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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To View the Details of a Notification
Navigate to the Notification Details page.
2. In addition to general information, the notification header may also provide a history of comments forwarded from other workflow users who received notifications earlier in the workflow process. The History section displays any requests for more information and responses to those requests. The most recent History comment is marked with an asterisk icon.
A notification may also include a message body, a References section, and a Response section.
3. The message body displays the information of which you are being notified. The message body may include embedded links to additional information sources pertinent to the notification. A reference URL link connects to a specified URL, either in the same web browser window or in a new window, depending on the notification.
4. The References section may include attachment icons. These icons link to additional information sources for the notification. There are three types of attachment links:
- A reference URL link that opens another Web browser window and connects to a specified URL.
- A PL/SQL, PL/SQL CLOB, or PL/SQL BLOB document link that displays the contents of a document generated from a PL/SQL function. Such documents can contain text, HTML, images, or application files such as PDF or RTF documents.
- An Oracle Applications form link that drills down to an Oracle Applications form or Oracle Self-Service Web Applications page referenced by the underlying message attribute. Depending on how the message attribute is defined, the form or page can automatically display appropriate context information.
Attention: Attached form icons appear in a notification message only if the Worklist web page was initially launched by Oracle Applications from a menu.
The Notification System first verifies with Oracle Applications whether the recipient has a responsibility with the appropriate security to open the linked form. If the recipient is not allowed to open the form, the attached form icon is not displayed. Also, you cannot update information in a form that is attached for reference only.
5. If you want to view your next notification in the Notification Details page after responding to this notification, select the Display Next Notification After My Response check box. Otherwise, Oracle Workflow displays the Worklist after you respond to a notification.
6. Use the Response section to act on the notification.
- If a notification requires a response, but none of the responses affect the result of the notification activity, the response prompts all appear as fields or pull-down menus. After you finish entering your response values, submit your response by choosing the Submit button. After you submit your response, the status of the notification changes to Closed.
- If a notification requires a response, and one of the responses becomes the result of the notification activity, then that determining response will appear last. All other response prompts, if any, appear as fields or pull-down menus before that prompt.
- If there are four or fewer possible result values for the final response prompt, those values appear as a set of buttons. After you finish entering your response values for any other response prompts, choose the button for the result value you want. When you choose one of these buttons, you also submit your response to the notification.
- If there are more than four result values to choose from for the final response prompt, those values appear in a pull-down menu with a Submit button. After you finish entering your response values for any other response prompts, select the result value you want from the pull-down menu and submit your response by choosing the Submit button.
After you submit your response, the status of the notification changes to Closed.
- If you launch the Notification Worklist from Oracle Applications, your Response section may display an attached form icon that lets you drill down to an Oracle Applications form to complete your response.
- If you revisit a notification to which you have already responded, the Response section indicates that the response has been submitted and displays the response values that were submitted.
- If a notification does not require a response, the Response section indicates that. Choose the Close button in the Response section to close the notification so that it does not appear in your worklist the next time you view your open notifications.
- If you want another user to respond to the notification instead of you, choose the Reassign button, the Delegate button, or the Transfer button in the Response section.
- The Reassign button appears if you have access to reassign a notification to another user either by delegating the notification or by transferring complete ownership of the notification.
- The Delegate button appears if you only have access to delegate the notification.
- The Transfer button appears if you only have access to transfer ownership of the notification.
Attention: Your workflow may include special logic to restrict reassignment of notifications. If so, the Reassign button, Delegate button, or Transfer button may not be displayed in the Response section, and you should not reassign the notification. See: #HIDE_REASSIGN Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
Additionally, you cannot reassign a voting notification that tallies the recipients' responses. See: Voting Activity, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
Attention: Your workflow may include special logic to restrict requesting more information on notifications. If so, the Request Information button is not displayed in the Response section. See: #HIDE_MOREINFO Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
- If another user sent you this notification with a request for more information, the Response section displays the user who made the request and the request details. Enter the information you want to provide in the Response field and choose the Submit button to submit your response.
You can also select the Cancel button to return to the Notification Details page without completing your response. In this case the notification remains open in your Worklist until you submit a signed response.
8. If you selected more than one notification to open from the Advanced Worklist, you can navigate among the open notifications by selecting the Next or Back buttons.
9. You can also select the Return to Worklist link to navigate back to the Worklist.
See Also
To Reassign a Notification to Another User
To Request More Information From Another User
To View Notifications from the Advanced Worklist
To View Notifications from the Worklist

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