Oracle9i Sample Schemas Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96539-01 |
This chapter contains the scripts used to generate the Oracle9i Sample Schemas. Each section corresponds to a separate schema. This chapter contains these sections:
There are two sets of scripts for each schema:
, where xx
is the schema abbreviation. This main script calls all other scripts necessary to build and load the schema.xx
, where xx
is the schema abbreviation.The Oracle9i Sample Schemas script directories are located in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema
Note: This chapter does not include the scripts that populate the schemas, because they are very lengthy. |
The master script sets up the overall Sample Schema environment and creates all five schemas.
Note: In the master script ( |
Rem Rem $Header: mksample.sql 05-dec-2001.16:41:15 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem mksample.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem mksample.sql - creates all 5 Sample Schemas Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script rees and creates all Schemas belonging Rem to the Oracle9i Sample Schemas. Rem If you are unsure about the prerequisites for the Sample Schemas, Rem please use the Database Configuration Assistant DBCA to Rem configure the Sample Schemas. Rem Rem NOTES Rem - This script is edited during installation to match Rem the directory structur on you system Rem - CAUTION: This script will erase the following schemas: Rem - HR Rem - OE Rem - PM Rem - SH Rem - QS, QS_ADM, QS_CB, QS_CBADM, QS_CS, QS_ES, QS_OS, QS_WS Rem - CAUTION: Never use the above mentioned Sample Schemas for Rem anything other than demos and examples Rem - USAGE: To return the Sample Schemas to their initial Rem state, you can call this script and pass the passwords Rem for SYS, SYSTEM and the schemas as parameters. Rem Example: @?/demo/schema/mksample mgr secure h1 o2 p3 q4 s5 Rem (please choose your own passwords for security purposes) Rem - LOG FILES: The SQL*Plus and SQL*Loader log files are written Rem to the equivalent of $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/log Rem If you edit the log file location further down in this Rem script, use absolute pathnames Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 12/05/01 - added parameters Rem ahunold 05/03/01 - dupl lines Rem ahunold 04/23/01 - Verification, parameters for pm_main. Rem ahunold 04/13/01 - aaditional parameter (HR,OE,QS) Rem ahunold 04/04/01 - Installer variables Rem ahunold 04/03/01 - Merged ahunold_mkdir_log Rem ahunold 03/28/01 - Created Rem SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 999 SET ECHO OFF SET CONCAT '.' PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYSTEM as parameter 1: DEFINE password_system = &1 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 2: DEFINE password_sys = &2 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for HR as parameter 3: DEFINE password_hr = &3 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for OE as parameter 4: DEFINE password_oe = &4 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for PM as parameter 5: DEFINE password_pm = &5 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for all QS schemas as parameter 6: DEFINE password_qs = &6 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SH as parameter 7: DEFINE password_sh = &7 PROMPT PROMPT Sample Schema creating will take about 40 minutes to complete... PROMPT CONNECT system/&&password_system @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_main.sql &&password_hr example temp &&password_sys ?/demo/schema/log/ CONNECT system/&&password_system @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_main.sql &&password_oe example temp &&password_hr &&password_sys ?/demo/schema/log/ CONNECT system/&&password_system @?/demo/schema/product_media/pm_main.sql &&password_pm example temp &&password_ oe &&password_sys %s_pmPath% %s_logPath% %s_pmPath% CONNECT system/&&password_system @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_main.sql &&password_qs example temp &&password_system &&password_oe &&password_sys ?/demo/schema/log/ CONNECT system/&&password_system @?/demo/schema/sales_history/sh_main &&password_sh example temp &&password_sys %s_shPath% %s_logPath% CONNECT system/&&password_system SPOOL OFF SPOOL ?/demo/schema/log/mkverify.log SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, subobject_name, status FROM dba_objects WHERE ( owner in ('HR','OE','SH','PM') OR owner like 'QS%' ) AND object_name NOT LIKE 'SYS%' ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; SELECT owner, object_type, status, count(*) FROM dba_objects WHERE ( owner in ('HR','OE','SH','PM') OR owner like 'QS%' ) AND object_name LIKE 'SYS%' GROUP BY owner, object_type, status; SELECT owner, table_name, num_rows FROM dba_tables WHERE ( owner in ('HR','OE','SH','PM') OR owner like 'QS%' ) ORDER BY 1,2,3; SPOOL OFF
This section shows the HR
schema scripts in alphabetical order.
Rem Rem $Header: hr_analz.sql 12-mar-2001.15:08:47 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_analz.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_analz.sql - Gathering statistics for HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Staistics are used by the cost based optimizer to Rem choose the best physical access strategy Rem Rem NOTES Rem Results can be viewed in columns of DBA_TABLES, Rem DBA_TAB_COLUMNS and such Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 03/12/01 - cleanup b3 Rem ahunold 03/07/01 - Merged ahunold_hr_analz Rem ahunold 03/07/01 - Created Rem SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO OFF EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','COUNTRIES'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','DEPARTMENTS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','EMPLOYEES'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','JOBS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','JOB_HISTORY'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','LOCATIONS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('HR','REGIONS');
Rem Rem $Header: hr_code.sql 11-may-2001.09:49:06 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_code.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_code.sql - Create procedural objects for HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Create a statement level trigger on EMPLOYEES Rem to allow DML during business hours. Rem Create a row level trigger on the EMPLOYEES table, Rem after UPDATES on the department_id or job_id columns. Rem Create a stored procedure to insert a row into the Rem JOB_HISTORY table. Have the above row level trigger Rem row level trigger call this stored procedure. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem CREATED by Nancy Greenberg - 06/01/00 Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 05/11/01 - disable Rem ahunold 03/03/01 - HR simplification, REGIONS table Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - Created Rem SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO OFF REM ************************************************************************** REM procedure and statement trigger to allow dmls during business hours: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE secure_dml IS BEGIN IF TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'HH24:MI') NOT BETWEEN '08:00' AND '18:00' OR TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'DY') IN ('SAT', 'SUN') THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20205, 'You may only make changes during normal office hours'); END IF; END secure_dml; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER secure_employees BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON employees BEGIN secure_dml; END secure_employees; / ALTER TRIGGER secure_employees DISABLE; REM ************************************************************************** REM procedure to add a row to the JOB_HISTORY table and row trigger REM to call the procedure when data is updated in the job_id or REM department_id columns in the EMPLOYEES table: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE add_job_history ( p_emp_id job_history.employee_id%type , p_start_date job_history.start_date%type , p_end_date job_history.end_date%type , p_job_id job_history.job_id%type , p_department_id job_history.department_id%type ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO job_history (employee_id, start_date, end_date, job_id, department_id) VALUES(p_emp_id, p_start_date, p_end_date, p_job_id, p_department_id); END add_job_history; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER update_job_history AFTER UPDATE OF job_id, department_id ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN add_job_history(:old.employee_id, :old.hire_date, sysdate, :old.job_id, :old.department_id); END; / COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: hr_comnt.sql 03-mar-2001.10:05:12 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_comnt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_comnt.sql - Create comments for HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem CREATED by Nancy Greenberg, Nagavalli Pataballa - 06/01/00 Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - New header Rem vpatabal 03/02/01 - Added comments for Regions table Rem - Removed references to currency symbol Rem and currency name columns of countries Rem - Removed comments to DN column of Rem employees and departments. Rem - Removed references to sequences SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO OFF COMMENT ON TABLE regions IS 'Regions table that contains region numbers and names. Contains 4 rows; references with the Countries table.' COMMENT ON COLUMN regions.region_id IS 'Primary key of regions table.' COMMENT ON COLUMN regions.region_name IS 'Names of regions. Locations are in the countries of these regions.' COMMENT ON TABLE locations IS 'Locations table that contains specific address of a specific office, warehouse, and/or production site of a company. Does not store addresses / locations of customers. Contains 23 rows; references with the departments and countries tables. '; COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.location_id IS 'Primary key of locations table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.street_address IS 'Street address of an office, warehouse, or production site of a company. Contains building number and street name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.postal_code IS 'Postal code of the location of an office, warehouse, or production site of a company. '; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'A not null column that shows city where an office, warehouse, or production site of a company is located. '; COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.state_province IS 'State or Province where an office, warehouse, or production site of a company is located.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.country_id IS 'Country where an office, warehouse, or production site of a company is located. Foreign key to country_id column of the countries table.'; REM ********************************************* COMMENT ON TABLE departments IS 'Departments table that shows details of departments where employees work. Contains 27 rows; references with locations, employees, and job_history tables.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.department_id IS 'Primary key column of departments table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.department_name IS 'A not null column that shows name of a department. Administration, Marketing, Purchasing, Human Resources, Shipping, IT, Executive, Public Relations, Sales, Finance, and Accounting. '; COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.manager_id IS 'Manager_id of a department. Foreign key to employee_id column of employees table. The manager_id column of the employee table references this column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.location_id IS 'Location id where a department is located. Foreign key to location_id column of locations table.'; REM ********************************************* COMMENT ON TABLE job_history IS 'Table that stores job history of the employees. If an employee changes departments within the job or changes jobs within the department, new rows get inserted into this table with old job information of the employee. Contains a complex primary key: employee_id+start_date. Contains 25 rows. References with jobs, employees, and departments tables.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.employee_id IS 'A not null column in the complex primary key employee_id+start_date. Foreign key to employee_id column of the employee table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.start_date IS 'A not null column in the complex primary key employee_id+start_date. Must be less than the end_date of the job_history table. (enforced by constraint jhist_date_interval)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.end_date IS 'Last day of the employee in this job role. A not null column. Must be greater than the start_date of the job_history table. (enforced by constraint jhist_date_interval)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.job_id IS 'Job role in which the employee worked in the past; foreign key to job_id column in the jobs table. A not null column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.department_id IS 'Department id in which the employee worked in the past; foreign key to deparment_id column in the departments table'; REM ********************************************* COMMENT ON TABLE countries IS 'country table. Contains 25 rows. References with locations table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_id IS 'Primary key of countries table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_name IS 'Country name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.region_id IS 'Region ID for the country. Foreign key to region_id column in the departments table.'; REM ********************************************* COMMENT ON TABLE jobs IS 'jobs table with job titles and salary ranges. Contains 19 rows. References with employees and job_history table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.job_id IS 'Primary key of jobs table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.job_title IS 'A not null column that shows job title, e.g. AD_VP, FI_ACCOUNTANT'; COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.min_salary IS 'Minimum salary for a job title.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.max_salary IS 'Maximum salary for a job title'; REM ********************************************* COMMENT ON TABLE employees IS 'employees table. Contains 107 rows. References with departments, jobs, job_history tables. Contains a self reference.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.employee_id IS 'Primary key of employees table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.first_name IS 'First name of the employee. A not null column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.last_name IS 'Last name of the employee. A not null column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Email id of the employee'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.phone_number IS 'Phone number of the employee; includes country code and area code'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.hire_date IS 'Date when the employee started on this job. A not null column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.job_id IS 'Current job of the employee; foreign key to job_id column of the jobs table. A not null column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.salary IS 'Monthly salary of the employee. Must be greater than zero (enforced by constraint emp_salary_min)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.commission_pct IS 'Commission percentage of the employee; Only employees in sales department elgible for commission percentage'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.manager_id IS 'Manager id of the employee; has same domain as manager_id in departments table. Foreign key to employee_id column of employees table. (useful for reflexive joins and CONNECT BY query)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.department_id IS 'Department id where employee works; foreign key to department_id column of the departments table'; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: hr_cre.sql 03-mar-2001.10:05:13 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_cre.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_cre.sql - Create data objects for HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script creates six tables, associated constraints Rem and indexes in the human resources (HR) schema. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem CREATED by Nancy Greenberg, Nagavalli Pataballa - 06/01/00 Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 09/14/00 - Added emp_details_view Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - New header Rem vpatabal 03/02/01 - Added regions table, modified regions Rem column in countries table to NUMBER. Rem Added foreign key from countries table Rem to regions table on region_id. Rem Removed currency name, currency symbol Rem columns from the countries table. Rem Removed dn columns from employees and Rem departments tables. Rem Added sequences. Rem Removed not null constraint from Rem salary column of the employees table. SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO OFF REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the REGIONS table to hold region information for locations REM HR.LOCATIONS table has a foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating REGIONS table .... CREATE TABLE regions ( region_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT region_id_nn NOT NULL , region_name VARCHAR2(25) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX reg_id_pk ON regions (region_id); ALTER TABLE regions ADD ( CONSTRAINT reg_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (region_id) ) ; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the COUNTRIES table to hold country information for customers REM and company locations. REM OE.CUSTOMERS table and HR.LOCATIONS have a foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating COUNTRIES table .... CREATE TABLE countries ( country_id CHAR(2) CONSTRAINT country_id_nn NOT NULL , country_name VARCHAR2(40) , region_id NUMBER , CONSTRAINT country_c_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (country_id) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX; ALTER TABLE countries ADD ( CONSTRAINT countr_reg_fk FOREIGN KEY (region_id) REFERENCES regions(region_id) ) ; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the LOCATIONS table to hold address information for company departments. REM HR.DEPARTMENTS has a foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating LOCATIONS table .... CREATE TABLE locations ( location_id NUMBER(4) , street_address VARCHAR2(40) , postal_code VARCHAR2(12) , city VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT loc_city_nn NOT NULL , state_province VARCHAR2(25) , country_id CHAR(2) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX loc_id_pk ON locations (location_id) ; ALTER TABLE locations ADD ( CONSTRAINT loc_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (location_id) , CONSTRAINT loc_c_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES countries(country_id) ) ; Rem Useful for any subsequent addition of rows to locations table Rem Starts with 3300 CREATE SEQUENCE locations_seq START WITH 3300 INCREMENT BY 100 MAXVALUE 9900 NOCACHE NOCYCLE; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the DEPARTMENTS table to hold company department information. REM HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOB_HISTORY have a foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating DEPARTMENTS table .... CREATE TABLE departments ( department_id NUMBER(4) , department_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT dept_name_nn NOT NULL , manager_id NUMBER(6) , location_id NUMBER(4) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dept_id_pk ON departments (department_id) ; ALTER TABLE departments ADD ( CONSTRAINT dept_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (department_id) , CONSTRAINT dept_loc_fk FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES locations (location_id) ) ; Rem Useful for any subsequent addition of rows to departments table Rem Starts with 280 CREATE SEQUENCE departments_seq START WITH 280 INCREMENT BY 10 MAXVALUE 9990 NOCACHE NOCYCLE; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the JOBS table to hold the different names of job roles within the company. REM HR.EMPLOYEES has a foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating JOBS table .... CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id VARCHAR2(10) , job_title VARCHAR2(35) CONSTRAINT job_title_nn NOT NULL , min_salary NUMBER(6) , max_salary NUMBER(6) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX job_id_pk ON jobs (job_id) ; ALTER TABLE jobs ADD ( CONSTRAINT job_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(job_id) ) ; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the EMPLOYEES table to hold the employee personnel REM information for the company. REM HR.EMPLOYEES has a self referencing foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating EMPLOYEES table .... CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_id NUMBER(6) , first_name VARCHAR2(20) , last_name VARCHAR2(25) CONSTRAINT emp_last_name_nn NOT NULL , email VARCHAR2(25) CONSTRAINT emp_email_nn NOT NULL , phone_number VARCHAR2(20) , hire_date DATE CONSTRAINT emp_hire_date_nn NOT NULL , job_id VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT emp_job_nn NOT NULL , salary NUMBER(8,2) , commission_pct NUMBER(2,2) , manager_id NUMBER(6) , department_id NUMBER(4) , CONSTRAINT emp_salary_min CHECK (salary > 0) , CONSTRAINT emp_email_uk UNIQUE (email) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX emp_emp_id_pk ON employees (employee_id) ; ALTER TABLE employees ADD ( CONSTRAINT emp_emp_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (employee_id) , CONSTRAINT emp_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments , CONSTRAINT emp_job_fk FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES jobs (job_id) , CONSTRAINT emp_manager_fk FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees ) ; ALTER TABLE departments ADD ( CONSTRAINT dept_mgr_fk FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees (employee_id) ) ; Rem Useful for any subsequent addition of rows to employees table Rem Starts with 207 CREATE SEQUENCE employees_seq START WITH 207 INCREMENT BY 1 NOCACHE NOCYCLE; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the JOB_HISTORY table to hold the history of jobs that REM employees have held in the past. REM HR.JOBS, HR_DEPARTMENTS, and HR.EMPLOYEES have a foreign key to this table. Prompt ****** Creating JOB_HISTORY table .... CREATE TABLE job_history ( employee_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT jhist_employee_nn NOT NULL , start_date DATE CONSTRAINT jhist_start_date_nn NOT NULL , end_date DATE CONSTRAINT jhist_end_date_nn NOT NULL , job_id VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT jhist_job_nn NOT NULL , department_id NUMBER(4) , CONSTRAINT jhist_date_interval CHECK (end_date > start_date) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX jhist_emp_id_st_date_pk ON job_history (employee_id, start_date) ; ALTER TABLE job_history ADD ( CONSTRAINT jhist_emp_id_st_date_pk PRIMARY KEY (employee_id, start_date) , CONSTRAINT jhist_job_fk FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES jobs , CONSTRAINT jhist_emp_fk FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employees , CONSTRAINT jhist_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments ) ; REM ******************************************************************** REM Create the EMP_DETAILS_VIEW that joins the employees, jobs, REM departments, jobs, countries, and locations table to provide details REM about employees. Prompt ****** Creating EMP_DETAILS_VIEW view ... CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_details_view (employee_id, job_id, manager_id, department_id, location_id, country_id, first_name, last_name, salary, commission_pct, department_name, job_title, city, state_province, country_name, region_name) AS SELECT e.employee_id, e.job_id, e.manager_id, e.department_id, d.location_id, l.country_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.salary, e.commission_pct, d.department_name, j.job_title,, l.state_province, c.country_name, r.region_name FROM employees e, departments d, jobs j, locations l, countries c, regions r WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id AND d.location_id = l.location_id AND l.country_id = c.country_id AND c.region_id = r.region_id AND j.job_id = e.job_id WITH READ ONLY; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: hr_dn_c.sql 03-mar-2001.10:05:13 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_dn_c.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_dn_c.sql - Add DN column to HR.EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem the DN (distinguished Name) column is used by OID. Rem This script adds the column to the HR schema. It is not Rem part of the default set of Sample Schemas, but shipped Rem as an extension script for demo purposes. