Oracle Workflow Guide Release 2.6.2 Part Number A95265-03 |
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You can use Oracle Workflow to customize the predefined workflow processes listed below. A full description of each workflow is documented in its respective product's User's Guide or Configuration Guide, if one is available.
Note: Some Oracle Applications products use the Account Generator feature to dynamically create accounting flexfield combinations. The Account Generator has generic predefined workflow functions that each Oracle Application product uses in its own predefined Account Generator process. The Account Generator processes for each product are not listed in this section, but are documented in more detail in each respective product's User's Guide. A general discussion of the Account Generator feature is also available in the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
Application Implementation Wizard provides a set of workflow processes that guide you through the setup and implementation of Oracle Applications. The Application Implementation Wizard helps you through the tasks and interdependencies of configuring Oracle Applications for your installation. To make your implementation job easier, the Application Implementation Wizard logically groups similar setup tasks.
The sequence of steps that the Wizard takes you through are contingent on the application modules you install. This obviates running duplicate setup steps when implementing multiple application modules.
The details and usage of the workflow processes can be obtained from the Application Implementation Wizard User's Guide.
Oracle Application Object Library provides a set of standard function activities that you can use to incorporate concurrent manager processing into any Oracle Applications workflow process. The standard function activities are associated with the Concurrent Manager Functions item type. See: Concurrent Manager Standard Activities.
--This generic workflow process is a template for BIS customers to use as part of their Performance Management Framework. When actual performance does not meet expected performance, this process sends a basic corrective action notification with an embedded report URL. All other processes under the OBIS Corrective Action item type are similar to this generic process.
--Oracle Internet Expenses uses the AP Expense Report workflow process to process the manager approval and accounting review of expense reports entered in Internet Expenses. The AP Expense Report process begins when a user submits an expense report, and finishes when an expense report is rejected, or when a manager has approved and accounting has reviewed an expense report. If approved and reviewed, the workflow process makes the expense report available for the Payables Invoice Import program. The AP Expense Report process notifies employees at key event points during the manager approval and accounting review processes.
AP Credit Card Process--The AP Credit Card workflow process notifies employees and managers of payments made to employees and payments made to credit card issuers for charges to travel and entertainment (T&E) credit cards. It also sends notifications to employees and managers for any outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted on an expense report, or have been submitted on an expense report but the expense report has not completed the AP Expense Report process. The payment notifications are generated when payments are made in Oracle Payables; the outstanding charges notifications are sent when you run the Credit Card Outstanding Charges Report program from Oracle Payables.
Procurement Cards The following procurement card workflow processes enable your self-service employees to verify and approve procurement card transactions.
AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow Process--The AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow process notifies and confirms procurement card transactions with card holders. This workflow process is initiated when you submit the Distribute Employee Card Transaction Verifications program from Oracle Payables. The process notifies an employee of transactions charged to the employee's procurement card, and optionally requires the employee's manual verification.
AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction Process--The AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction workflow process notifies and confirms verified procurement card transactions with a card holder's manager. This workflow process is initiated when you submit the Distribute Manager Card Transactions Approvals program from Oracle Payables. The AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow process must first complete for transactions before the manager workflow process is used. The process notifies managers, and optionally requires their manual approval, of procurement card transactions incurred by employees.
--Submits an offer made using the Candidate Offers option in Line Manager Direct Access to the appropriate managers in the approval hierarchy. When the last approver in the hierarchy approves the offer, the workflow notifies Human Resources to print, sign and post the offer letter to the candidate and waits for the candidate's response. Once the candidate responds to the offer, the originating manager is notified and the workflow completes. The workflow keeps the originating manager informed of the offer status throughout the process.
Career Management Reviews Process--Sends notifications to reviews for Appraisals and Assessments.
360 Appraisals Process--Sends a notification to a set of people informing them that they should perform an appraisal as part of a group.
Other Processes--Oracle Self-Service HR includes processes that allow employees and mangers to view, update, and display approved personal details on the Web, including:
Oracle Self-Service HR also includes processes to allow employees to enroll in a class and apply for a job.
--Sends receipt notifications to requestors, informing them that they should have received their order. This process is also known as the PO Confirm Receipt workflow.
Requisition Approval Process--Submits a requisition created from Web Requisitions to the appropriate managers for approval and updates the status of the requisition.
--This process is initiated when an employee submits a timecard in Oracle Internet Time. The workflow can be configured to either automatically approve all timecards or route the timecard through a pre-determined approval process. The approval process sends notifications to managers and employees, ensures timecards adhere to company policy, and checks manager approval levels. The status of submitted timecards can be monitored throughout the approval process.
