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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Signing Up Systems
Before you can send business events from one system to another, you must sign up the destination system with the source system as a potential recipient of event messages. Signing up a system means defining the destination system as well as its inbound agents in the Event Manager of the source system, so that event messages from the source system can be addressed to the destination agents.
Usually, both systems should be signed up with each other, so that each system can both send messages to and receive messages from the other system.
To sign up a destination system for receiving event messages from a source system, perform the following steps:
1. Retrieve the local system and inbound agent definitions, which together make up the system identifier information, from the destination system. You can use the System Identifier web page on the destination system to generate an XML document containing the system identifier information. See:
To Retrieve System Identifier Information.
Note: If you do not have access to the Oracle Workflow installation on the destination system, ask the workflow administrator for that system to perform this step.
2. Add the destination system identifier information to the Event Manager in the source system. You can use the System Signup web page on the source system to add the information by raising the System Signup event with the XML document from the destination system as the event data. When the System Signup event is raised on the source system, Oracle Workflow executes a predefined subscription that adds the system identifier information to the Event Manger in that system. See:
To Sign Up a System.
Note: If you do not have access to the Oracle Workflow installation on the source system, ask the workflow administrator for that system to perform this step.

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