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - Created Rem vpatabal 03/02/01 - Modified dn for employee 178 Rem ahunold 03/03/01 - employee 104, triggers SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO ON DROP TRIGGER secure_employees; DROP TRIGGER update_job_history; ALTER TABLE departments ADD dn VARCHAR2(300); COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.dn IS 'Distinguished name for each deparment. e.g: "ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=US"'; ALTER TABLE employees ADD dn VARCHAR2(300); COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.dn IS 'Distinguished name of the employee. e.g. "cn=Lisa Ozer, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"'; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Administration, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=10; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Mktg, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=20; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=30; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=HR, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=40; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=50; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=IT, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=60; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=PR, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=70; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=80; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Executive, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=90; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Finance, ou=Fin-Accounting, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=100; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Accounting, ou=Fin-Accounting, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=110; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Treasury, ou=Fin-Accounting, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=120; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Corporate Tax, ou=Fin-Accounting, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=130; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Control and Credit, ou=Fin-Accounting, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=140; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Shareholder Services, ou=Fin-Accounting, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=150; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Benefits, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=160; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Manufacturing, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=170; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Construction, ou=Manufacturing, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=180; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Contracting, ou = Manufacturing, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=190; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Operations, ou=Manufacturing, ou=Americas, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=200; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Field Support, ou=IT, ou=Americas, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=210; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Network Operations Center, ou=IT, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=220; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Help Desk, ou=IT, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=230; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Government, ou=Sales, ou=Americas, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=240; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Retail, ou=Sales, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=250; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Recruiting, ou=HR, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=260; UPDATE departments SET dn='"ou=Payroll, ou=HR, ou=Europe, o=IMC, c=US"' WHERE department_id=270; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Steven King, ou=Executive, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=100; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Neena Kochhar, ou=Executive, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=101; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Lex De Haan, ou=Executive, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=102; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Alexander Hunold, ou=IT, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=103; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Bruce Ernst, ou=IT, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=104; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=David Austin, ou=IT, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=105; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Valli Pataballa, ou=IT, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=106; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Diana Lorentz, ou=IT, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=107; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Nancy Greenberg, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=108; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Daniel Faviet, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=109; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=John Chen, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=110; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Ismael Sciarra, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=111; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jose Manuel Urman, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=112; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Luis Popp, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=113; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Den Raphaely, ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=114; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Alexander Khoo, ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=115; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Shelli Baida, ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=116; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Sigal Tobias, ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=117; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Guy Himuro, ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=118; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Karen Colmenares, ou=Purchasing, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=119; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Matthew Weiss, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=120; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Adam Fripp, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=121; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Payam Kaufling, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=122; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Shanta Vollman, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=123; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Kevin Mourgos, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=124; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Julia Nayer, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=125; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Irene Mikkilineni, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=126; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=James Landry, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=127; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Steven Markle, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=128; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Laura Bissot, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=129; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Mozhe Atkinson, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=130; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=James Marlow, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=131; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=TJ Olson, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=132; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jason Mallin, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=133; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Michael Rogers, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=134; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Ki Gee, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=135; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Hazel Philtanker, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=136; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Renske Ladwig, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=137; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Stephen Stiles, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=138; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=John Seo, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=139; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Joshua Patel, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=140; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Trenna Rajs, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=141; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Curtis Davies, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=142; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Randall Matos, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=143; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Peter Vargas, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=144; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=John Russell, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=145; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Karen Partners, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=146; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Alberto Errazuriz, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=147; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Gerald Cambrault, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=148; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Eleni Zlotkey, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=149; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Peter Tucker, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=150; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=David Bernstein, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=151; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Peter Hall, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=152; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Christopher Olsen, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=153; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Nanette Cambrault, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=154; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Oliver Tuvault, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=155; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Janette King, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=156; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Patrick Sully, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=157; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Allan McEwen, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=158; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Lindsey Smith, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=159; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Louise Doran, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=160; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Sarath Sewall, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=161; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Clara Vishney, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=162; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Danielle Greene, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=163; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Mattea Marvins, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=164; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=David Lee, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=165; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Sundar Ande, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=166; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Amit Banda, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=167; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Lisa Ozer, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=168; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Harrison Bloom, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=169; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Taylor Fox, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=170; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=William Smith, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=171; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Elizabeth Bates, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=172; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Sundita Kumar, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=173; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Ellen Abel, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=174; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Alyssa Hutton, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=175; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jonathod Taylor, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=176; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jack Livingston, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=177; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Kimberely Grant, ou= , o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=178; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Charles Johnson, ou=Sales, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=179; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Winston Taylor, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=180; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jean Fleaur, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=181; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Martha Sullivan, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=182; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Girard Geoni, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=183; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Nandita Sarchand, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=184; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Alexis Bull, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=185; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Julia Dellinger, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=186; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Anthony Cabrio, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=187; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Kelly Chung, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=188; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jennifer Dilly, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=189; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Timothy Gates, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=190; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Randall Perkins, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=191; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Sarah Bell, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=192; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Britney Everett, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=193; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Samuel McCain, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=194; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Vance Jones, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=195; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Alana Walsh, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=196; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Kevin Feeney, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=197; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Donald OConnell, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=198; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Douglas Grant, ou=Shipping, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=199; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Jennifer Whalen, ou=Administration, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=200; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Michael Hartstein, ou=Mktg, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=201; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Brajesh Goyal, ou=Mktg, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=202; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Susan Marvis, ou=HR, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=203; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Hermann Baer, ou=PR, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=204; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=Shelley Higgens, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=205; UPDATE employees SET dn='"cn=William Gietz, ou=Accounting, o=IMC, c=us"' WHERE employee_id=206; REM ************************************************************************** REM procedure and statement trigger to allow dmls during business hours: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE secure_dml IS BEGIN IF TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'HH24:MI') NOT BETWEEN '08:00' AND '18:00' OR TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'DY') IN ('SAT', 'SUN') THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20205, 'You may only make changes during normal office hours'); END IF; END secure_dml; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER secure_employees BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON employees BEGIN secure_dml; END secure_employees; / Rem Recreating the triggers dropped above REM ************************************************************************** REM procedure to add a row to the JOB_HISTORY table and row trigger REM to call the procedure when data is updated in the job_id or REM department_id columns in the EMPLOYEES table: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE add_job_history ( p_emp_id job_history.employee_id%type , p_start_date job_history.start_date%type , p_end_date job_history.end_date%type , p_job_id job_history.job_id%type , p_department_id job_history.department_id%type ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO job_history (employee_id, start_date, end_date, job_id, department_id) VALUES(p_emp_id, p_start_date, p_end_date, p_job_id, p_department_id); END add_job_history; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER update_job_history AFTER UPDATE OF job_id, department_id ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN add_job_history(:old.employee_id, :old.hire_date, sysdate, :old.job_id, :old.department_id); END; / COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: hr_dn_d.sql 03-mar-2001.10:05:14 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_dn_d.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_dn_d.sql - Drop DN column from EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem the DN (distinguished Name) column is used by OID. Rem This script drops the column from the HR schema. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Use this to undo changes made by hr_dn_c.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 03/03/01 - HR simplification, REGIONS table Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - Merged ahunold_american Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - Created Rem SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO ON ALTER TABLE departments DROP COLUMN dn ; ALTER TABLE employees DROP COLUMN dn ;
Rem Rem $Header: hr_drop.sql 03-mar-2001.10:05:14 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_drop.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_drop.sql - Drop objects from HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem CREATED by Nancy Greenberg - 06/01/00 Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - New header, non-table objects Rem vpatabal 03/02/01 - DROP TABLE region SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO OFF CONNECT hr/&password_HR DROP PROCEDURE add_job_history; DROP PROCEDURE secure_dml; DROP VIEW emp_details_view; DROP SEQUENCE departments_seq; DROP SEQUENCE employees_seq; DROP SEQUENCE locations_seq; DROP TABLE regions CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE departments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE locations CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE jobs CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE job_history CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE employees CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE countries CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: hr_idx.sql 03-mar-2001.10:05:15 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem hr_idx.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem hr_idx.sql - Create indexes for HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem CREATED by Nancy Greenberg - 06/01/00 Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - New header Rem vpatabal 03/02/01 - Removed DROP INDEX statements SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO OFF CREATE INDEX emp_department_ix ON employees (department_id); CREATE INDEX emp_job_ix ON employees (job_id); CREATE INDEX emp_manager_ix ON employees (manager_id); CREATE INDEX emp_name_ix ON employees (last_name, first_name); CREATE INDEX dept_location_ix ON departments (location_id); CREATE INDEX jhist_job_ix ON job_history (job_id); CREATE INDEX jhist_employee_ix ON job_history (employee_id); CREATE INDEX jhist_department_ix ON job_history (department_id); CREATE INDEX loc_city_ix ON locations (city); CREATE INDEX loc_state_province_ix ON locations (state_province); CREATE INDEX loc_country_ix ON locations (country_id); COMMIT;
rem rem Header: hr_main.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem hr_main.sql - Main script for HR schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem HR (Human Resources) is the smallest and most simple one rem of the Sample Schemas rem rem NOTES rem Run as SYS or SYSTEM rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 08/28/01 - roles rem ahunold 07/13/01 - NLS Territory rem ahunold 04/13/01 - parameter 5, notes, spool rem ahunold 03/29/01 - spool rem ahunold 03/12/01 - prompts rem ahunold 03/07/01 - hr_analz.sql rem ahunold 03/03/01 - HR simplification, REGIONS table rem ngreenbe 06/01/00 - created SET ECHO OFF PROMPT PROMPT specify password for HR as parameter 1: DEFINE pass = &1 PROMPT PROMPT specify default tablespeace for HR as parameter 2: DEFINE tbs = &2 PROMPT PROMPT specify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3: DEFINE ttbs = &3 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 4: DEFINE pass_sys = &4 PROMPT PROMPT specify log path as parameter 5: DEFINE log_path = &5 PROMPT -- The first dot in the spool command below is -- the SQL*Plus concatenation character DEFINE spool_file = &log_path.hr_main.log SPOOL &spool_file REM ======================================================= REM cleanup section REM ======================================================= DROP USER hr CASCADE; REM ======================================================= REM create user REM three separate commands, so the create user command REM will succeed regardless of the existence of the REM DEMO and TEMP tablespaces REM ======================================================= CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER hr DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER hr TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT TO hr; GRANT RESOURCE TO hr; REM ======================================================= REM grants from sys schema REM ======================================================= CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; GRANT execute ON sys.dbms_stats TO hr; REM ======================================================= REM create hr schema objects REM ======================================================= CONNECT hr/&pass ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TERRITORY=America; -- -- create tables, sequences and constraint -- @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_cre -- -- populate tables -- @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_popul -- -- create indexes -- @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_idx -- -- create procedural objects -- @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_code -- -- add comments to tables and columns -- @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_comnt -- -- gather schema statistics -- @?/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_analz spool off
This section shows the OE
schema scripts in alphabetical order.