--Oracle Web Suppliers allows a guest to log on and register as a supplier contact for a company. This process routes a notification to the appropriate account approver to verify and approve the registration. If the approver approves the registration, the Supplier Web User account is activated. If the account approver rejects the registration, the account is deactivated.
--Sends a notification to the planner in the shipping organization detailing the changes made to an ATO order. It is started when a change to the order quantity, schedule ship date, request date, or schedule arrival date is made and a discrete job reservation or a flow schedule exists for the order. It is also started anytime a configuration change or order line cancellation is made, even if a reservation does not exist.
--The MSD Demand Planning Cycle manages all background processing during a Demand Planning cycle. It is made up of four stages, each of which initiates a specific Workflow process to govern a task that is performed during that stage. Each stage is initiated from the Demand Planning Administrator page. Notifying the administrator and user community of relevant processing status as the workflow progresses through its many stages is a central benefit.
The Demand Planning processing cycle is made up of the following four stages, which correspond to processes:
--Submits an engineering change order to the appropriate people for approval.
--You can require journal batches to be approved before posting. Create an approval hierarchy and define authorization limits for each user. The Journal Approval process is initiated when you try to post a journal batch. The process automatically routes journals to the appropriate user for approval, based on the approval hierarchy.
AutoAllocations Process--When you generate step-down AutoAllocations, the workflow process initiates the AutoAllocation process and validates and generates the Mass Allocation and Recurring Journal batches that are defined in the AutoAllocation. The workflow process also determines whether journal approval is required for each generated journal batch, submits the batches to the appropriate users for approval if required, and notifies the appropriate users of the approval results. If an error occurs during the AutoAllocation process, the designated user or users can choose to roll back the AutoAllocation process, which reverses any posted journals.
Global Intercompany System--The Global Intercompany System (formerly CENTRA) is an enhanced feature for Release 11i, and has been backported to Release 11. It provides an environment for multiple companies to exchange intercompany transactions. The workflow process notifies the receiver company when a sender company initiates an intercompany transaction and requires approval from the receiver, or when the sender company recalls or reverses an intercompany transaction. The workflow process notifies the sender company when a receiver company approves or rejects an intercompany transaction that the sender had initiated. In addition, a threshold amount can be set to limit the volume of notifications. The workflow process is initiated when the sender submits, recalls, or reverses an intercompany transaction, or when the receiver rejects or accepts an intercompany transaction.
--The Grants Accounting Workflow process notifies key members that an installment has been activated or that a report is due. The Budget Subprocess notifies the budget approver or award manager that a budget has been submitted for approval.
The workflow process is initiated at the following points:
--The Proposal Approval Process is initiated when a proposal is submitted for approval.
Notifications are sent to approvers and the workflow process waits for the response from each approver before proceeding to the next approver in the hierarchical proposal approval map.
The proposal is approved if all approvers approve the proposal. The proposal is rejected if any approvers reject it. The person submitting the proposal for approval is notified of the approval status at every stage during the approval process.
Notify Approval Subprocess--The Notify Approval Subprocess is initiated during the Proposal Approval Process when the next approver in the hierarchical approval map is selected.
The Notify Approval Subprocess notifies the approver that a proposal is pending for approval. The approver can approve or reject the proposal.
If the approver fails to approve or reject the proposal within a given time frame, the approver receives periodic reminders. Organizations can set the timeout, which defines the time frame in which the reminders are sent. By default, the timeout is not set.
Notify Proposal Members Process--The Notify Proposal Members Process sends notifications to personnel on the proposal.
--Workflow functionality in Labor Distribution automatically routes effort reports throughout the organization and delivers electronic notifications to users regarding effort reports that require their attention or processes that are completed.
The Effort Report Notification workflow process includes the following subprocesses:
The Effort Report Notification workflow process is initiated in Labor Distribution when an effort report is created.
Notification is sent to approvers of the effort report. When the effort report is approved, the effort report is sent to a supervisor for certification. The creator of the effort report can monitor the status of the effort report.
Distribution Adjustment Approval Notification Process--Workflow functionality in Labor Distribution automatically routes distribution adjustments approval notifications throughout the organization and delivers electronic notifications to users regarding distribution adjustments that require their attention or processes that are completed. The process is initiated when a distribution batch is submitted.
--The Distribute Worksheet Workflow Process distributes worksheets and notifies users that a worksheet has been distributed. The process is initiated when distributing a worksheet.
Submit Worksheet Workflow Process--The Submit Worksheet Workflow Process submits worksheets. Based on user-defined parameters, the process performs constraint validations, worksheet operations, copying, and merging. The process moves worksheets from one budget stage to the next and routes the worksheets through an approval process for required approvals. The process also freezes and unfreezes worksheets. Notifications are sent to users who initiate a process and to approvers.
