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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Menu Hot Keys

The following table lists the hot keys associated with the different menus:

Menu Hot Keys

Action Keyboard Input


ALT+F to open the menu, then:

  • C– Display the connection dialog window
  • D-Display the disconnection dialog window
  • r–Display the properties of the connected host
  • u–Page setup for print
  • w–Print preview
  • P–Print the page
  • x –Exit


ALT+T to open the menu, then:

  • P–Set the display preferences
  • M–Manage profiles
  • E–Display the error console


ALT+ A to open the menu, then:

  • e–Refresh
  • s–rescan


  • ALT+ W to open the menu, then:
  • T–Tear off a component from being shown
  • 1-To tear off details


ALT+H to open the menu, then:

  • C–Display the contents
  • b–Display information about the Help viewer
  • Oracle
  • Oracle

Oracle Databases

ALT+ O to open the menu, then:

  • S– Start up the database
  • D– Shut down the database
  • C–Storage Checkpoint capacity planning
  • C–Create capacity planning schedule
  • R–Report Capacity Planning space usage
  • p–Duplicate Database
  • o–Resync Repository
  • h– Check System configuration
  • a– Save system configuration
  • R–Rescan Oracle database information

Oracle Database

ALT+ O to open the menu, then:

  • S– Start up the database
  • D– Shut down the database
  • C–Storage Checkpoint capacity planning
  • C–Create capacity planning schedule
  • R–Report Capacity Planning space usage
  • p–Duplicate Database
  • o–Resync Repository
  • h– Check System configuration
  • a– Save system configuration
  • R–Rescan Oracle database information

Monitoring Agent

ALT+M to open the menu, then:

  • S–Start the monitoring agent
  • o–Stop the monitoring agent
  • E–Enable the agent at boot time
  • D–Disable the agent at boot time


ALT+ S to open menu, then:

  • C–Create a snapplan
  • M–Modify/Validate a snapplan
  • R–Rescan the information of the Snapplans


ALT+ S to open menu, then:

  • M–Modify/Validate a snapplan
  • R–Remove a Snapplan
  • C–Create a snapshot using snapplan
  • y–Resync a snapshot
  • v–Reverse Resync a snapshot
  • L–View log for the Snapplan

Storage Checkpoints

ALT+S to open menu, then:

  • C–Create a Storage Checkpoint
  • S–Create a Storage Checkpoint schedule
  • P–Create a Storage Checkpoint policy
  • R– Rescan information of the storage checkpoints

Storage Checkpoint

ALT+S to open menu, then:

  • B–Rollback a storage checkpoint
  • M–Mount a storage checkpoint
  • U–Unmount a storage checkpoint
  • R–Remove a storage checkpoint


ALT+ s to open the menu, then:

  • R–Rescan tablespaces


ALT+D to open the menu, then:

  • T– Topology/Statistics to generate datafile statistics
  • C–Conversion (convert Oracle datafiles to Quick I/O files)

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation