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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To Perform an Advanced Search for Notifications
2. Specify how you want to apply search criteria to locate specific notifications.
- "Show table data when all conditions are met" - Select this option to locate only notifications that match all your search criteria.
- "Show table data when any condition is met" - Select this option to locate all notifications that match at least one of your search criteria.
3. Enter the search criteria you want to use to locate notifications. The following search options are displayed by default:
To display additional search options, select the notification property you want from the Add Column pull-down menu and select the Add button.
Note: You can choose to display more than one search option of the same type if you want to apply several search criteria to the same notification property. For example, if you want to search for notifications that were sent between two particular dates, you can display two Sent search options. Set one option to search for all notifications sent after the first date, and set the other option to search for all notifications sent before the second date. If you choose "Show table data when all conditions are met", then the search will display notifications that match both search criteria, with sent dates falling in between the two dates that you specified.
4. For each search option, select a filter operator and then enter a filter value to specify the notifications you want to display.
For the is and is not filter operators, you should enter a complete filter value that you want to match or exclude, respectively. For the other filter operators, you can enter a partial value, unless you are using the Sent, Due, and Closed search options, which always require a complete date in the date format you chose in your Oracle E-Business Suite general preferences. The filter value fields for all search options are case insensitive.
If you leave the filter operator and filter value blank for a search option, that option will not be included in the search.
Note: The greater than, less than, after, and before filter operators are not inclusive. For example, a search on the Sent option with the after operator displays only notifications sent after the date you specify, not notifications sent on that date itself.
- Subject - Enter the subject line of the notifications.
- From - Enter the role from which the notifications were sent.
- Message Attribute - Enter the value of a message attribute belonging to the notification. Message attributes hold dynamic content that is determined by the specific context in which a notification is sent. For example, a notification in a requisition workflow might have a message attribute for the requisition amount. Message attribute values can be numbers, dates, or text. This search option supports the filter operators is or contains.
- Sent - Enter the date when the notifications were delivered, using the date format you chose in your Oracle E-Business Suite general preferences. Select the field's calendar icon to display a calendar from which you can select a date.
- Type - Enter the display name of the item type to which the workflow process that sent the notification belongs.
- Status - Enter open, closed, or canceled as the notification status. This search option supports the filter operators is, is not, or contains.
- To - Enter the role to which the notifications were sent.
- Information Requested From - Enter the role to which notifications that are requests for more information were sent.
- Due - Enter the date by which the notifications should be completed, using the date format you chose in your Oracle E-Business Suite general preferences. Select the field's calendar icon to display a calendar from which you can select a date.
- Closed - Enter the date when the notifications were closed or canceled, using the date format you chose in your Oracle E-Business Suite general preferences. Select the field's calendar icon to display a calendar from which you can select a date.
- Priority - Enter high, normal, or low as the notification priority. This search option supports the filter operators is or is not.
- Response Required - Enter yes or no to specify whether the notifications require a response from the recipient. This search option supports the filter operators is or is not.
- FYI - Enter yes or no to specify whether the notifications are for your information (FYI) only and do not require a response. This search option supports the filter operators is or is not.
- Notification ID - Enter the numerical notification identifier.
- From Me - Enter yes or no to specify whether the notifications are sent from you. This search option supports the filter operators is or is not.
Note: If your installation of Oracle Workflow is set up in a language other than English, the Advanced Search page uses translated versions of the notification status, notification priority, yes, and no values. In this case you should enter the translated values for the Status, Priority, Response Required, FYI, and From Me search options.
5. Select the Go button to perform your search. You can also select the Clear button to clear the search option fields and remove any additional search options you added, so that you can enter new search criteria.
6. The Advanced Search page displays the notifications that match your search criteria. For each notification, the list displays the following information:
- From - the role from which the notification was sent. This column is displayed when you view notifications sent to you.
- If this notification was reassigned through the Worklist web pages, the From column shows the user who reassigned the notification to the current recipient.
- If this notification is a request for more information, the From column shows the user who sent the request.
- If this notification is a response providing more information, the From column shows the user who sent the response.
- Additionally, the From role for a notification may be set by special logic in the workflow process. See: #FROM_ROLE Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
- Type - display name of the item type to which the workflow process that sent the notification belongs.
- Subject - a description of the notification.
- Sent - date when the notification was delivered.
- Due - date by which the notification should be completed.
- Status - open, closed, or canceled status of the notification.
Select the From, Type, Subject, Sent, Due, or Status column heading to sort the list by that column. By default, the list is sorted by sent date from most recent to oldest and then by subject in alphabetical order.
8. You can navigate to the full details of any notification and act on the notification by clicking on the notification's Subject link or by selecting the notification and then choosing Open. See:
To View the Details of a Notification.
If you select more than one notification to open, only one notification is displayed at a time. You can navigate among the open notifications by selecting the Next or Back buttons in the Notification Details page.
See Also
Viewing Notifications from the Personal Worklist
To View Notifications from the Personal Worklist
To Perform a Simple Search for Notifications
To View and Maintain Personal Worklist Views
To Create or Update a Personal Worklist View

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