Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide Release 9.2 Part Number A96517-01 |
This chapter describes document presentation. The following topics are covered:
In Oracle Text query applications, you can present selected documents with query terms highlighted for text queries or with themes highlighted for ABOUT queries.
You can generate three types of output associated with highlighting: a marked-up version of the document, a plain text version of the document (filtered output), and highlight offset information for the document.
The three types of output are generated by three different procedures in the CTX_DOC
(document services) PL/SQL package. In addition, you can obtain plain text and HTML versions for each type of output.
For text highlighting, you supply the query, and Oracle highlights words in document that satisfy the query. You can obtain plain-text or HTML highlighting.
queries, the CTX_DOC
procedures highlight and mark up words or phrases that best represent the ABOUT
There are three highlighting procedures in CTX_DOC
Highlight offset information is useful for when you write your own custom routines for displaying documents.
To obtain highlight offset information, use the CTX_DOC.HIGHLIGHT
procedure. This procedure takes a query and a document, and returns highlight offset information for either plaintext or HTML formats.
With offset information, you can display a highlighted version of document as desired. For example, you can display the document with different font types or colors rather than using the standard plain text markup obtained from CTX_DOC.MARKUP
See Also:
Oracle Text Reference for more information about using |
procedure takes a document reference and a query, and returns a marked-up version of the document. The output can be either marked-up plaintext or marked-up HTML.
You can customize the markup sequence for HTML navigation.
See Also:
Oracle Text Reference for more information about |
When documents are stored in their native formats such as Microsoft Word, you can use the filter procedure CTX_DOC.FILTER
to obtain either a plain text or HTML version of the document.
See Also:
Oracle Text Reference for more information about |
The following table describes list of themes, gists, and theme summaries.
To obtain this output, you use procedures in the CTX_DOC
supplied package. With this package, you can do the following:
in addition to primary keyA list of themes is a list of the main concepts in a document. Use the CTX_DOC.THEMES
procedure to generate lists of themes.
See Also:
Oracle Text Reference to learn more about the command syntax for |
The following example generates the top 10 themes for document 1 and stores them in an in-memory table called the_themes
. The example then loops through the table to display the document themes.
declare the_themes ctx_doc.theme_tab; begin ctx_doc.themes('myindex','1',the_themes, numthemes=>10); for i in 1..the_themes.count loop dbms_output.put_line(the_themes(i).theme||':'||the_themes(i).weight); end loop; end;
To create a theme table:
create table ctx_themes (query_id number, theme varchar2(2000), weight number);
To obtain a list of themes where each element in the list is a single theme, issue:
begin ctx_doc.themes('newsindex',34,'CTX_THEMES',1,full_themes => FALSE); end;
To obtain a list of themes where each element in the list is a hierarchical list of parent themes, issue:
begin ctx_doc.themes('newsindex',34,'CTX_THEMES',1,full_themes => TRUE); end;
A gist is the text of a document that best represents what the document is about as a whole. A theme summary is the text of a document that best represents a single theme in the document.
Use the procedure CTX_DOC.GIST
to generate gists and theme summaries. You can specify the size of the gist or theme summary when you call the procedure.
See Also:
Oracle Text Reference to learn about the command syntax for |
The following example generates a non-default size generic gist of at most 10 paragraphs. The result is stored in memory in a CLOB
locator. The code then de-allocates the returned CLOB
locator after using it.
declare gklob clob; amt number := 40; line varchar2(80); begin ctx_doc.gist('newsindex','34','gklob',1,glevel => 'P',pov => 'GENERIC', numParagraphs => 10); -- gklob is NULL when passed-in, so ctx-doc.gist will allocate a temporary -- CLOB for us and place the results there., amt, 1, line); dbms_output.put_line('FIRST 40 CHARS ARE:'||line); -- have to de-allocate the temp lob dbms_lob.freetemporary(gklob); end;
To create a gist table:
create table ctx_gist (query_id number, pov varchar2(80), gist CLOB);
The following example returns a default sized paragraph level gist for document 34:
begin ctx_doc.gist('newsindex',34,'CTX_GIST',1,'PARAGRAPH', pov =>'GENERIC'); end;
The following example generates a non-default size gist of ten paragraphs:
begin ctx_doc.gist('newsindex',34,'CTX_GIST',1,'PARAGRAPH', pov =>'GENERIC', numParagraphs => 10); end;
The following example generates a gist whose number of paragraphs is ten percent of the total paragraphs in document:
begin ctx_doc.gist('newsindex',34,'CTX_GIST',1, 'PARAGRAPH', pov =>'GENERIC', maxPercent => 10); end;
The following example returns a theme summary on the theme of insects for document with textkey 34. The default Gist size is returned.
begin ctx_doc.gist('newsindex',34,'CTX_GIST',1, 'PARAGRAPH', pov => 'insects'); end;
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