The process is initiated at the following points:
--The Distribute Budget Revision Workflow Process distributes budget revisions and notifies users that budget revisions have been distributed. The process is initiated when distributing a budget revision.
Submit Budget Revisions Workflow Process--The Submit Budget Revisions Workflow Process submits budget revisions. Based on user-defined parameters, the process performs constraint validations and other budget revision operations. The Submit Budget Revisions process routes budget revisions through an approval process and updates the status and baseline values for budget revisions. The process also performs funds reservation and posts revisions to General Ledger. The process freezes and unfreezes budget revisions. Notifications are sent to users who initiate a process and to approvers.
The process is initiated at the following points:
--Enables the routing of the Request for Personnel Action (RPA) Form for data entry, signature, and review before the final approval and update to the database. Based on the agency's practices, the user can route the RPA to an individual, groupbox, or routing list within the routing group. As the RPA is routed, the system maintains a history of actions. By referring to the history, users can learn what action was taken, by whom, and on what date.
GHR Position Description Process--Enables the routing of the Position Description form for data entry, signature, review and classification. Based on the agency's practices, the user can route the Position Description form to an individual, groupbox, or routing list within the routing group. As the Position Description form is routed, the system maintains a history of actions. By referring to the history, users can learn what action was taken, by whom, and on what date.
GHR Within Grade Increase Process--Enables the automatic processing of Within Grade Increase(WGI) actions without any manual intervention. The default WGI process automatically notifies the Personnel Office of the WGI approval and requires no response. WGI process can be configured during implementation in many ways based on the agency's practices.
--Oracle Human Resources provides a predefined workflow item type called HR Task Flow that you can use to set up your task flows. The HR Task Flow item type includes a function activity for every HR application window that is allowed to be incorporated into a task flow. You can use these predefined function activities to model a workflow process for each task flow. Moreover, each function activity includes activity attributes that you can set to create button labels and position buttons on its corresponding application window.
The HR Task Flow item type provides you with an alternative to using forms to set up and maintain your task flows. By integrating with Oracle Workflow, you can use the graphical Oracle Workflow Builder to help you design and diagram the sequence of your windows.
-- Oracle Order Management provides seeded order and line runnable processes and functional subprocesses. Order Header workflow data is defined under the item type OM Order Header (OEOH). Seeded header runnable processes are provided to support the processing of standard Orders and Returns with approvals. Booking and Close Order functional subprocesses are also seeded. Order Line workflow data is defined under the item type OM Order Line (OEOL). Oracle Order Management comes seeded with line-level runnable processes to support the processing of standard items, configurations, service items, drop-shipments, and other items. Functional subprocesses to schedule, ship, fulfill, invoice interface, and close order lines are also seeded. Additionally, you can configure custom processes to meet your specific business requirements using the seeded functional subprocesses and custom activities. You can use these seeded and custom runnable processes for order processing by assigning them to specific order and line transaction types.
Change Order Notification Process--Sends a change order notification from certain application forms. The recipient and message content are set dynamically when you select a responsibility and provide content. Uses the item type OM Change Order (OECHORD).
COGS Process--Generates a cost of goods sold account using the item type Generate Cost of Goods Sold Account (OECOGS).
--Automates verification and validation of data in the Open Interface tables. For example, this process can be modified to validate all accounting code combinations in the Open Interface tables. Notification of any invalid code combinations can be sent to a specified user for correction. Optionally the process can be set up to override any invalid code combinations with a designated default value. You can use Oracle Workflow to include additional workflow rules that meet the specific requirements of a business. Once an invoice has passed this process it is ready to be imported into the Oracle Payables application tables. To initiate the Open Interface Import process, submit Payables Open Interface Workflow from the Submit Requests window.
For more information about related workflows in Oracle Internet Expenses, including expense reports and procurement cards, see Oracle Internet Expenses.
--Sends notifications to suppliers, customer contacts, or internal personnel that inform them of advanced planning exceptions and lets the recipients initiate appropriate action to correct the planning exception.
Allocated ATP Process--Sends notification to planners if there was any stealing between different supply sources to satisfy an Order Promising request or if the Order Scheduling process failed.
--Routes a project and notifies appropriate users of any project status change. For example, you can submit the project for approval, or notify appropriate people upon project closure. You select which workflow to use for the appropriate status change, as well as determining the person(s) to route the project to.
Budget Approval Process--Routes a project budget for approval and baseline. You select which workflow to use for the budget type, as well as determining the person(s) to route the budget to.
Step Down Allocations Process--Automates the execution of step-down auto allocation sets to create allocation runs, generate the allocation transactions, release the allocation transactions (or require approval before the process proceeds), distribute costs, and update project summary amounts.
--This process is part of the Project Manufacturing Project Definition process navigator flow. This process guides users through all the necessary sequence of steps for setting up an Indirect- or Capital-type project for use in Oracle Project Manufacturing.
