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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Set Up the Event System Demonstration Workflow
2. If you are using two separate installations of Oracle Workflow, sign the two systems up with each other to exchange event messages. See:
Signing Up Systems.
3. If you are using two separate installations of Oracle Workflow, on the Buyer system, locate the predefined subscription to the event with the source type Local and the phase 2. Edit this subscription by selecting the standard WF_IN agent on the Supplier system as the To agent. See:
To Define an Event Subscription.
4. If you are using two separate installations of Oracle Workflow, on the Supplier system, locate the predefined subscription to the event with the source type External and the phase 2. Edit this subscription by selecting the standard WF_IN agent on the Buyer system as the To agent. See:
To Define an Event Subscription.
5. Ensure that the Java Function Activity Agent is running on your systems. See: Setting Up the Java Function Activity Agent, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
6. Optionally schedule a background engine to run every 10 to 30 seconds on your systems. See: Setting Up Background Engines, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
You can also run the background engine manually during the demonstration by choosing the Process Order link on the Events: Track Order page.
See Also
To Initiate the Event System Demonstration Workflow from the Buyer Workbench
To Continue the Event System Demonstration Workflow on the Supplier System

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