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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Define an Event Subscription
Replace <webagent> with the base URL of the web agent configured for Oracle Workflow in your Web server. See: Setting Global User Preferences, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Attention: This URL accesses a secured page, so if you have not yet logged on as valid user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears. You must have workflow administrator privileges to access the Event Manager web pages.
Note: You can also access the Event Subscriptions web page from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
2. The Event Subscriptions page appears, displaying a list of existing subscriptions grouped by the subscribing system and triggering event. The Event Subscriptions page summarizes the source type, out agent, to agent, function, workflow, and status of each subscription.
Choose the Add Subscription button to open the Edit Subscription page.
Note: For seeded subscriptions with a customization level of Limit, you can only update the subscription status. For seeded subscriptions with a customization level of Core, you cannot update any properties; you can only view the subscription definition.
3. In the Subscriber region, enter the system where the subscription executes. Click on the System field's up arrow icon to display a list of systems from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
4. In the Triggering Condition region, specify the type of source system to which the subscription applies in the Source Type field.
- Local--The subscription applies only to events raised on the subscribing system.
- External--The subscription applies only to events received by an inbound agent on the subscribing system.
Note: All event messages received by an inbound agent on the subscribing system are considered to have an External source, whether the sending agent is located on a remote system or on the local system.
- Error--The subscription applies to only to errored events dequeued from the WF_ERROR queue.
5. Enter the event to which the subscription applies in the Event Filter field. You can specify an individual event or an event group. Click on the Event Filter field's up arrow icon to display a list of events from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
6. Enter an optional Source Agent to which the subscription applies. If you specify a source agent, then the subscription is executed only when the triggering event is received from that agent. Click on the Source Agent field's up arrow icon to display a list of agents from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
Note: In most cases, the Source Agent field is left blank.
7. In the Execution Control region, enter an optional Phase number for the subscription to specify the order in which subscriptions that apply to the same event are executed. The phase number also controls whether a subscription is executed immediately or is deferred.
8. Select Enabled or Disabled as the subscription status. If you disable a subscription, it still remains in the Event Subscriptions list for reference, but it can no longer be actively used to respond to events.
9. In the Rule Data field, specify the event information required by the subscription.
- Key--The subscription requires only the event key.
- Message--The subscription requires the complete event data.
10. In the Action region, define the subscription processing you want to perform when the triggering event occurs. Subscription processing can include:
- Running a function on the event message.
- Sending the event message to a workflow process.
- Sending the event message to an agent.
If you do not specify a rule function, Oracle Workflow runs a default rule function to send the event message to the workflow process and the agent that you specify.
Note: If you enter a rule function other than the default, Oracle Workflow does not automatically send the event message to the specified workflow and agent. You must explicitly include the send processing in your custom rule function instead. You can still enter workflow and agent information in the Action region for your function to reference, however.
12. If you want to send the event message to a workflow process, enter the item type that the process belongs to in the Workflow Item Type field and the name of the process in the Workflow Process Name field. Click on each field's up arrow icon to display a list of values from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
Note: The list of values for the Workflow Process Name field includes only the runnable processes within the item type you specify.
13. If you want to send the event message to an agent, enter either the Out Agent that you want to send the outbound message, or the To Agent that you want to receive the inbound message, or both. Click on each field's up arrow icon to display a list of values from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
- If you specify both a To Agent and an Out Agent, Oracle Workflow places the event message on the Out Agent's queue for propagation, addressed to the To Agent.
- If you specify a To Agent without an Out Agent, Oracle Workflow selects an outbound agent on the subscribing system whose queue type matches the queue type of the To Agent. The event message is then placed on this outbound agent's queue for propagation, addressed to the To Agent.
- If you specify an Out Agent without a To Agent, Oracle Workflow places the event message on the Out Agent's queue without a specified recipient. The Out Agent must use either a multi-consumer queue with a subscriber list or a single-consumer queue.
Note: The Out Agent must be located on the subscribing system. The list of values for the Out Agent field includes only agents with a direction of Out.
The list of values for the To Agent field includes only agents with a direction of In.
14. If you want to send the event message to an agent, select Normal, High, or Low as the priority with which the recipient should dequeue the message.
15. Optionally enter any additional parameters for the rule function in the Parameters field. Use spaces to separate the parameters, and specify the name and value for each parameter in the following format:
<name1>=<value1> <name2>=<value2> ... <nameN>=<valueN>
Note: If you send the event message to a workflow process and you want to specify additional parameters to set as item attributes for the process, you can enter these parameters in the Parameters field for a subscription and use WF_RULE.SetParametersIntoParameterList() in the subscription rule function to set the subscription parameters into the event message parameter list. The event parameters will then be set as item attributes for the workflow process when the process receives the event. See: SetParametersIntoParameterList, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
16. In the Documentation region, you can optionally identify the program or application that owns the subscription by entering the program name in the Owner Name field and the program ID in the Owner Tag field. The Owner Name and Owner Tag are not required if you are defining a subscription manually in the Edit Subscription page. However, if you use a program to create subscription definitions automatically, the Event Manager displays the owner information set by that program in these fields. You can use the Edit Subscription page to update this information manually if necessary.
17. You can review the customization level for the subscription.
- Core - No changes can be made to the subscription definition. This level is used only for subscriptions seeded by Oracle Applications.
- Limit - The subscription status can be updated to Enabled or Disabled, but no other changes can be made to the subscription definition. This level is used only for subscriptions seeded by Oracle Applications.
- User - Any property in the subscription definition can be updated. This level is automatically set for subscriptions that you define.
18. Enter an optional description for the subscription.
19. Choose the Submit button to save the subscription and return to the Event Subscriptions page. The Event Subscriptions page displays an updated list of subscriptions.
You can also choose the Cancel button to return to the Event Subscriptions page without saving the subscription.

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