Note: The scripts starting with " |
Rem Rem $Header: oc_comnt.sql 05-mar-2001.15:51:26 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem oc_comnt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem oc_comnt.sql - Comments for OC subschema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The OC subschema (Online Catalog) exhibits objects and rem object inheritance. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Comments are added for tables, wherever possible. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 03/05/01 - substituteable object table (WIP) Rem ahunold 01/29/01 - OC changes, including OC_COMNT.SQL Rem ahunold 01/29/01 - Created Rem
rem rem Header: oc_cre.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oc_cre.sql - create OC subschema of OE Common Schmema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Creates database objects. The script assumes that the OE schema rem is present. rem rem NOTES rem The OIDs assigned for the object types are used to rem simplify the setup of Replication demos and are not needed rem in most unreplicated environments. rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 04/25/01 - OID rem ahunold 04/10/01 - object methods rem ahunold 04/12/01 - change case, nested tables named rem gxlee 03/05/01 - substituteable object table rem ahunold 01/29/01 - typo rem ahunold 01/24/01 - Eliminate extra lines from last merge rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE -- ====================================================================== -- Type definitions -- ====================================================================== CREATE TYPE warehouse_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD3656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( warehouse_id NUMBER(3) , warehouse_name VARCHAR2(35) , location_id NUMBER(4) ) ; / CREATE TYPE inventory_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD4656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( product_id NUMBER(6) , warehouse warehouse_typ , quantity_on_hand NUMBER(8) ) ; / CREATE TYPE inventory_list_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD5656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS TABLE OF inventory_typ; / CREATE TYPE product_information_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD6656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( product_id NUMBER(6) , product_name VARCHAR2(50) , product_description VARCHAR2(2000) , category_id NUMBER(2) , weight_class NUMBER(1) , warranty_period INTERVAL YEAR(2) TO MONTH , supplier_id NUMBER(6) , product_status VARCHAR2(20) , list_price NUMBER(8,2) , min_price NUMBER(8,2) , catalog_url VARCHAR2(50) , inventory_list inventory_list_typ ) ; / CREATE TYPE order_item_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD7656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( order_id NUMBER(12) , line_item_id NUMBER(3) , unit_price NUMBER(8,2) , quantity NUMBER(8) , product_ref REF product_information_typ ) ; / CREATE TYPE order_item_list_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD8656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS TABLE OF order_item_typ; / CREATE TYPE customer_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CD9656DE034080020E0EE3D'; / CREATE TYPE order_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CDA656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( order_id NUMBER(12) , order_mode VARCHAR2(8) , customer_ref REF customer_typ , order_status NUMBER(2) , order_total NUMBER(8,2) , sales_rep_id NUMBER(6) , order_item_list order_item_list_typ ) ; / CREATE TYPE order_list_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CDB656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS TABLE OF order_typ; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE customer_typ AS OBJECT ( customer_id NUMBER(6) , cust_first_name VARCHAR2(20) , cust_last_name VARCHAR2(20) , cust_address cust_address_typ , phone_numbers phone_list_typ , nls_language VARCHAR2(3) , nls_territory VARCHAR2(30) , credit_limit NUMBER(9,2) , cust_email VARCHAR2(30) , cust_orders order_list_typ ) NOT FINAL; / CREATE TYPE category_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CDC656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( category_name VARCHAR2(50) , category_description VARCHAR2(1000) , category_id NUMBER(2) , NOT instantiable MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 ) NOT INSTANTIABLE NOT FINAL; / CREATE TYPE subcategory_ref_list_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CDD656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS TABLE OF REF category_typ; / CREATE TYPE product_ref_list_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CDE656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS TABLE OF number(6); / CREATE TYPE corporate_customer_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CDF656DE034080020E0EE3D' UNDER customer_typ ( account_mgr_id NUMBER(6) ); / CREATE TYPE leaf_category_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CE0656DE034080020E0EE3D' UNDER category_typ ( product_ref_list product_ref_list_typ , OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 ); / CREATE TYPE BODY leaf_category_typ AS OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN 'leaf_category_typ'; END; END; / CREATE TYPE composite_category_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CE1656DE034080020E0EE3D' UNDER category_typ ( subcategory_ref_list subcategory_ref_list_typ , OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 ) NOT FINAL; / CREATE TYPE BODY composite_category_typ AS OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN 'composite_category_typ'; END; END; / CREATE TYPE catalog_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CE2656DE034080020E0EE3D' UNDER composite_category_typ ( MEMBER FUNCTION getCatalogName RETURN VARCHAR2 , OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN VARCHAR2 ); / CREATE TYPE BODY catalog_typ AS OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTION category_describe RETURN varchar2 IS BEGIN RETURN 'catalog_typ'; END; MEMBER FUNCTION getCatalogName RETURN varchar2 IS BEGIN -- Return the category name from the supertype RETURN self.category_name; END; END; / -- ====================================================================== -- Table definitions -- ====================================================================== CREATE TABLE categories_tab OF category_typ ( category_id PRIMARY KEY) NESTED TABLE TREAT (SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ AS leaf_category_typ).product_ref_list STORE AS product_ref_list_nestedtab NESTED TABLE TREAT (SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ AS composite_category_typ).subcategory_ref_list STORE AS subcategory_ref_list_nestedtab; -- ======================================================== -- View definitions -- ======================================================== -- -- oc_inventories CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oc_inventories OF inventory_typ WITH OBJECT OID (product_id) AS SELECT i.product_id, warehouse_typ(w.warehouse_id, w.warehouse_name, w.location_id), i.quantity_on_hand FROM inventories i, warehouses w WHERE i.warehouse_id=w.warehouse_id; -- oc_product_information CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oc_product_information OF product_information_typ WITH OBJECT OID (product_id) AS SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, p.product_description, p.category_id, p.weight_class, p.warranty_period, p.supplier_id, p.product_status, p.list_price, p.min_price, p.catalog_url, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT i.product_id,i.warehouse,i.quantity_on_hand FROM oc_inventories i WHERE p.product_id=i.product_id) AS inventory_list_typ) FROM product_information p; -- oc_customers: Multi-level collections -- -- The view is created twice so that it can make a reference to itself. The -- first CREATE creates the view with a NULL in place of the circular -- reference. The second CREATE creates the view WITH the circular reference, -- which works this time because now the view already exists. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oc_customers of customer_typ WITH OBJECT OID (customer_id) AS SELECT c.customer_id, c.cust_first_name, c.cust_last_name, c.cust_address, c.phone_numbers,c.nls_language,c.nls_territory,c.credit_limit, c.cust_email, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.order_id, o.order_mode, NULL, o.order_status, o.order_total,o.sales_rep_id, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT l.order_id,l.line_item_id, l.unit_price,l.quantity, make_ref(oc_product_information, l.product_id) FROM order_items l WHERE o.order_id = l.order_id) AS order_item_list_typ) FROM orders o WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id) AS order_list_typ) FROM customers c; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oc_customers OF customer_typ WITH OBJECT OID (customer_id) AS SELECT c.customer_id, c.cust_first_name, c.cust_last_name, c.cust_address, c.phone_numbers,c.nls_language,c.nls_territory,c.credit_limit, c.cust_email, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.order_id, o.order_mode, MAKE_REF(oc_customers,o.customer_id), o.order_status, o.order_total,o.sales_rep_id, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT l.order_id,l.line_item_id, l.unit_price,l.quantity, MAKE_REF(oc_product_information, l.product_id) FROM order_items l WHERE o.order_id = l.order_id) AS order_item_list_typ) FROM orders o WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id) AS order_list_typ) FROM customers c; -- oc_corporate_customers CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oc_corporate_customers OF corporate_customer_typ UNDER oc_customers AS SELECT c.customer_id, c.cust_first_name, c.cust_last_name, c.cust_address, c.phone_numbers,c.nls_language,c.nls_territory, c.credit_limit, c.cust_email, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.order_id, o.order_mode, MAKE_REF(oc_customers,o.customer_id), o.order_status, o.order_total,o.sales_rep_id, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT l.order_id,l.line_item_id, l.unit_price,l.quantity, make_ref(oc_product_information, l.product_id) FROM order_items l WHERE o.order_id = l.order_id) AS order_item_list_typ) FROM orders o WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id) AS order_list_typ), c.account_mgr_id FROM customers c; -- oc_orders CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW oc_orders OF order_typ WITH OBJECT OID (order_id) AS SELECT o.order_id, o.order_mode,MAKE_REF(oc_customers,o.customer_id), o.order_status,o.order_total,o.sales_rep_id, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT l.order_id,l.line_item_id,l.unit_price,l.quantity, make_ref(oc_product_information,l.product_id) FROM order_items l WHERE o.order_id = l.order_id) AS order_item_list_typ) FROM orders o; -- ====================================================================== -- Instead-of triggers -- ====================================================================== -- -- Create instead-of triggers -- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER orders_trg INSTEAD OF INSERT ON oc_orders FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO ORDERS (order_id, order_mode, order_total, sales_rep_id, order_status) VALUES (:NEW.order_id, :NEW.order_mode, :NEW.order_total, :NEW.sales_rep_id, :NEW.order_status); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER orders_items_trg INSTEAD OF INSERT ON NESTED TABLE order_item_list OF oc_orders FOR EACH ROW DECLARE prod product_information_typ; BEGIN SELECT DEREF(:NEW.product_ref) INTO prod FROM DUAL; INSERT INTO order_items VALUES (prod.product_id, :NEW.order_id, :NEW.line_item_id, :NEW.unit_price, :NEW.quantity); END; / COMMIT;
rem rem $Header: oc_drop.sql 01-feb-2002.13:19:06 ahunold Exp $ rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oc_drop.sql - drop OC subschema of OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Drop all database objects rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 02/01/02 - bug2205388 rem gxlee 03/05/01 - substituteable object table rem ahunold 01/29/01 - typo rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE drop table categories_tab cascade constraints ; drop view oc_customers; drop view oc_corporate_customers; drop view oc_orders; drop view oc_inventories; drop view oc_product_information; drop type order_list_typ force; drop type product_ref_list_typ force; drop type subcategory_ref_list_typ force; drop type leaf_category_typ force; drop type composite_category_typ force; drop type catalog_typ force; drop type category_typ force; drop type customer_typ force; drop type corporate_customer_typ force; drop type warehouse_typ force; drop type order_item_typ force; drop type order_item_list_typ force; drop type order_typ force; drop type inventory_typ force; drop type inventory_list_typ force; drop type product_information_typ force; commit;
rem Rem $Header: oc_main.sql 29-aug-2001.10:44:11 ahunold Exp $ rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oc_main.sql - create OC (Online Catalog) subschema in rem OE (Order Entry) Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Calls all other OC creation scripts rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 01/29/01 - oc_comnt.sql added rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; prompt ...creating subschema OC in OE REM ======================================================= REM create oc subschema (online catalog) REM ======================================================= @@oc_cre @@oc_popul @@oc_comnt
rem Rem $Header: oe_analz.sql 06-feb-96.13:23:14 ahunold Exp $ rem rem Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oe_analz.sql - Gather statistics for OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 01/29/01 - typos rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'CUSTOMERS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'ORDERS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'ORDER_ITEMS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'PRODUCT_INFORMATION'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'WAREHOUSES'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('OE', 'INVENTORIES');
rem rem Header: oe_comnt.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oe_comnt.sql - create comments for OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 01/30/01 - OE script headers rem ahunold 01/24/01 - Eliminate extra lines from last merge rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE COMMENT ON TABLE oe.customers IS 'Contains customers data either entered by an employee or by the customer him/herself over the Web.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.cust_address IS 'Object column of type address_typ.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.phone_numbers IS 'Varray column of type phone_list_typ'; . COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.cust_geo_location IS 'SDO (spatial) column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.cust_first_name IS 'NOT NULL constraint.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.cust_last_name IS 'NOT NULL constraint.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.credit_limit IS 'Check constraint.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.customer_id IS 'Primary key column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.customers.account_mgr_id IS 'References hr.employees.employee_id.'; REM =========================================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE oe.warehouses IS 'Warehouse data unspecific to any industry.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.warehouses.wh_geo_location IS 'SDO (spatial) column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.warehouses.warehouse_id IS 'Primary key column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.warehouses.location_id IS 'Primary key column, references hr.locations.location_id.'; REM =========================================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE oe.order_items IS 'Example of many-to-many resolution.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.order_items.order_id IS 'Part of concatenated primary key, references orders.order_id.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.order_items.product_id IS 'References product_information.product_id.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.order_items.line_item_id IS 'Part of concatenated primary key.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.order_status IS '0: Not fully entered, 1: Entered, 2: Canceled - bad credit, - 3: Canceled - by customer, 4: Shipped - whole order, - 5: Shipped - replacement items, 6: Shipped - backlog on items, - 7: Shipped - special delivery, 8: Shipped - billed, 9: Shipped - payment plan,- 10: Shipped - paid'; REM =========================================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE oe.orders IS 'Contains orders entered by a salesperson as well as over the Web.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.order_date IS 'TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE column, NOT NULL constraint.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.order_id IS 'PRIMARY KEY column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.sales_rep_id IS 'References hr.employees.employee_id.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.promotion_id IS 'Sales promotion ID. Used in SH schema'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.order_mode IS 'CHECK constraint.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.orders.order_total IS 'CHECK constraint.'; REM =========================================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE oe.inventories IS 'Tracks availability of products by product_it and warehouse_id.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.inventories.product_id IS 'Part of concatenated primary key, references product_information.product_id.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.inventories.warehouse_id IS 'Part of concatenated primary key, references warehouses.warehouse_id.'; REM =========================================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE oe.product_information IS 'Non-industry-specific data in various categories.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.product_id IS 'Primary key column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.product_description IS 'Primary language description corresponding to translated_description in oe.product_descriptions, added to provide non-NLS text columns for OC views to accss.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.category_id IS 'Low cardinality column, can be used for bitmap index. Schema SH uses it as foreign key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.weight_class IS 'Low cardinality column, can be used for bitmap index.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.warranty_period IS 'INTERVAL YEAER TO MONTH column, low cardinality, can be used for bitmap index.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.supplier_id IS 'Offers possibility of extensions outside Common Schema.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN oe.product_information.product_status IS 'Check constraint. Appropriate for complex rules, such as "All products in status PRODUCTION must have at least one inventory entry." Also appropriate for a trigger auditing status change.'; REM =========================================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE product_descriptions IS 'Non-industry-specific design, allows selection of NLS-setting-specific data derived at runtime, for example using the products view.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN product_descriptions.product_id IS 'Primary key column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN product_descriptions.language_id IS 'Primary key column.'; REM Description of OE views =================================================== COMMENT ON TABLE products IS 'This view joins product_information and product_descriptions, using NLS settings to pick the appropriate language-specific product description.'; COMMENT ON TABLE bombay_inventory IS 'This view shows inventories at the Bombay warehouse.'; COMMENT ON TABLE sydney_inventory IS 'This view shows inventories at the Sydney warehouse.'; COMMENT ON TABLE toronto_inventory IS 'This view shows inventories at the Toronto warehouse.';
rem Header: oe_cre.sql 09-jan-01
rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
rem Owner : ahunold
rem NAME
rem oe_cre.sql - create OE Common Schema
rem Creates database objects. The script assumes that the HR schema
rem is present.
rem The OIDs assigned for the object types are used to
rem simplify the setup of Replication demos and are not needed
rem in most unreplicated environments.
rem ahunold 09/17/01 - FK in PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS
rem ahunold 04/25/01 - OID
rem ahunold 03/02/01 - eliminating DROP SEQUENCE
rem ahunold 01/30/01 - OE script headers
rem ahunold 01/24/01 - Eliminate extra lines from last merge
rem ahunold 01/05/01 - promo_id
rem ahunold 01/05/01 - NN constraints in product_descriptions
rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE
-- ======================================================================
-- Type definitions
-- ======================================================================
CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ
OID '82A4AF6A4CD1656DE034080020E0EE3D'
( street_address VARCHAR2(40)
, postal_code VARCHAR2(10)
, city VARCHAR2(30)
, state_province VARCHAR2(10)
, country_id CHAR(2)
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create phone_list_typ varray to be varray column in customers table.
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TYPE phone_list_typ
OID '82A4AF6A4CD2656DE034080020E0EE3D'
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create customers table.
REM The cust_geo_location column will become MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (spatial)
REM datatype when appropriate scripts and data are available.
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TABLE customers
( customer_id NUMBER(6)
, cust_first_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT cust_fname_nn NOT NULL
, cust_last_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT cust_lname_nn NOT NULL
, cust_address cust_address_typ
, phone_numbers phone_list_typ
, nls_language VARCHAR2(3)
, nls_territory VARCHAR2(30)
, credit_limit NUMBER(9,2)
, cust_email VARCHAR2(30)
, account_mgr_id NUMBER(6)
, cust_geo_location MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
, CONSTRAINT customer_credit_limit_max
CHECK (credit_limit <= 5000)
, CONSTRAINT customer_id_min
CHECK (customer_id > 0)
) ;
ON customers (customer_id) ;
REM Both table and indexes are analyzed using the oe_analz.sql script.
ALTER TABLE customers
ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_pk
PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
) ;
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create warehouses table;
REM includes spatial data column wh_geo_location and
REM XML type warehouse_spec (was bug b41)
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TABLE warehouses
( warehouse_id NUMBER(3)
, warehouse_spec SYS.XMLTYPE
, warehouse_name VARCHAR2(35)
, location_id NUMBER(4)
, wh_geo_location MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
) ;
ON warehouses (warehouse_id) ;
ALTER TABLE warehouses
ADD (CONSTRAINT warehouses_pk PRIMARY KEY (warehouse_id)
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create table order_items.
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TABLE order_items
( order_id NUMBER(12)
, line_item_id NUMBER(3) NOT NULL
, product_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL
, unit_price NUMBER(8,2)
, quantity NUMBER(8)
) ;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_pk
ON order_items (order_id, line_item_id) ;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_uk
ON order_items (order_id, product_id) ;
ALTER TABLE order_items
ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id, line_item_id)
BEFORE INSERT ON order_items
new_line number;
SELECT (NVL(MAX(line_item_id),0)+1) INTO new_line
FROM order_items
WHERE order_id = :new.order_id;
:new.line_item_id := new_line;
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create table orders, which includes a TIMESTAMP column and a check
REM constraint.
REM ===========================================================================
( order_id NUMBER(12)
, order_mode VARCHAR2(8)
, customer_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT order_customer_id_nn NOT NULL
, order_status NUMBER(2)
, order_total NUMBER(8,2)
, sales_rep_id NUMBER(6)
, promotion_id NUMBER(6)
, CONSTRAINT order_mode_lov
CHECK (order_mode in ('direct','online'))
, constraint order_total_min
check (order_total >= 0)
) ;
ON orders (order_id) ;
PRIMARY KEY (order_id)
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create inventories table, which contains a concatenated primary key.