Contract Project Definition Process--This process is part of the Project Manufacturing Project Definition process navigator flow. This process guides users through all the necessary sequence of steps for setting up a Contract-type project for use in Oracle Project Manufacturing.
--Notifies and prompts a valid user who is associated with certain parameters of transactions such as Organization, Warehouse, or Item, to create samples for quality assurance in the Product Development Module of Oracle Process Manufacturing. Specific inventory transactions in Oracle Process Manufacturing initiate this workflow process. The user can create a quality control sample by invoking the Sample Creation form directly from the notification.
Quality Control Sample Acceptance Process--Spawns detail processes that notify quality control analysts to perform tests on a newly created sample and manages the testing results for final sample acceptance. This workflow is initiated when a sample is created in the Product Development Module of Oracle Process Manufacturing. This workflow is a master process that determines the number of tests to be performed on the sample based on predefined specifications and spawns a matching number of Quality Control Assay Testing detail processes to notify the analysts to perform the tests. The master process waits until all the detail processes complete before sending a notification with the sample disposition to the sample approver. The notification allows the approver to view the results directly from the Result form and enter a final disposition on the sample. The process then completes by notifying the inventory approver of the final sample disposition.
Quality Control Assay Testing Process--Notifies quality control analysts to perform tests on a newly created sample. This process is initiated by the Quality Control Sample Acceptance process. It sends a notification to the analyst who needs to perform the tests. The analyst can respond to the notification by directly opening the Result form from the notification to enter the results of the tests.
Item Activation Process--Notifies an approver to approve an item once it is created in Oracle Process Manufacturing. The item is made inactive until the approver approves it.
Lot Expire and Lot Retest Process--Notifies appropriate roles associated with an item when a lot or sublot of that item expires or is ready for retesting.
--Sends notifications to the designated responsibilities whenever the actual values of the inventory turn do not fall within the targeted values defined in the Inventory Turn Report. The Inventory Turn Report is part of Process Manufacturing BIS.
--The Procurement Workflow is a lights-out, hands-off transaction processing system that is truly flexible and extensible to all members of your supply chain. It is one of the key enablers in the shift towards more strategic sourcing and procurement activities. It consists of the Document Approval, Automatic Document Creation, Change Orders, Account Generation, Send Notifications, Price/Sales Catalog Notification, and Receipt Confirmation (used only by Self-Service Purchasing) workflow processes.
Document Approval Process--Performs all approval related activities in Oracle Purchasing. These include, but are not limited to, document submission, approval, forwarding, approval notifications, and rejection. This includes the PO Approval workflow process for approving purchase orders and the PO Requisition Approval workflow process for approving requisitions.
Automatic Document Creation Process--Automatically creates standard purchase orders or releases against blanket agreements using approved purchase requisition lines, if the requisition lines have the required sourcing information. This process is also known as the PO Create Documents workflow.
Change Orders Process--Allows you to control which changes require a manual reapproval and which will be automatically reapproved. All reapproved documents, either manual or automatic, will result in the document revision being incremented. This process is part of the PO Approval workflow.
Send Notifications Process--Looks for documents that are incomplete, rejected, or in need of reapproval, and sends notifications regarding the document's status to the appropriate people. This is also known as the PO Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents workflow.
Price/Sales Catalog Notification Process--Sends a notification to the buyer when the price/sales catalog information sent through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface includes price increases that exceed a price tolerance that you set. This process is also known as the PO Catalog Price Tolerance Exceeded Notifications workflow.
- Routes a credit memo request for approval using an organization's internal management hierarchy or approval limits defined in Oracle Receivables. If the request is approved, a credit memo is automatically created in Oracle Receivables. Otherwise, the process notifies the requestor with an explanation of why it was not approved.
You initiate the Credit Memo Request workflow from iReceivables. iReceivables is a web-based, self-service application that enables registered users to access their Receivables account information using a standard web browser. When an iReceivables user chooses the Dispute a Bill function, Receivables places the specified amount in dispute and initiates the Credit Memo Request process to route the request for approval.
--Routes a service request to individuals in the organization for resolution. Customize the process to select and notify service personnel, as well as to transfer and escalate service requests automatically based on your organization's service rules and guidelines.
Service Request Actions and Dispatch Process--Routes a service request action to individuals in the organization for resolution and in addition, notify with instructions, appropriate service personnel who need to be dispatched to a field site. Customize the process to manage, transfer or escalate dispatch requests.
Field Service Dispatch Process--Inserts or updates service request data into the interface table and sends a notification to the field service engineer with dispatch information. This process is used by Oracle Mobile Field Service.
--Includes workflows for Self-Service Oracle Training Administration and for Training Administration through Order Management.
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