager might delegate all vacation scheduling approvals to an assistant.
- "Transfer ownership of this notification" - Select this option if you want to give the new user complete ownership of and responsibility for the notification. For example, use this option if you should not have received the notification and you want to send it to the correct recipient or to another recipient for resolution. A transfer may have the effect of changing the approval hierarchy for the notification. For example, a manager might transfer a notification about a certain project to another manager who now owns that project.
Note: If you only have access to delegate notifications, Oracle Workflow automatically uses the delegate option when you reassign notifications. Similarly, if you only have access to transfer notifications, Oracle Workflow automatically uses the transfer option when you reassign notifications.
4. Enter any comments you want to send with the notification to the new user. If you are reassigning more than one notification, your comments will be included with each notification.
5. Select the Submit button. You can also select the Cancel button to return to the previous page without reassigning the notification.
Attention: Your workflow may include special logic to verify that the role that you attempt to delegate or transfer a notification to is legitimate or to restrict reassignment of notifications altogether. If so, you may get a warning message to that effect when you attempt to reassign a notification. See: Post-Notification Functions, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
6. You can also select the Return to Worklist link to navigate back to the Worklist.
See Also
To View the Details of a Notification
To View Notifications from the Advanced Worklist
To View Notifications from the Worklist

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