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TABLE inventories
( product_id NUMBER(6)
, warehouse_id NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT inventory_warehouse_id_nn NOT NULL
, quantity_on_hand NUMBER(8)
CONSTRAINT inventory_qoh_nn NOT NULL
, CONSTRAINT inventory_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id, warehouse_id)
) ;
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create table product_information, which contains an INTERVAL datatype and
REM a CHECK ... IN constraint.
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TABLE product_information
( product_id NUMBER(6)
, product_name VARCHAR2(50)
, product_description VARCHAR2(2000)
, category_id NUMBER(2)
, weight_class NUMBER(1)
, warranty_period INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
, supplier_id NUMBER(6)
, product_status VARCHAR2(20)
, list_price NUMBER(8,2)
, min_price NUMBER(8,2)
, catalog_url VARCHAR2(50)
, CONSTRAINT product_status_lov
CHECK (product_status in ('orderable'
,'under development'
) ;
ALTER TABLE product_information
ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_information_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create table product_descriptions, which contains NVARCHAR2 columns for
REM NLS-language information.
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE TABLE product_descriptions
( product_id NUMBER(6)
, language_id VARCHAR2(3)
, translated_name NVARCHAR2(50)
CONSTRAINT translated_name_nn NOT NULL
, translated_description NVARCHAR2(2000)
CONSTRAINT translated_desc_nn NOT NULL
ON product_descriptions(product_id,language_id) ;
ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_descriptions_pk
PRIMARY KEY (product_id, language_id));
ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_sales_rep_fk
FOREIGN KEY (sales_rep_id)
REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
) ;
ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_customer_id_fk
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
REFERENCES customers(customer_id)
) ;
ALTER TABLE warehouses
ADD ( CONSTRAINT warehouses_location_fk
FOREIGN KEY (location_id)
REFERENCES hr.locations(location_id)
) ;
ALTER TABLE customers
ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_account_manager_fk
FOREIGN KEY (account_mgr_id)
REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
) ;
ALTER TABLE inventories
ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_warehouses_fk
FOREIGN KEY (warehouse_id)
REFERENCES warehouses (warehouse_id)
) ;
ALTER TABLE inventories
ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_product_id_fk
FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
REFERENCES product_information (product_id)
) ;
ALTER TABLE order_items
ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_order_id_fk
FOREIGN KEY (order_id)
REFERENCES orders(order_id)
enable novalidate
) ;
ALTER TABLE order_items
ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_product_id_fk
FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
) ;
ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
ADD ( CONSTRAINT pd_product_id_fk
FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
) ;
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create cross-schema synonyms
REM ===========================================================================
CREATE SYNONYM countries FOR hr.countries;
CREATE SYNONYM locations FOR hr.locations;
CREATE SYNONYM departments FOR hr.departments;
CREATE SYNONYM employees FOR hr.employees;
CREATE SYNONYM job_history FOR hr.job_history;
REM ===========================================================================
REM Create sequences
REM ===========================================================================
REM ===========================================================================
REM Need commit for PO
REM ===========================================================================
rem rem Header: oe_drop.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oe_drop.sql - drop OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Deletes database objects. rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 02/01/02 - bug2205388 rem ahunold 01/30/01 - OE script headers rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE rem rem First drop the Online Catalog (OC) subschema objects rem @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oc_drop.sql DROP TABLE customers CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE inventories CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE order_items CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE orders CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE product_descriptions CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE product_information CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE warehouses CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TYPE cust_address_typ; DROP TYPE phone_list_typ; DROP SEQUENCE orders_seq; DROP SYNONYM countries; DROP SYNONYM departments; DROP SYNONYM employees; DROP SYNONYM job_history; DROP SYNONYM jobs; DROP SYNONYM locations; DROP VIEW bombay_inventory; DROP VIEW product_prices; DROP VIEW products; DROP VIEW sydney_inventory; DROP VIEW toronto_inventory; COMMIT;
rem rem Header: oe_idx.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oe_idx.sql - create indexes for OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Re-Creates indexes rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 03/02/01 - eliminating DROP INDEX rem ahunold 01/30/01 - OE script headers rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE CREATE INDEX whs_location_ix ON warehouses (location_id); CREATE INDEX inv_product_ix ON inventories (product_id); CREATE INDEX inv_warehouse_ix ON inventories (warehouse_id); CREATE INDEX item_order_ix ON order_items (order_id); CREATE INDEX item_product_ix ON order_items (product_id); CREATE INDEX ord_sales_rep_ix ON orders (sales_rep_id); CREATE INDEX ord_customer_ix ON orders (customer_id); CREATE INDEX ord_order_date_ix ON orders (order_date); CREATE INDEX cust_account_manager_ix ON customers (account_mgr_id); CREATE INDEX cust_lname_ix ON customers (cust_last_name); CREATE INDEX cust_email_ix ON customers (cust_email); CREATE INDEX prod_name_ix ON product_descriptions (translated_name); CREATE INDEX prod_supplier_ix ON product_information (supplier_id); CREATE INDEX cust_upper_name_ix ON customers (UPPER(cust_last_name), UPPER(cust_first_name));
rem rem Header: oe_main.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oe_main.sql - Main script for OE schema, including OC subschema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Creates and populated the Order Entry (OE) and Online rem Catalog (OC) Sample Schema rem rem NOTES rem Run as SYS or SYSTEM rem Prerequisites: rem Tablespaces present rem Database enabled for Spatial and XML rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 08/28/01 - roles rem ahunold 07/13/01 - NLS Territory. rem ahunold 04/13/01 - spool, additional parameter rem ahunold 03/29/01 - spool rem ahunold 03/12/01 - prompts rem ahunold 03/02/01 - NLS_LANGUAGE rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE SET ECHO OFF PROMPT PROMPT specify password for OE as parameter 1: DEFINE pass = &1 PROMPT PROMPT specify default tablespeace for OE as parameter 2: DEFINE tbs = &2 PROMPT PROMPT specify temporary tablespace for OE as parameter 3: DEFINE ttbs = &3 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for HR as parameter 4: DEFINE passhr = &4 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 5: DEFINE pass_sys = &5 PROMPT PROMPT specify path for log files as parameter 6: DEFINE log_path = &6 PROMPT -- The first dot in the spool command below is -- the SQL*Plus concatenation character DEFINE spool_file = &log_path.oe_oc_main.log SPOOL &spool_file -- Dropping the user with all its objects DROP USER oe CASCADE; REM ======================================================= REM create user REM REM The user is assigned tablespaces and quota in separate REM ALTER USER statements so that the CREATE USER statement REM will succeed even if the demo and temp tablespaces do REM not exist. REM ======================================================= CREATE USER oe IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER oe DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER oe TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT TO oe; GRANT RESOURCE TO oe; GRANT CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW TO oe; GRANT QUERY REWRITE TO oe; REM ======================================================= REM grants from sys schema REM ======================================================= CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; GRANT execute ON sys.dbms_stats TO oe; REM ======================================================= REM grants from hr schema REM ======================================================= CONNECT hr/&passhr; GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT ON employees TO oe; GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT ON countries TO oe; GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT ON locations TO oe; GRANT SELECT ON jobs TO oe; GRANT SELECT ON job_history TO oe; GRANT SELECT ON departments TO oe; REM ======================================================= REM create oe schema (order entry) REM ======================================================= CONNECT oe/&pass ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TERRITORY=America; @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_cre @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_pi @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_pd @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_whs @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_cus @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_ord @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_itm @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_p_inv @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_views @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_comnt @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_idx @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oe_analz @?/demo/schema/order_entry/oc_main spool off
rem rem Header: oe_views.sql 09-jan-01 rem rem Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oe_views.sql - OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Create all views rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW products AS SELECT i.product_id , d.language_id , CASE WHEN d.language_id IS NOT NULL THEN d.translated_name ELSE TRANSLATE(i.product_name USING NCHAR_CS) END AS product_name , i.category_id , CASE WHEN d.language_id IS NOT NULL THEN d.translated_description ELSE TRANSLATE(i.product_description USING NCHAR_CS) END AS product_description , i.weight_class , i.warranty_period , i.supplier_id , i.product_status , i.list_price , i.min_price , i.catalog_url FROM product_information i , product_descriptions d WHERE d.product_id (+) = i.product_id AND d.language_id (+) = sys_context('USERENV','LANG'); REM ======================================================= REM Create some inventory views REM ======================================================= CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sydney_inventory AS SELECT p.product_id , p.product_name , i.quantity_on_hand FROM inventories i , warehouses w , products p WHERE p.product_id = i.product_id AND i.warehouse_id = w.warehouse_id AND w.warehouse_name = 'Sydney'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW bombay_inventory AS SELECT p.product_id , p.product_name , i.quantity_on_hand FROM inventories i , warehouses w , products p WHERE p.product_id = i.product_id AND i.warehouse_id = w.warehouse_id AND w.warehouse_name = 'Bombay'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW toronto_inventory AS SELECT p.product_id , p.product_name , i.quantity_on_hand FROM inventories i , warehouses w , products p WHERE p.product_id = i.product_id AND i.warehouse_id = w.warehouse_id AND w.warehouse_name = 'Toronto'; REM ======================================================= REM Create product_prices view of product_information REM columns to show view with a GROUP BY clause. REM ======================================================= CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW product_prices AS SELECT category_id , COUNT(*) as "#_OF_PRODUCTS" , MIN(list_price) as low_price , MAX(list_price) as high_price FROM product_information GROUP BY category_id;
This section shows the PM
schema scripts in alphabetical order.
Rem Rem $Header: pm_analz.sql 07-mar-2001.14:29:47 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem pm_analz.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem pm_analz.sql - Gathering statistics for HR schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Staistics are used by the cost based optimizer to Rem choose the best physical access strategy Rem Rem NOTES Rem Results can be viewed in columns of DBA_TABLES, Rem DBA_TAB_COLUMNS and such Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 03/07/01 - Merged ahunold_hr_analz Rem ahunold 03/07/01 - Created Rem SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 SET ECHO ON EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('PM','ONLINE_MEDIA'); EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('PM','PRINT_MEDIA');
Rem Rem $Header: pm_cre.sql 09-feb-2001.13:09:54 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem pm_cre.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem pm_cre.sql - Table creation scripts Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem PM is the Product Media schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem The OIDs assigned for the object types are used to Rem simplify the setup of Replication demos and are not needed Rem in most unreplicated environments. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 04/25/01 - OID Rem ahunold 02/09/01 - new load method Rem ahunold 02/05/01 - Created Rem REM ==================================================================== REM Create TYPE adheader_typ to hold different headers used in REM advertisements, the header name, date of creation, header text, and REM logo used. pm.print_media ad_header column has type adheader_typ. CREATE TYPE adheader_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CCE656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( header_name VARCHAR2(256) , creation_date DATE , header_text VARCHAR2(1024) , logo BLOB ); / REM ======================================================================= REM Create TYPE textdoc_tab as a nested table for REM advertisements stored in different formats. Document type can be pdf, REM html,Word,Frame, ... REM pm.print_media ad_textdocs_ntab column has type textdoc_tab. CREATE TYPE textdoc_typ OID '82A4AF6A4CCF656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS OBJECT ( document_typ VARCHAR2(32) , formatted_doc BLOB ) ; / CREATE TYPE textdoc_tab OID '82A4AF6A4CD0656DE034080020E0EE3D' AS TABLE OF textdoc_typ; / REM ====================================================================== REM Create table online_media to hold media for the online catalog REM or other marketing/training needs. REM pm.online_media has a foreign key on product_id that references the REM oe.product_information table. pm.online_media has a primary key on REM product_id. CREATE TABLE online_media ( product_id NUMBER(6) , product_photo ORDSYS.ORDImage , product_photo_signature ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature , product_thumbnail ORDSYS.ORDImage , product_video ORDSYS.ORDVideo , product_audio ORDSYS.ORDAudio , product_text CLOB , product_testimonials ORDSYS.ORDDoc ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX onlinemedia_pk ON online_media (product_id); ALTER TABLE online_media ADD ( CONSTRAINT onlinemedia__pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id) , CONSTRAINT loc_c_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES oe.product_information(product_id) ) ; REM ======================================================================== REM Create table print_media to hold print advertising information. REM pm.print_media has a foreign key on product_id that references the REM oe.product_information table. pm.print_media has a primary key on REM ad_id and product. pm.print_media references a nested table, ad_textdoc_ ntab, and REM column object of type adheader_typ. CREATE TABLE print_media ( product_id NUMBER(6) , ad_id NUMBER(6) , ad_composite BLOB , ad_sourcetext CLOB , ad_finaltext CLOB , ad_fltextn NCLOB , ad_textdocs_ntab textdoc_tab , ad_photo BLOB , ad_graphic BFILE , ad_header adheader_typ , press_release LONG ) NESTED TABLE ad_textdocs_ntab STORE AS textdocs_nestedtab; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX printmedia_pk ON print_media (product_id, ad_id); ALTER TABLE print_media ADD ( CONSTRAINT printmedia__pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id, ad_id) , CONSTRAINT printmedia_fk FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES oe.product_information(product_id) ) ; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: sh_drop.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_drop.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_drop.sql - Drop database objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/01/02 - bug 2205497 Rem ahunold 09/14/00 - Created Rem REM drop all tables of schema DROP TABLE online_media CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TABLE print_media CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; DROP TYPE textdoc_tab; DROP TYPE adheader_typ; DROP TYPE textdoc_typ; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: pm_main.sql 29-aug-2001.09:13:23 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem pm_main.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem pm_main.sql - Main schema creation and load script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem PM is the Product Media schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem 1) use absolute pathnames as parameters 6. Rem UNIX: echo $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/product_media Rem 2) there are hard-coded file names in the Rem data file pm_p_lob.dat. Should you want to create Rem and populate the PM Sample Schema from a location Rem other than the one chosen during installation, you Rem will have to edit this data file. Rem 3) Run this as SYS or SYSTEM Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 08/28/01 - roles Rem ahunold 07/13/01 - NLS Territory Rem ahunold 04/23/01 - typo Rem ahunold 04/13/01 - concatenation, no @@ Rem ahunold 04/10/01 - added parameters 7 and 8 Rem ahunold 03/29/01 - notes, spool Rem ahunold 03/20/01 - no ALTER USER Rem ahunold 03/12/01 - prompts & directory Rem ahunold 03/07/01 - pm_analz.sql. Rem ahunold 02/20/01 - removing pm_p_ini and pm_code Rem ahunold 02/09/01 - password passing for pm_p_lob Rem ahunold 02/05/01 - Created Rem SET ECHO OFF PROMPT PROMPT specify password for PM as parameter 1: DEFINE pass = &1 PROMPT PROMPT specify default tablespeace for PM as parameter 2: DEFINE tbs = &2 PROMPT PROMPT specify temporary tablespace for PM as parameter 3: DEFINE ttbs = &3 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for OE as parameter 4: DEFINE passoe = &4 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 5: DEFINE pass_sys = &5 PROMPT PROMPT specify directory path for the PM data files as parameter 6: DEFINE data_path = &6 PROMPT PROMPT specify directory path for the PM load log files as parameter 7: DEFINE log_path = &7 PROMPT PROMPT specify work directory path as parameter 8: DEFINE work_path = &8 PROMPT -- The first dot in the spool command below is -- the SQL*Plus concatenation character DEFINE spool_file = &log_path.pm_main.log SPOOL &spool_file -- Dropping the user with all its objects DROP USER pm CASCADE; CREATE USER pm IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER pm DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER pm TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT TO pm; GRANT RESOURCE TO pm; GRANT CREATE ANY DIRECTORY TO pm; REM ======================================================= REM grants from oe schema REM ======================================================= CONNECT oe/&passoe GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT ON product_information TO pm; GRANT SELECT ON order_items TO pm; GRANT SELECT ON orders TO pm; GRANT SELECT ON product_descriptions TO pm; GRANT SELECT ON inventories TO pm; GRANT SELECT ON customers TO pm; GRANT SELECT ON warehouses TO pm; REM ======================================================= REM grants from sys schema REM ======================================================= CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; GRANT execute ON sys.dbms_stats TO pm; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY media_dir AS '&data_path'; GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY media_dir TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION; REM ======================================================= REM create pm schema (product media) REM ======================================================= CONNECT pm/&pass ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TERRITORY=America; @&data_path.pm_cre.sql -- create objects @&data_path.pm_p_ord.sql -- load ORDSYS types REM ======================================================= REM use sqlldr to populate PRINT_MEDIA and its nested table REM ======================================================= @&data_path.pm_p_lob &pass &data_path &log_path &work_path REM ======================================================= REM finish REM ======================================================= @?/demo/schema/product_media/pm_analz -- gather statistics spool off
This section shows the QS
schema scripts in alphabetical order.
Rem Rem $Header: qs_adm.sql 26-feb-2001.16:50:49 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_adm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_adm.sql - Administration schema for QS schema group Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem All object types are created in the qs_adm schema. All Rem application schemas that host any propagation source Rem queues are given the ENQUEUE_ANY system level privilege Rem allowing the application schemas to enqueue to the Rem destination queue. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Merged ahunold_qs_filenames Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE customer_typ AS OBJECT ( customer_id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(100), street VARCHAR2(100), city VARCHAR2(30), state VARCHAR2(2), zip NUMBER, country VARCHAR2(100)); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE orderitem_typ AS OBJECT ( line_item_id NUMBER, quantity NUMBER, unit_price NUMBER, product_id NUMBER, subtotal NUMBER); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE orderitemlist_vartyp AS VARRAY (20) OF ORDERITEM_TYP; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE order_typ AS OBJECT ( orderno NUMBER, status VARCHAR2(30), ordertype VARCHAR2(30), orderregion VARCHAR2(30), customer customer_typ, paymentmethod VARCHAR2(30), items orderitemlist_vartyp, total NUMBER); / GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to QS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to QS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to QS; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to QS; execute dbms_aqadm.grant_system_privilege('ENQUEUE_ANY','QS',FALSE); GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to QS_WS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to QS_WS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to QS_WS; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to QS_WS; execute dbms_aqadm.grant_system_privilege('ENQUEUE_ANY','QS_WS',FALSE); GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to QS_ES; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to QS_ES; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to QS_ES; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to QS_ES; execute dbms_aqadm.grant_system_privilege('ENQUEUE_ANY','QS_ES',FALSE); GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to QS_OS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to QS_OS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to QS_OS; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to QS_OS; execute dbms_aqadm.grant_system_privilege('ENQUEUE_ANY','QS_OS',FALSE); GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to qs_cbadm; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to qs_cbadm; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to qs_cbadm; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to qs_cbadm; GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to QS_CB; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to QS_CB; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to QS_CB; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to QS_CB; GRANT EXECUTE ON order_typ to QS_CS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitemlist_vartyp to QS_CS; GRANT EXECUTE ON orderitem_typ to QS_CS; GRANT EXECUTE ON customer_typ to QS_CS; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: qs_cbadm.sql 26-feb-2001.16:50:50 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_cbadm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_cbadm.sql - Customer Billing Administration schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The QS_CBADM schema belongs to the Queued Shipping Rem (QS) schema group of the Oracle9i Sample Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Merged ahunold_qs_filenames Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Created Rem REM ======================================================= REM create queue tables and queues REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_CBADM_orders_sqtab', comment => 'Customer Billing Single Consumer Orders queue table', queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_CBADM_orders_mqtab', comment => 'Customer Billing Multi Consumer Service queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM_shippedorders_q', queue_table => 'QS_CBADM_orders_sqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Grant dequeue privilege on the shopoeped orders queue to the Customer Billing Rem application. The QS_CB application retrieves shipped orders (not billed yet) Rem from the shopoeped orders queue. BEGIN dbms_aqadm.grant_queue_privilege( 'DEQUEUE', 'QS_CBADM_shippedorders_q', 'QS_CB', FALSE); END; / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM_billedorders_q', queue_table => 'QS_CBADM_orders_mqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Grant enqueue privilege on the billed orders queue to Customer Billing Rem application. The QS_CB application is allowed to put billed orders into Rem this queue. BEGIN dbms_aqadm.grant_queue_privilege( 'ENQUEUE', 'QS_CBADM_billedorders_q', 'QS_CB', FALSE); END; / DECLARE subscriber$_agent; BEGIN /* Subscribe to the BILLING billed orders queue */ subscriber :=$_agent( 'BILLED_ORDER', 'QS_CS.QS_CS_billedorders_que', null); dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM.QS_CBADM_billedorders_q', subscriber => subscriber); END; / COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: qs_cre.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_cre.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_cre.sql - Schema creation Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem QS is the Queued Shipping schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/05/01 - Created Rem REM ======================================================= REM Create queue tables, queues for QS REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_orders_sqtab', comment => 'Order Entry Single Consumer Orders queue table', queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', message_grouping => DBMS_AQADM.TRANSACTIONAL, compatible => '8.1', primary_instance => 1, secondary_instance => 2); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create a priority queue table for QS REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_orders_pr_mqtab', sort_list =>'priority,enq_time', comment => 'Order Entry Priority MultiConsumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1', primary_instance => 2, secondary_instance => 1); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create a queue for New Orders for QS REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_neworders_que', queue_table => 'QS_orders_sqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create a queue for booked orders for QS REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_bookedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_orders_pr_mqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create the multiconsumer nonpersistent queue in QS schema REM This queue is used by the conenction dispatcher to count REM the number of user connections to the QS application REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_np_queue(queue_name => 'LOGON_LOGOFF', multiple_consumers => TRUE); END; /
Rem Rem $Header: qs_cs.sql 26-feb-2001.16:50:50 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_cs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_cs.sql - Creates Customer Service Shipping schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The QS_CS schema belongs to the Queued Shipping Rem (QS) schema group of the Oracle9i Sample Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Customer support tracks the state of the customer request Rem in the system. Rem At any point, customer request can be in one of the following states Rem A. BOOKED B. SHIPPED C. BACKED D. BILLED Rem Given the order number the customer support will return the state Rem the order is in. This state is maintained in the order_status_table Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Merged ahunold_qs_filenames Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Created from qs_cs_cre.sql Rem CREATE TABLE Order_Status_Table(customer_order qs_adm.order_typ, status varchar2(30)); Rem Create queue tables, queues for Customer Service begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_CS_order_status_qt', comment => 'Customer Status multi consumer queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_bookedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_CS_order_status_qt'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_backorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_CS_order_status_qt'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_shippedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_CS_order_status_qt'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_billedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_CS_order_status_qt'); end; /
Rem Rem $Header: qs_drop.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_drop.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_drop.sql - Cleanup and drop all QS related schemas Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem QS is the Queued Shipping schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/05/01 - Created Rem set echo on; set serveroutput on; CONNECT QS_ADM/&password_QS_ADM execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS.QS_neworders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS.QS_bookedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS.logon_logoff'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_WS.QS_WS_bookedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_WS.QS_WS_shippedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_WS.QS_WS_backorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_ES.QS_ES_bookedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_ES.QS_ES_shippedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_ES.QS_ES_backorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_OS.QS_OS_bookedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_OS.QS_OS_shippedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_OS.QS_OS_backorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_CS.QS_CS_bookedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_CS.QS_CS_backorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_CS.QS_CS_shippedorders_que'); execute dbms_aqadm.stop_queue(queue_name => 'QS_CS.QS_CS_billedorders_que'); Rem Drop queue tables, queues for QS Rem CONNECT QS/&password_QS begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_neworders_que'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_bookedorders_que'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_orders_sqtab'); end; / Rem Create a priority queue table for QS begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_orders_pr_mqtab'); end; / CONNECT QS/&password_QS Rem Rem Drop the multiconsumer nonpersistent queue in QS schema Rem This queue is used by the conenction dispatcher to count Rem the number of user connections to the QS application execute dbms_aqadm.drop_queue(queue_name => 'LOGON_LOGOFF'); Rem Drop queue tables, queues for QS_WS Shipping CONNECT QS_WS/&password_QS_WS Rem Booked orders are stored in the priority queue table begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_WS_bookedorders_que'); end; / Rem Shipped orders and back orders are stored in the FIFO queue table begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_WS_shippedorders_que'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_WS_backorders_que'); end; / Rem Drop queue table for QS_WS shipping begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_pr_mqtab'); end; / Rem Drop queue tables for QS_WS shipping begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_mqtab'); end; / Rem Drop queue tables, queues for QS_ES Shipping CONNECT QS_ES/&password_QS_ES Rem Booked orders are stored in the priority queue table begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_ES_bookedorders_que'); end; / Rem Shipped orders and back orders are stored in the FIFO queue table begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_ES_shippedorders_que'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_ES_backorders_que'); end; / Rem Drop queue table for QS_ES shipping begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_mqtab'); end; / Rem Drop FIFO queue tables for QS_ES shipping begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_pr_mqtab'); end; / Rem Drop queue tables, queues for Overseas Shipping CONNECT QS_OS/&password_QS_OS Rem Booked orders are stored in the priority queue table begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_OS_bookedorders_que'); end; / Rem Shipped orders and back orders are stored in the FIFO queue table begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_OS_shippedorders_que'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_OS_backorders_que'); end; / Rem Create a priority queue table for QS_OS shipping begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_pr_mqtab'); end; / Rem Create a FIFO queue tables for QS_OS shipping begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_mqtab'); end; / Rem Create queue tables, queues for Customer Billing CONNECT QS_CBADM/&password_QS_CBADM begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM_shippedorders_q'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM_billedorders_q'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_CBADM_orders_sqtab', force => true); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_CBADM_orders_mqtab', force => true); end; / CONNECT QS_CS/&password_QS_CS DROP TABLE Order_Status_Table; Rem Drop queue tables, queues for Customer Service begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_bookedorders_que'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_backorders_que'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_shippedorders_que'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_CS_billedorders_que'); end; / begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_CS_order_status_qt', force => true); end; / CONNECT QS_ADM/&password_QS_ADM Rem drop objects types drop type order_typ; drop type orderitemlist_vartyp; drop type orderitem_typ; drop type customer_typ; Rem drop queue admin account and individual accounts for each application Rem CONNECT system/&password_SYSTEM set serveroutput on; set echo on; drop user QS_ADM cascade; drop user QS cascade; drop user QS_WS cascade; drop user QS_ES cascade; drop user QS_OS cascade; drop user QS_CBADM cascade; drop user QS_CB cascade; drop user QS_CS cascade;
Rem Rem $Header: qs_es.sql 26-feb-2001.16:50:50 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_es.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_es.sql - Creates Eastern Shipping schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The QS_ES schema belongs to the Queued Shipping Rem (QS) schema group of the Oracle9i Sample Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Merged ahunold_qs_filenames Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Created from qs_es_cre.sql Rem REM ======================================================= REM Create a priority queue table for QS_ES shipping REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_mqtab', comment => 'East Shipping Multi Consumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create a FIFO queue tables for QS_ES shipping REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_pr_mqtab', sort_list =>'priority,enq_time', comment => 'East Shipping Priority Multi Consumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Booked orders are stored in the priority queue table REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_ES_bookedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_pr_mqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Shipped orders and back orders are stored in the FIFO REM queue table REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_ES_shippedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_mqtab'); END; / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_ES_backorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_ES_orders_mqtab'); END; / COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: qs_main.sql 29-aug-2001.10:44:11 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_main.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_main.sql - Main schema creation script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem QS is the Queued Shipping schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Run as SYS or SYSTEM Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 08/28/01 - roles Rem ahunold 04/13/01 - spool, additional parameter Rem ahunold 03/12/01 - prompts Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - 8 char filenames Rem ahunold 02/05/01 - Created Rem SET ECHO OFF ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; PROMPT PROMPT specify one password for the users QS,QS_ADM,QS_CBADM, PROMPT QS_WS,QS_ES,QS_OS,QS_CS and QS_CB as parameter 1: DEFINE pass = &1 PROMPT PROMPT specify default tablespeace for QS as parameter 2: DEFINE tbs = &2 PROMPT PROMPT specify temporary tablespace for QS as parameter 3: DEFINE ttbs = &3 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYSTEM as parameter 4: DEFINE master_pass = &4 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for OE as parameter 5: DEFINE passoe = &5 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 6: DEFINE pass_sys = &6 PROMPT PROMPT specify log directory path as parameter 7: DEFINE log_path = &7 PROMPT DEFINE spool_file = &log_path.qs_main.log SPOOL &spool_file REM ======================================================= REM cleanup section REM ======================================================= DROP USER qs_adm CASCADE; DROP USER qs CASCADE; DROP USER qs_ws CASCADE; DROP USER qs_es CASCADE; DROP USER qs_os CASCADE; DROP USER qs_cbadm CASCADE; DROP USER qs_cb CASCADE; DROP USER qs_cs CASCADE; REM ======================================================= REM Start job_queue_processes to handle AQ propagation REM ======================================================= alter system set job_queue_processes=4; REM ======================================================= REM CREATE USERs REM The user is assigned tablespaces and quota in separate REM ALTER USER statements so that the CREATE USER statement REM will succeed even if the &tbs and temp tablespaces do REM not exist. REM ======================================================= REM ======================================================= REM Create a common admin account for all Queued Shipping REM applications REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_adm IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_adm DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_adm TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; REM ALTER USER qs_adm DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA ON &tbs UNLIMITED; REM ALTER USER qs_adm TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_adm; GRANT aq_administrator_role TO qs_adm; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO qs_adm; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm TO qs_adm; REM =================================================== REM connected as sys to grant execute on dbms_lock REM and connected again as system REM =================================================== CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; GRANT execute ON sys.dbms_stats TO qs_adm; GRANT execute ON dbms_lock to qs_adm; CONNECT system/&master_pass execute dbms_aqadm.grant_system_privilege('ENQUEUE_ANY','qs_adm',FALSE); execute dbms_aqadm.grant_system_privilege('DEQUEUE_ANY','qs_adm',FALSE); REM ======================================================= REM Create the application schemas and grant appropriate REM permission to all schemas REM ======================================================= REM ======================================================= REM Create Queued Shipping schemas REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq to qs; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm to qs; REM ======================================================= REM Create an account for Western Region Shipping REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_ws IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_ws DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_ws TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_ws; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq to qs_ws; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm to qs_ws; REM ======================================================= REM Create an account for Eastern Region Shipping REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_es IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_es DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_es TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_es; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO qs_es; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm TO qs_es; REM ======================================================= REM Create an account for Overseas Shipping REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_os IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_os DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_os TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_os; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO qs_os; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm TO qs_os; REM ======================================================= REM Customer Billing, for security reason, has an admin REM schema that hosts all the queue tables and an REM application schema from where the application runs. REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_cbadm IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_cbadm DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_cbadm TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_cbadm; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq to qs_cbadm; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm to qs_cbadm; REM ======================================================= REM Create an account for Customer Billing REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_cb IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_cb DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_cb TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_cb; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO qs_cb; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm TO qs_cb; REM ======================================================= REM Create an account for Customer Service REM ======================================================= CREATE USER qs_cs IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER qs_cs DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER qs_cs TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO qs_cs; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aq TO qs_cs; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_aqadm TO qs_cs; REM ======================================================= REM Create objects REM ======================================================= REM ======================================================= REM grants from oe schema to user qs_adm REM ======================================================= CONNECT oe/&passoe GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT ON customers TO qs_adm; GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT ON product_information TO qs_adm; PROMPT calling qs_adm.sql ... CONNECT qs_adm/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_adm PROMPT calling qs_cre.sql ... CONNECT qs/&pass; @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_cre PROMPT calling qs_es.sql ... CONNECT qs_es/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_es PROMPT calling qs_ws.sql ... CONNECT qs_ws/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_ws PROMPT calling qs_os.sql ... CONNECT qs_os/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_os PROMPT calling qs_cbadm.sql ... CONNECT qs_cbadm/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_cbadm PROMPT calling qs_cs.sql ... CONNECT qs_cs/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_cs PROMPT calling qs_run.sql ... CONNECT qs_adm/&pass @?/demo/schema/shipping/qs_run spool off
Rem Rem $Header: qs_os.sql 26-feb-2001.16:50:51 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_os.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_os.sql - Creates Overseas Shipping schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The QS_OS schema belongs to the Queued Shipping Rem (QS) schema group of the Oracle9i Sample Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Merged ahunold_qs_filenames Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Created from qs_os_cre.sql Rem REM ======================================================= REM Create a priority queue table for QS_OS shipping REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_pr_mqtab', sort_list =>'priority,enq_time', comment => 'Overseas Shipping Priority MultiConsumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create a FIFO queue tables for QS_OS shipping REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_mqtab', comment => 'Overseas Shipping Multi Consumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Booked orders are stored in the priority queue table REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_OS_bookedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_pr_mqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Shipped orders and back orders are stored in the FIFO queue table REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_OS_shippedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_mqtab'); END; / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_OS_backorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_OS_orders_mqtab'); END; / COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: qs_run.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_run.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_run.sql - Create the application Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem QS is the Queued Shipping schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/05/01 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE simpleorder_typ AS OBJECT ( orderno NUMBER, status VARCHAR2(30), ordertype VARCHAR2(30), orderregion VARCHAR2(30), paymentmethod VARCHAR2(30), total NUMBER); / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE QS_Applications AS -- this procedure is called from the java front end to enqueue -- new orders PROCEDURE new_order_enq(simpleOrder IN simpleorder_typ, customer IN customer_typ, items IN orderitemlist_vartyp); PROCEDURE get_ship_notification( orderid IN number, status OUT number, tracking_id OUT varchar2); -- move new orders from qs_neworders_que to qs_bookedorders_que. -- sets the shipping region PROCEDURE qs_move_orders; -- Each shipping region calls this shipping_app by providing the -- name of the consumer as an IN Parameter. This application movQS_ES -- the messages from bookedorder queuQS_ES to either shippedorder queue -- or backedorder queue based on the inventory information PROCEDURE shipping_app( consumer IN VARCHAR2); -- Move shipped orders from the shipped order queue to the billed -- order queue in the billing area PROCEDURE billing_app; PROCEDURE new_order_driver(QS_OStart IN NUMBER, QS_OStop IN NUMBER); END QS_Applications; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY QS_Applications AS PROCEDURE new_order_enq(simpleOrder IN simpleorder_typ, customer IN customer_typ, items IN orderitemlist_vartyp) IS qs_enq_order_data qs_adm.order_typ; enqopt dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; msgprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; enq_msgid raw(16); itemlist orderitemlist_vartyp; item orderitem_typ; BEGIN -- form the book items object from items msgprop.correlation := simpleOrder.ordertype; qs_enq_order_data := qs_adm.order_typ( simpleOrder.orderno, simpleOrder.status, simpleOrder.ordertype, simpleOrder.orderregion, customer, simpleOrder.paymentmethod, itemlist,; -- put the shipping priority into the message property -- before enqueuing the message. if (simpleOrder.ordertype = 'RUSH') then msgprop.priority := 1; else msgprop.priority := 2; end if; dbms_aq.enqueue('qs.qs_neworders_que', enqopt, msgprop, qs_enq_order_data, enq_msgid); -- dbms_output.put_line('One order enqueued successfully'); commit; END new_order_enq; PROCEDURE get_ship_notification( orderid IN number, status OUT number, tracking_id OUT varchar2) IS deqopt dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; deq_msgid RAW(16); msg_data RAW(80); no_messages exception; pragma exception_init (no_messages, -25228); BEGIN status := 0; deqopt.navigation := dbms_aq.FIRST_messAGE; deqopt.wait := 10; deqopt.correlation := to_char(orderid); deqopt.consumer_name := 'ORDER_ENTRY'; BEGIN dbms_aq.dequeue( queue_name => 'qs.qs_notification_que', dequeue_options => deqopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => msg_data, msgid => deq_msgid); status := 1; tracking_id := rawtohex(deq_msgid); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN no_messages THEN status := 0; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; END get_ship_notification; PROCEDURE qs_move_orders IS new_orders BOOLEAN := TRUE; dopt dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; enqopt dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; qs_deq_order_data qs_adm.order_typ; deq_msgid RAW(16); no_messages exception; pragma exception_init (no_messages, -25228); begin --dopt.wait := DBMS_AQ.NO_WAIT; dopt.navigation := dbms_aq.FIRST_messAGE; --while (new_orders) LOOP LOOP BEGIN dbms_aq.dequeue( queue_name => 'qs.qs_neworders_que', dequeue_options => dopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => qs_deq_order_data, msgid => deq_msgid); -- assign the shipping region if ( NOT IN ('USA', 'US')) then --dbms_output.put_line('International shipment ... '); qs_deq_order_data.orderregion := 'INTERNATIONAL'; else if (qs_deq_order_data.customer.state IN ('TX', 'Texas', 'CA', 'California', 'NV', 'Nevada')) then qs_deq_order_data.orderregion := 'WESTERN'; --dbms_output.put_line('western shipment'); else qs_deq_order_data.orderregion := 'EASTERN'; --dbms_output.put_line('eastern shipment'); end if; -- dbms_output.put_line('Dequeuing a message ...'); -- dbms_output.put_line('Region is ' || qs_deq_order_data.orderregion); end if; -- change the order status to booked qs_deq_order_data.status := 'BOOKED'; -- enqueue into booked orders queue dbms_aq.enqueue( queue_name => 'qs.qs_bookedorders_que', enqueue_options => enqopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => qs_deq_order_data, msgid => deq_msgid); commit; -- dopt.navigation := dbms_aq.NEXT_messAGE; EXCEPTION WHEN no_messages THEN new_orders := FALSE; END; END LOOP; END qs_move_orders; PROCEDURE billing_app IS new_orders BOOLEAN := TRUE; dopt dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; enqopt dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; deq_order_data qs_adm.order_typ; deq_msgid RAW(16); no_messages exception; pragma exception_init (no_messages, -25228); begin --dopt.wait := DBMS_AQ.NO_WAIT; dopt.navigation := dbms_aq.FIRST_messAGE; dopt.consumer_name := 'CUSTOMER_BILLING'; --while (new_orders) LOOP LOOP BEGIN dbms_aq.dequeue( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM.QS_CBADM_shippedorders_que', dequeue_options => dopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => deq_order_data, msgid => deq_msgid); -- change the order status to billed deq_order_data.status := 'BILLED'; -- enqueue into booked orders queue dbms_aq.enqueue( queue_name => 'QS_CBADM.QS_CBADM_billedorders_que', enqueue_options => enqopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => deq_order_data, msgid => deq_msgid); commit; -- dopt.navigation := dbms_aq.NEXT_messAGE; EXCEPTION WHEN no_messages THEN new_orders := FALSE; END; END LOOP; END billing_app; PROCEDURE shipping_app( consumer IN VARCHAR2) IS deq_msgid RAW(16); dopt dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; enqopt dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; deq_order_data qs_adm.order_typ; qname varchar2(30); shipqname varchar2(30); bookqname varchar2(30); backqname varchar2(30); notqname varchar2(30); no_messages exception; pragma exception_init (no_messages, -25228); new_orders BOOLEAN := TRUE; is_backed BOOLEAN := FALSE; is_avail int; region varchar2(30); notify BOOLEAN := FALSE; not_enqopt dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; not_mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; not_msg_data RAW(80); not_msgid RAW(16); ship_orderno number; begin dopt.consumer_name := consumer; --dopt.wait := DBMS_AQ.NO_WAIT; dopt.navigation := dbms_aq.FIRST_messAGE; IF (consumer = 'West_Shipping') THEN qname := 'QS_WS.QS_WS_bookedorders_que'; shipqname := 'QS_WS.QS_WS_shippedorders_que'; backqname := 'QS_WS.QS_WS_backorders_que'; notqname := 'QS_WS.QS_WS_notification_que'; region := 'WESTERN'; notify := TRUE; ELSIF (consumer = 'East_Shipping') THEN qname := 'QS_ES.QS_ES_bookedorders_que'; shipqname := 'QS_ES.QS_ES_shippedorders_que'; backqname := 'QS_ES.QS_ES_backorders_que'; notqname := 'QS_ES.QS_ES_notification_que'; region := 'EASTERN'; notify := TRUE; ELSE qname := 'QS_OS.QS_OS_bookedorders_que'; shipqname := 'QS_OS.QS_OS_shippedorders_que'; backqname := 'QS_OS.QS_OS_backorders_que'; region := 'INTERNATIONAL'; END IF; --WHILE (new_orders) LOOP LOOP BEGIN is_backed := FALSE; dbms_aq.dequeue( queue_name => qname, dequeue_options => dopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => deq_order_data, msgid => deq_msgid); ship_orderno := deq_order_data.orderno; IF (notify = TRUE) THEN not_mprop.correlation := TO_CHAR(ship_orderno); not_msg_data := hextoraw(to_char(ship_orderno)); dbms_aq.enqueue( queue_name => notqname, enqueue_options => not_enqopt, message_properties => not_mprop, payload => not_msg_data, msgid => not_msgid); END IF; deq_order_data.orderregion := region; -- check if all books in an order are availabe if (is_backed = FALSE) then -- change the status of the order to SHIPPED order deq_order_data.status := 'SHIPPED'; dbms_aq.enqueue( queue_name => shipqname, enqueue_options => enqopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => deq_order_data, msgid => deq_msgid); end if; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN no_messages THEN new_orders := FALSE; END; END LOOP; END shipping_app; PROCEDURE new_order_driver(QS_OStart IN NUMBER, QS_OStop IN NUMBER) IS neworder simpleorder_typ; customer customer_typ; item orderitem_typ; items orderitemlist_vartyp; itc number; iid number; iprice number; iquantity number; ordertype varchar2(30); order_date date; custno number; custid number; custname varchar2(100); cstreet varchar2(100); ccity varchar2(30); cstate varchar2(2); czip number; ccountry varchar2(100); BEGIN for i in QS_OStart .. QS_OStop loop if ((i MOD 20) = 0) THEN ordertype := 'RUSH'; ELSE ordertype := 'NORMAL'; end if; -- neworder.paymentmethod := 'MASTERCARD'; select to_char(sysdate) into order_date from sys.dual; custid := i MOD 10; select cust_first_name, c.cust_address.street_address, c.cust_, c.cust_address.state_province, c.cust_address.postal_code, c.cust_ address.country_id into custname, cstreet, ccity, cstate, czip, ccountry from oe.customers c where customer_id = custid; select product_id, list_price into iid, iprice from oe.product_information where product_id = i; item := orderitem_typ (1, 1, iprice, iid, iprice); items(1) := item; customer := Customer_typ(custid, custname, cstreet, ccity, cstate, czip, ccountry); neworder := simpleorder_typ(i, NULL, ordertype, NULL, 'MASTERCARD', iprice); new_order_enq(neworder, customer, items); dbms_output.put_line('order processed' || neworder.orderno); dbms_lock.sleep(10 - (i MOD 10)); end loop; END new_order_driver; END QS_Applications; / show errors grant execute on QS_Applications to qs; grant execute on QS_Applications to QS_WS; grant execute on QS_Applications to QS_ES; grant execute on QS_Applications to QS_OS; grant execute on QS_Applications to QS_CB; grant execute on QS_Applications to QS_CBADM;
Rem Rem $Header: qs_ws.sql 26-feb-2001.16:50:51 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem qs_ws.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem qs_ws.sql - Creates Western Shipping schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The QS_WS schema belongs to the Queued Shipping Rem (QS) schema group of the Oracle9i Sample Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Merged ahunold_qs_filenames Rem ahunold 02/26/01 - Created from qs_ws_cre.sql Rem REM ======================================================= REM Create a priority queue table for QS_WS shipping REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_pr_mqtab', sort_list =>'priority,enq_time', comment => 'West Shipping Priority MultiConsumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create a FIFO queue tables for QS_WS shipping REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_mqtab', comment => 'West Shipping Multi Consumer Orders queue table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'QS_ADM.order_typ', compatible => '8.1'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Booked orders are stored in the priority queue table REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_WS_bookedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_pr_mqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Shipped orders and back orders are stored in the FIFO REM queue table REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_WS_shippedorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_mqtab'); END; / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue ( queue_name => 'QS_WS_backorders_que', queue_table => 'QS_WS_orders_mqtab'); END; / REM ======================================================= REM In order to test history, set retention to 1 DAY for REM the queues in QS_WS REM ======================================================= BEGIN dbms_aqadm.alter_queue( queue_name => 'QS_WS_bookedorders_que', retention_time => 86400); END; / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.alter_queue( queue_name => 'QS_WS_shippedorders_que', retention_time => 86400); END; / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.alter_queue( queue_name => 'QS_WS_backorders_que', retention_time => 86400); END; / REM ======================================================= REM Create the queue subscribers REM ======================================================= DECLARE subscriber$_agent; BEGIN /* Subscribe to the QS_WS back orders queue */ subscriber :=$_agent( 'BACK_ORDER', 'QS_CS.QS_CS_backorders_que', null); dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber( queue_name => 'QS_WS.QS_WS_backorders_que', subscriber => subscriber); END; / DECLARE subscriber$_agent; BEGIN /* Subscribe to the QS_WS shipped orders queue */ subscriber :=$_agent( 'SHIPPED_ORDER', 'QS_CS.QS_CS_shippedorders_que', null); dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber( queue_name => 'QS_WS.QS_WS_shippedorders_que', subscriber => subscriber); END; / COMMIT;
This section shows the SH
schema scripts in alphabetical order.
Rem Rem $Header: sh_analz.sql 27-apr-2001.13:56:20 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_analz.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_analz.sql - Gather statistics for SH schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem To avoid regression test differences, COMPUTE Rem statistics are gathered. Rem Rem It is not recommended to use the estimate_percent Rem parameter for larger data volumes. For example: Rem EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( - Rem 'SH' , - Rem granularity => 'ALL' , - Rem cascade => TRUE , - Rem estimate_percent => 20 , - Rem block_sample => TRUE ); Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 04/27/01 - COMPUTE Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( - 'SH' , - granularity => 'ALL' , - cascade => TRUE , - block_sample => TRUE );
Rem Rem $Header: sh_comnt.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_comnt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_comnt.sql - Populates the countries and channel table Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem COMMENT ON TABLE times IS 'Time dimension table to support multiple hierarchies and materialized views'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.time_id IS 'primary key; day date, finest granularity, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.day_name IS 'Monday to Sunday, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.day_number_in_week IS '1 to 7, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.day_number_in_month IS '1 to 31, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_week_number IS '1 to 53, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_week_number IS '1 to 53, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.week_ending_day IS 'date of last day in week, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_month_number IS '1 to 12, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_month_number IS '1 to 12, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_month_desc IS 'e.g. 1998-01, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_month_desc IS 'e.g. 1998-01, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_month_name IS 'January to December, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_month_name IS 'January to December, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_quarter_desc IS 'e.g. 1998-Q1, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_quarter_desc IS 'e.g. 1999-Q3, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_quarter_number IS '1 to 4, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_quarter_number IS '1 to 4, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.calendar_year IS 'e.g. 1999, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.fiscal_year IS 'e.g. 1999, CORRECT ORDER'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.days_in_cal_month IS 'e.g. 28,31, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.days_in_fis_month IS 'e.g. 25,32, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.days_in_cal_quarter IS 'e.g. 88,90, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.days_in_fis_quarter IS 'e.g. 88,90, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.days_in_cal_year IS '365,366 repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.days_in_fis_year IS 'e.g. 355,364, repeating'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.end_of_cal_month IS 'last day of calendar month'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.end_of_fis_month IS 'last day of fiscal month'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.end_of_cal_quarter IS 'last day of calendar quarter'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.end_of_fis_quarter IS 'last day of fiscal quarter'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.end_of_cal_year IS 'last day of cal year'; COMMENT ON COLUMN times.end_of_fis_year IS 'last day of fiscal year'; rem ============================================= COMMENT ON TABLE channels IS 'small dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN channels.channel_id IS 'primary key column'; COMMENT ON COLUMN channels.channel_desc IS 'e.g. telesales, internet, catalog'; COMMENT ON COLUMN channels.channel_class IS 'e.g. direct, indirect'; rem ============================================= COMMENT ON TABLE promotions IS 'dimension table without a PK-FK relationship with the facts table, to show outer join functionality'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_id IS 'primary key column'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_name IS 'promotion description'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_subcategory IS 'enables to investigate promotion hierarchies'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_category IS 'promotion category'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_cost IS 'promotion cost, to do promotion effect calculations'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_begin_date IS 'promotion begin day'; COMMENT ON COLUMN promotions.promo_end_date IS 'promotion end day'; rem ============================================= COMMENT ON TABLE countries IS 'country dimension table (snowflake)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_id IS 'primary key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_name IS 'country name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_subregion IS 'e.g. Western Europe, to allow hierarchies'; COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_region IS 'e.g. Europe, Asia'; rem ============================================= COMMENT ON TABLE products IS 'dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_id IS 'primary key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_name IS 'product name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_desc IS 'product description'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_subcategory IS 'product subcategory'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_subcat_desc IS 'product subcategory description'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_category IS 'product category'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_cat_desc IS 'product category description'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_weight_class IS 'product weight class'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_unit_of_measure IS 'product unit of measure'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_pack_size IS 'product package size'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.supplier_id IS 'this column'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_status IS 'product status'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_list_price IS 'product list price'; COMMENT ON COLUMN products.prod_min_price IS 'product minimum price'; rem ============================================= COMMENT ON TABLE customers IS 'dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_id IS 'primary key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_first_name IS 'first name of the customer'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_last_name IS 'last name of the customer'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_gender IS 'gender; low cardinality attribute'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_year_of_birth IS 'customer year of birth'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_marital_status IS 'customer marital status; low cardinality attribute'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_street_address IS 'customer street address'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_postal_code IS 'postal code of the customer'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_city IS 'city where the customer lives'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_state_province IS 'customer geography: state or province'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_main_phone_number IS 'customer main phone number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_income_level IS 'customer income level'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_credit_limit IS 'customer credit limit'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.cust_email IS 'customer email id'; COMMENT ON COLUMN customers.country_id IS 'foreign key to the countries table (snowflake)'; rem ============================================= COMMENT ON TABLE sales IS 'facts table, without a primary key; all rows are uniquely identified by the combination of all foreign keys'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.prod_id IS 'FK to the products dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.cust_id IS 'FK to the customers dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.time_id IS 'FK to the times dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.channel_id IS 'FK to the channels dimension table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.promo_id IS 'promotion identifier, without FK constraint (intentionally) to show outer join optimization'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.quantity_sold IS 'product quantity sold with the transaction'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sales.amount_sold IS 'invoiced amount to the customer';
Rem Rem $Header: sh_cons.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_cons.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_cons.sql - Define constraints Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY CONSTRAINT sales_product_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE; ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY CONSTRAINT sales_customer_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE; ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY CONSTRAINT sales_time_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE; ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY CONSTRAINT sales_channel_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE; ALTER TABLE sales MODIFY CONSTRAINT sales_promo_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE; ALTER TABLE costs MODIFY CONSTRAINT costs_time_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE; ALTER TABLE costs MODIFY CONSTRAINT costs_product_fk ENABLE NOVALIDATE;
REM REM $Header: sh_cre.sql 04-sep-2001.09:40:37 ahunold Exp $ REM REM sh_cre.sql REM REM Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM NAME REM sh_cre.sql - Create database objects REM REM DESCRIPTION REM SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample REM Schemas REM REM NOTES REM Prerequisite: Enterprise Edition with Partitioning Option REM installed REM REM MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) REM ahunold 09/04/01 - . REM ahunold 08/16/01 - added partitions REM hbaer 01/29/01 - Created REM REM TABLE TIMES attribute definitions and examples REM since most of the attributes are CHARACTER values, a correct time based REM order CANNOT be guaranteed for all of them. The ones were this is guaranteed REM are marked accordingly REM for correct time based ordering the VARCHAR2() attributes have to be converted REM with the appropriate TO_DATE() function REM time_id /* day date, finest granularity, CORRECT ORDER */ REM day_name /* Monday to Sunday, repeating */ REM day_number_in_week /* 1 to 7, repeating */ REM day_number_in_month /* 1 to 31, repeating */ REM calendar_week_number /* 1 to 53, repeating */ REM fiscal_week_number /* 1 to 53, repeating */ REM week_ending_day /* date of last day in week, CORRECT ORDER */ REM calendar_month_number /* 1 to 12, repeating */ REM fiscal_month_number /* 1 to 12, repeating */ REM calendar_month_desc /* e.g. 1998-01, CORRECT ORDER */ REM fiscal_month_desc /* e.g. 1998-01, CORRECT ORDER */ REM calendar_month_name /* January to December, repeating */ REM fiscal_month_name /* January to December, repeating */ REM calendar_quarter_desc /* e.g. 1998-Q1, CORRECT ORDER */ REM fiscal_quarter_desc /* e.g. 1999-Q3, CORRECT ORDER */ REM calendar_quarter_number /* 1 to 4, repeating */ REM fiscal_quarter_number /* 1 to 4, repeating */ REM calendar_year /* e.g. 1999, CORRECT ORDER */ REM fiscal_year /* e.g. 1999, CORRECT ORDER */ REM days_in_cal_month /* e.g. 28,31, repeating */ REM days_in_fis_month /* e.g. 25,32, repeating */ REM days_in_cal_quarter /* e.g. 88,90, repeating */ REM days_in_fis_quarter /* e.g. 88,90, repeating */ REM days_in_cal_year /* 365,366 repeating */ REM days_in_fis_year /* e.g. 355,364, repeating */ REM end_of_cal_month /* last day of cal month */ REM end_of_fis_month /* last day of fiscal month */ REM end_of_cal_quarte /* last day of cal quarter */ REM end_of_fis_quarter /* last day of fiscal quarter */ REM end_of_cal_year /* last day of cal year */ REM end_of_fis_year /* last day of fiscal year */ REM creation of dimension table TIMES ... CREATE TABLE times ( time_id DATE , day_name VARCHAR2(9) CONSTRAINT tim_day_name_nn NOT NULL , day_number_in_week NUMBER(1) CONSTRAINT tim_day_in_week_nn NOT NULL , day_number_in_month NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT tim_day_in_month_nn NOT NULL , calendar_week_number NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_week_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_week_number NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_week_nn NOT NULL , week_ending_day DATE CONSTRAINT tim_week_ending_day_nn NOT NULL , calendar_month_number NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_month_number_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_month_number NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_month_number_nn NOT NULL , calendar_month_desc VARCHAR2(8) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_month_desc_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_month_desc VARCHAR2(8) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_month_desc_nn NOT NULL , days_in_cal_month NUMBER CONSTRAINT tim_days_cal_month_nn NOT NULL , days_in_fis_month NUMBER CONSTRAINT tim_days_fis_month_nn NOT NULL , end_of_cal_month DATE CONSTRAINT tim_end_of_cal_month_nn NOT NULL , end_of_fis_month DATE CONSTRAINT tim_end_of_fis_month_nn NOT NULL , calendar_month_name VARCHAR2(9) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_month_name_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_month_name VARCHAR2(9) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_month_name_nn NOT NULL , calendar_quarter_desc CHAR(7) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_quarter_desc_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_quarter_desc CHAR(7) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_quarter_desc_nn NOT NULL , days_in_cal_quarter NUMBER CONSTRAINT tim_days_cal_quarter_nn NOT NULL , days_in_fis_quarter NUMBER CONSTRAINT tim_days_fis_quarter_nn NOT NULL , end_of_cal_quarter DATE CONSTRAINT tim_end_of_cal_quarter_nn NOT NULL , end_of_fis_quarter DATE CONSTRAINT tim_end_of_fis_quarter_nn NOT NULL , calendar_quarter_number NUMBER(1) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_quarter_number_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_quarter_number NUMBER(1) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_quarter_number_nn NOT NULL , calendar_year NUMBER(4) CONSTRAINT tim_cal_year_nn NOT NULL , fiscal_year NUMBER(4) CONSTRAINT tim_fis_year_nn NOT NULL , days_in_cal_year NUMBER CONSTRAINT tim_days_cal_year_nn NOT NULL , days_in_fis_year NUMBER CONSTRAINT tim_days_fis_year_nn NOT NULL , end_of_cal_year DATE CONSTRAINT tim_end_of_cal_year_nn NOT NULL , end_of_fis_year DATE CONSTRAINT tim_end_of_fis_year_nn NOT NULL ) PCTFREE 5; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX time_pk ON times (time_id) ; ALTER TABLE times ADD ( CONSTRAINT time_pk PRIMARY KEY (time_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; REM creation of dimension table CHANNELS ... CREATE TABLE channels ( channel_id CHAR(1) , channel_desc VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT chan_desc_nn NOT NULL , channel_class VARCHAR2(20) ) PCTFREE 5; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX chan_pk ON channels (channel_id) ; ALTER TABLE channels ADD ( CONSTRAINT chan_pk PRIMARY KEY (channel_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; REM creation of dimension table PROMOTIONS ... CREATE TABLE promotions ( promo_id NUMBER(6) , promo_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT promo_name_nn NOT NULL , promo_subcategory VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT promo_subcat_nn NOT NULL , promo_category VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT promo_cat_nn NOT NULL , promo_cost NUMBER(10,2) CONSTRAINT promo_cost_nn NOT NULL , promo_begin_date DATE CONSTRAINT promo_begin_date_nn NOT NULL , promo_end_date DATE CONSTRAINT promo_end_date_nn NOT NULL ) PCTFREE 5; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX promo_pk ON promotions (promo_id) ; ALTER TABLE promotions ADD ( CONSTRAINT promo_pk PRIMARY KEY (promo_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; REM creation of dimension table COUNTRIES ... CREATE TABLE countries ( country_id CHAR(2) , country_name VARCHAR2(40) CONSTRAINT country_country_name_nn NOT NULL , country_subregion VARCHAR2(30) , country_region VARCHAR2(20) ) PCTFREE 5; ALTER TABLE countries ADD ( CONSTRAINT country_pk PRIMARY KEY (country_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; REM creation of dimension table CUSTOMERS ... CREATE TABLE customers ( cust_id NUMBER , cust_first_name VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT customer_fname_nn NOT NULL , cust_last_name VARCHAR2(40) CONSTRAINT customer_lname_nn NOT NULL , cust_gender CHAR(1) , cust_year_of_birth NUMBER(4) , cust_marital_status VARCHAR2(20) , cust_street_address VARCHAR2(40) CONSTRAINT customer_st_addr_nn NOT NULL , cust_postal_code VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT customer_pcode_nn NOT NULL , cust_city VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT customer_city_nn NOT NULL , cust_state_province VARCHAR2(40) , country_id CHAR(2) CONSTRAINT customer_country_id_nn NOT NULL , cust_main_phone_number VARCHAR2(25) , cust_income_level VARCHAR2(30) , cust_credit_limit NUMBER , cust_email VARCHAR2(30) ) PCTFREE 5; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX customers_pk ON customers (cust_id) ; ALTER TABLE customers ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_pk PRIMARY KEY (cust_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; ALTER TABLE customers ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_country_fk FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES countries(country_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE); REM creation of dimension table PRODUCTS ... CREATE TABLE products ( prod_id NUMBER(6) , prod_name VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT products_prod_name_nn NOT NULL , prod_desc VARCHAR2(4000) CONSTRAINT products_prod_desc_nn NOT NULL , prod_subcategory VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT products_prod_subcat_nn NOT NULL , prod_subcat_desc VARCHAR2(2000) CONSTRAINT products_prod_subcatd_nn NOT NULL , prod_category VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT products_prod_cat_nn NOT NULL , prod_cat_desc VARCHAR2(2000) CONSTRAINT products_prod_catd_nn NOT NULL , prod_weight_class NUMBER(2) , prod_unit_of_measure VARCHAR2(20) , prod_pack_size VARCHAR2(30) , supplier_id NUMBER(6) , prod_status VARCHAR2(20) CONSTRAINT products_prod_stat_nn NOT NULL , prod_list_price NUMBER(8,2) CONSTRAINT products_prod_list_price_nn NOT NULL , prod_min_price NUMBER(8,2) CONSTRAINT products_prod_min_price_nn NOT NULL ) PCTFREE 5; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX products_pk ON products (prod_id) ; ALTER TABLE products ADD ( CONSTRAINT products_pk PRIMARY KEY (prod_id) RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; REM creation of fact table SALES ... CREATE TABLE sales ( prod_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT sales_product_nn NOT NULL , cust_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT sales_customer_nn NOT NULL , time_id DATE CONSTRAINT sales_time_nn NOT NULL , channel_id CHAR(1) CONSTRAINT sales_channel_nn NOT NULL , promo_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT sales_promo_nn NOT NULL , quantity_sold NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT sales_quantity_nn NOT NULL , amount_sold NUMBER(10,2) CONSTRAINT sales_amount_nn NOT NULL ) PCTFREE 5 NOLOGGING PARTITION BY RANGE (time_id) (PARTITION SALES_1995 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-1996','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_1996 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-1997','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_H1_1997 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-1997','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_H2_1997 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q1_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-APR-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q2_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q3_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-OCT-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q4_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q1_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-APR-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q2_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q3_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-OCT-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q4_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q1_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-APR-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q2_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q3_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-OCT-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION SALES_Q4_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-2001','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American'))) ; REM creation of second fact table COSTS ... CREATE TABLE costs ( prod_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT costs_product_nn NOT NULL , time_id DATE CONSTRAINT costs_time_nn NOT NULL , unit_cost NUMBER(10,2) CONSTRAINT costs_unit_cost_nn NOT NULL , unit_price NUMBER(10,2) CONSTRAINT costs_unit_price_nn NOT NULL ) PCTFREE 5 NOLOGGING PARTITION BY RANGE (time_id) (PARTITION COSTS_Q1_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-APR-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q2_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q3_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-OCT-1998','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q4_1998 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q1_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-APR-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q2_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q3_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-OCT-1999','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q4_1999 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q1_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-APR-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q2_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JUL-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q3_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-OCT-2000','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American')), PARTITION COSTS_Q4_2000 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('01-JAN-2001','DD-MON-YYYY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American'))) ; REM establish foreign keys to ALL dimension tables ALTER TABLE sales ADD ( CONSTRAINT sales_product_fk FOREIGN KEY (prod_id) REFERENCES products RELY ENABLE VALIDATE , CONSTRAINT sales_customer_fk FOREIGN KEY (cust_id) REFERENCES customers RELY ENABLE VALIDATE , CONSTRAINT sales_time_fk FOREIGN KEY (time_id) REFERENCES times RELY ENABLE VALIDATE , CONSTRAINT sales_channel_fk FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES channels RELY ENABLE VALIDATE , CONSTRAINT sales_promo_fk FOREIGN KEY (promo_id) REFERENCES promotions RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; ALTER TABLE costs ADD ( CONSTRAINT costs_product_fk FOREIGN KEY (prod_id) REFERENCES products RELY ENABLE VALIDATE , CONSTRAINT costs_time_fk FOREIGN KEY (time_id) REFERENCES times RELY ENABLE VALIDATE ) ; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: sh_cremv.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_cremv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_cremv.sql - Create materialized views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem ahunold 03/05/01 - no DROPs needed, part of creation script Rem first materialized view; simple aggregate join MV Rem equivalent to example 1 in MV chapter DWG, page 8-11 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW cal_month_sales_mv PCTFREE 5 BUILD IMMEDIATE REFRESH FORCE ENABLE QUERY REWRITE AS SELECT t.calendar_month_desc , sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars FROM sales s , times t WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id GROUP BY t.calendar_month_desc; Rem more complex mv with additional key columns to join to other dimensions; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW fweek_pscat_sales_mv PCTFREE 5 BUILD IMMEDIATE REFRESH COMPLETE ENABLE QUERY REWRITE AS SELECT t.week_ending_day , p.prod_subcategory , sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars , s.channel_id , s.promo_id FROM sales s , times t , products p WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id AND s.prod_id = p.prod_id GROUP BY t.week_ending_day , p.prod_subcategory , s.channel_id , s.promo_id; CREATE BITMAP INDEX FW_PSC_S_MV_SUBCAT_BIX ON fweek_pscat_sales_mv(prod_subcategory); CREATE BITMAP INDEX FW_PSC_S_MV_CHAN_BIX ON fweek_pscat_sales_mv(channel_id); CREATE BITMAP INDEX FW_PSC_S_MV_PROMO_BIX ON fweek_pscat_sales_mv(promo_id); CREATE BITMAP INDEX FW_PSC_S_MV_WD_BIX ON fweek_pscat_sales_mv(week_ending_day);
Rem Rem $Header: sh_drop.sql 01-feb-2002.12:36:00 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_drop.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_drop.sql - Drop database objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 02/01/02 - bug2206757 Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem REM drop all tables of schema DROP TABLE sales CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE costs CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE times CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE channels CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE promotions CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE customers CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE countries CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE products CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE mv_capabilities_table CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE plan_table CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE rewrite_table CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; DROP TABLE sales_transactions_ext CASCADE CONSTRAINTS ; REM automatically generated by dbms_olap package DROP TABLE mview$_exceptions; REM drop all dimensions DROP DIMENSION customers_dim; DROP DIMENSION times_dim; DROP DIMENSION products_dim; DROP DIMENSION promotions_dim; DROP DIMENSION channels_dim; REM drop materialized views DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW cal_month_sales_mv; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW fweek_pscat_sales_mv; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: sh_hiera.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_hiera.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_hiera.sql - Create dimensions and hierarchies Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem CREATE DIMENSION times_dim LEVEL day IS TIMES.TIME_ID LEVEL month IS TIMES.CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC LEVEL quarter IS TIMES.CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC LEVEL year IS TIMES.CALENDAR_YEAR LEVEL fis_week IS TIMES.WEEK_ENDING_DAY LEVEL fis_month IS TIMES.FISCAL_MONTH_DESC LEVEL fis_quarter IS TIMES.FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC LEVEL fis_year IS TIMES.FISCAL_YEAR HIERARCHY cal_rollup ( day CHILD OF month CHILD OF quarter CHILD OF year ) HIERARCHY fis_rollup ( day CHILD OF fis_week CHILD OF fis_month CHILD OF fis_quarter CHILD OF fis_year ) ATTRIBUTE day DETERMINES (day_number_in_week, day_name, day_number_in_month, calendar_week_number) ATTRIBUTE month DETERMINES (calendar_month_desc, calendar_month_number, calendar_month_name, days_in_cal_month, end_of_cal_month) ATTRIBUTE quarter DETERMINES (calendar_quarter_desc, calendar_quarter_number,days_in_cal_quarter, end_of_cal_quarter) ATTRIBUTE year DETERMINES (calendar_year, days_in_cal_year, end_of_cal_year) ATTRIBUTE fis_week DETERMINES (week_ending_day, fiscal_week_number) ATTRIBUTE fis_month DETERMINES (fiscal_month_desc, fiscal_month_number, fiscal_month_name, days_in_fis_month, end_of_fis_month) ATTRIBUTE fis_quarter DETERMINES (fiscal_quarter_desc, fiscal_quarter_number, days_in_fis_quarter, end_of_fis_quarter) ATTRIBUTE fis_year DETERMINES (fiscal_year, days_in_fis_year, end_of_fis_year) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('times_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; CREATE DIMENSION customers_dim LEVEL customer IS (customers.cust_id) LEVEL city IS (customers.cust_city) LEVEL state IS (customers.cust_state_province) LEVEL country IS (countries.country_id) LEVEL subregion IS (countries.country_subregion) LEVEL region IS (countries.country_region) HIERARCHY geog_rollup ( customer CHILD OF city CHILD OF state CHILD OF country CHILD OF subregion CHILD OF region JOIN KEY (customers.country_id) REFERENCES country ) ATTRIBUTE customer DETERMINES (cust_first_name, cust_last_name, cust_gender, cust_marital_status, cust_year_of_birth, cust_income_level, cust_credit_limit, cust_street_address, cust_postal_code, cust_main_phone_number, cust_email) ATTRIBUTE city DETERMINES (cust_city) ATTRIBUTE state DETERMINES (cust_state_province) ATTRIBUTE country DETERMINES (countries.country_name) ATTRIBUTE subregion DETERMINES (countries.country_subregion) ATTRIBUTE region DETERMINES (countries.country_region) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('customers_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; CREATE DIMENSION products_dim LEVEL product IS (products.prod_id) LEVEL subcategory IS (products.prod_subcategory) LEVEL category IS (products.prod_category) HIERARCHY prod_rollup ( product CHILD OF subcategory CHILD OF category ) ATTRIBUTE product DETERMINES (products.prod_name, products.prod_desc, prod_weight_class, prod_unit_of_measure, prod_pack_size,prod_status, prod_list_price, prod_min_price) ATTRIBUTE subcategory DETERMINES (prod_subcategory, prod_subcat_desc) ATTRIBUTE category DETERMINES (prod_category, prod_cat_desc) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('products_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; CREATE DIMENSION promotions_dim LEVEL promo IS (promotions.promo_id) LEVEL subcategory IS (promotions.promo_subcategory) LEVEL category IS (promotions.promo_category) HIERARCHY promo_rollup ( promo CHILD OF subcategory CHILD OF category ) ATTRIBUTE promo DETERMINES (promo_name, promo_cost, promo_begin_date, promo_end_date) ATTRIBUTE subcategory DETERMINES (promo_subcategory) ATTRIBUTE category DETERMINES (promo_category) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('promotions_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; CREATE DIMENSION channels_dim LEVEL channel IS (channels.channel_id) LEVEL channel_class IS (channels.channel_class) HIERARCHY channel_rollup ( channel CHILD OF channel_class ) ATTRIBUTE channel DETERMINES (channel_desc) ATTRIBUTE channel_class DETERMINES (channel_class) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('channels_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: sh_idx.sql 01-feb-2001.15:13:21 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_idx.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_idx.sql - Create database objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem ahunold 03/05/01 - no DROPs needed, part of creation suite REM some indexes on fact table SALES CREATE BITMAP INDEX sales_prod_bix ON sales (prod_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX sales_cust_bix ON sales (cust_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX sales_time_bix ON sales (time_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX sales_channel_bix ON sales (channel_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX sales_promo_bix ON sales (promo_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; REM some indexes on fact table COSTS CREATE BITMAP INDEX costs_prod_bix ON costs (prod_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX costs_time_bix ON costs (time_id) LOCAL NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; REM some indexes on dimension tables CREATE BITMAP INDEX products_prod_status_bix ON products(prod_status) NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE INDEX products_prod_subcat_ix ON products(prod_subcategory) NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE INDEX products_prod_cat_ix ON products(prod_category) NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX customers_gender_bix ON customers(cust_gender) NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX customers_marital_bix ON customers(cust_marital_status) NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; CREATE BITMAP INDEX customers_yob_bix ON customers(cust_year_of_birth) NOLOGGING COMPUTE STATISTICS ; COMMIT;
Rem Rem $Header: sh_main.sql 29-aug-2001.09:10:41 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_main.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_main.sql - Main schema creation and load script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem CAUTION: use absolute pathnames as parameters 5 and 6. Rem Example (UNIX) echo $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/sales_history Rem Please make sure that parameters 5 and 6 are specified Rem INCLUDING the trailing directory delimiter, since the Rem directory parameters and the filenames are concatenated Rem without adding any delimiters. Rem Run this as SYS or SYSTEM Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 08/28/01 - roles Rem ahunold 07/13/01 - NLS Territory Rem ahunold 04/13/01 - spool, notes Rem ahunold 04/10/01 - flexible log and data paths Rem ahunold 03/28/01 - spool Rem ahunold 03/23/01 - absolute path names Rem ahunold 03/14/01 - prompts Rem ahunold 03/09/01 - privileges Rem hbaer 03/01/01 - changed loading from COSTS table from Rem SQL*Loader to external table with GROUP BY Rem Added also CREATE DIRECTORY privilege Rem SET ECHO OFF PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SH as parameter 1: DEFINE pass = &1 PROMPT PROMPT specify default tablespeace for SH as parameter 2: DEFINE tbs = &2 PROMPT PROMPT specify temporary tablespace for SH as parameter 3: DEFINE ttbs = &3 PROMPT PROMPT specify password for SYS as parameter 4: DEFINE pass_sys = &4 PROMPT PROMPT specify directory path for the data files as parameter 5: DEFINE data_dir = &5 PROMPT PROMPT writeable directory path for the log files as parameter 6: DEFINE log_dir = &6 PROMPT ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE='American'; -- The first dot in the spool command below is -- the SQL*Plus concatenation character DEFINE spool_file = &log_dir.sh_main.log SPOOL &spool_file -- Dropping the user with all its objects DROP USER sh CASCADE; REM ======================================================= REM create user REM THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF APPROPRIATE TS ARE PRESENT REM ======================================================= CREATE USER sh IDENTIFIED BY &pass; ALTER USER sh DEFAULT TABLESPACE &tbs QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs; ALTER USER sh TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &ttbs; CREATE ROLE sales_history_role; GRANT CREATE ANY DIRECTORY TO sales_history_role; GRANT DROP ANY DIRECTORY TO sales_history_role; GRANT CREATE DIMENSION TO sales_history_role; GRANT QUERY REWRITE TO sales_history_role; GRANT CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW TO sales_history_role; GRANT CONNECT TO sh; GRANT RESOURCE TO sh; GRANT sales_history_role TO sh; GRANT select_catalog_role TO sh; ALTER USER sh DEFAULT ROLE ALL; rem ALTER USER sh GRANT CONNECT THROUGH olapsvr; REM ======================================================= REM grants for sys schema REM ======================================================= CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; GRANT execute ON sys.dbms_stats TO sh; REM ======================================================= REM create sh schema objects (sales history - star schema) REM ======================================================= CONNECT sh/&pass ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TERRITORY=America; PROMPT creating tables ... @&data_dir.sh_cre.sql PROMPT inserting rows tables ... @&data_dir.sh_pop1.sql @&data_dir.sh_pop2.sql PROMPT loading data ... @&data_dir.sh_pop3.sql &pass &data_dir &log_dir PROMPT creating indexes ... @&data_dir.sh_idx.sql PROMPT adding constraints ... @&data_dir.sh_cons.sql PROMPT creating dimensions and hierarchies ... @&data_dir.sh_hiera.sql PROMPT creating materialized views ... @&data_dir.sh_cremv.sql PROMPT gathering statistics ... @&data_dir.sh_analz.sql PROMPT adding comments ... @&data_dir.sh_comnt.sql PROMPT creating PLAN_TABLE ... @?/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql PROMPT creating REWRITE_TABLE ... @?/rdbms/admin/utlxrw.sql PROMPT creating MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE ... @?/rdbms/admin/utlxmv.sql COMMIT; spool off
Rem Rem $Header: sh_olp_c.sql 17-sep-2001.15:57:34 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_olp_c.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_olp_c.sql - Create columns used by OLAP Server Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ahunold 09/17/01 - sh_analz.sql rem ahunold 05/10/01 - Time dimension attributes rem pfay 04/10/01 - change case Rem ahunold 04/05/01 - dimension names Rem ahunold 03/05/01 - external table, no DROPs Rem ahunold 02/07/01 - CMWLite Rem ahunold 02/01/01 - Merged ahunold_two_facts Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem ALTER TABLE products ADD prod_total VARCHAR2(13) DEFAULT 'Product total'; ALTER TABLE customers ADD cust_total VARCHAR2(14) DEFAULT 'Customer total'; ALTER TABLE promotions ADD promo_total VARCHAR2(15) DEFAULT 'Promotion total'; ALTER TABLE channels ADD channel_total VARCHAR2(13) DEFAULT 'Channel total'; ALTER TABLE countries ADD country_total VARCHAR2(11) DEFAULT 'World total'; COMMIT; Rem modified dimension definition to include new total column DROP DIMENSION times_dim; CREATE DIMENSION times_dim LEVEL day IS TIMES.TIME_ID LEVEL month IS TIMES.CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC LEVEL quarter IS TIMES.CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC LEVEL year IS TIMES.CALENDAR_YEAR LEVEL fis_week IS TIMES.WEEK_ENDING_DAY LEVEL fis_month IS TIMES.FISCAL_MONTH_DESC LEVEL fis_quarter IS TIMES.FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC LEVEL fis_year IS TIMES.FISCAL_YEAR HIERARCHY cal_rollup ( day CHILD OF month CHILD OF quarter CHILD OF year ) HIERARCHY fis_rollup ( day CHILD OF fis_week CHILD OF fis_month CHILD OF fis_quarter CHILD OF fis_year ) ATTRIBUTE day DETERMINES (day_number_in_week, day_name, day_number_in_month, calendar_week_number) ATTRIBUTE month DETERMINES (calendar_month_desc, calendar_month_number, calendar_month_name, days_in_cal_month, end_of_cal_month) ATTRIBUTE quarter DETERMINES (calendar_quarter_desc, calendar_quarter_number,days_in_cal_quarter, end_of_cal_quarter) ATTRIBUTE year DETERMINES (calendar_year, days_in_cal_year, end_of_cal_year) ATTRIBUTE fis_week DETERMINES (week_ending_day, fiscal_week_number) ATTRIBUTE fis_month DETERMINES (fiscal_month_desc, fiscal_month_number, fiscal_month_name, days_in_fis_month, end_of_fis_month) ATTRIBUTE fis_quarter DETERMINES (fiscal_quarter_desc, fiscal_quarter_number, days_in_fis_quarter, end_of_fis_quarter) ATTRIBUTE fis_year DETERMINES (fiscal_year, days_in_fis_year, end_of_fis_year) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('times_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; DROP DIMENSION customers_dim; CREATE DIMENSION customers_dim LEVEL customer IS (customers.cust_id) LEVEL city IS (customers.cust_city) LEVEL state IS (customers.cust_state_province) LEVEL country IS (countries.country_id) LEVEL subregion IS (countries.country_subregion) LEVEL region IS (countries.country_region) LEVEL geog_total IS (countries.country_total) LEVEL cust_total IS (customers.cust_total) HIERARCHY cust_rollup ( customer CHILD OF city CHILD OF state CHILD OF cust_total ) HIERARCHY geog_rollup ( customer CHILD OF city CHILD OF state CHILD OF country CHILD OF subregion CHILD OF region CHILD OF geog_total JOIN KEY (customers.country_id) REFERENCES country ) ATTRIBUTE customer DETERMINES (cust_first_name, cust_last_name, cust_gender, cust_marital_status, cust_year_of_birth, cust_income_level, cust_credit_limit, cust_street_address, cust_postal_code, cust_main_phone_number, cust_email) ATTRIBUTE city DETERMINES (cust_city) ATTRIBUTE state DETERMINES (cust_state_province) ATTRIBUTE country DETERMINES (countries.country_name) ATTRIBUTE subregion DETERMINES (countries.country_subregion) ATTRIBUTE region DETERMINES (countries.country_region) ATTRIBUTE geog_total DETERMINES (countries.country_total) ATTRIBUTE cust_total DETERMINES (customers.cust_total) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('customers_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; DROP DIMENSION products_dim; CREATE DIMENSION products_dim LEVEL product IS (products.prod_id) LEVEL subcategory IS (products.prod_subcategory) LEVEL category IS (products.prod_category) LEVEL prod_total IS (products.prod_total) HIERARCHY prod_rollup ( product CHILD OF subcategory CHILD OF category CHILD OF prod_total ) ATTRIBUTE product DETERMINES (products.prod_name, products.prod_desc, prod_weight_class, prod_unit_of_measure, prod_pack_size,prod_status, prod_list_price, prod_min_price) ATTRIBUTE subcategory DETERMINES (prod_subcategory, prod_subcat_desc) ATTRIBUTE category DETERMINES (prod_category, prod_cat_desc) ATTRIBUTE prod_total DETERMINES (prod_total) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('products_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; DROP DIMENSION promotions_dim; CREATE DIMENSION promotions_dim LEVEL promo IS (promotions.promo_id) LEVEL subcategory IS (promotions.promo_subcategory) LEVEL category IS (promotions.promo_category) LEVEL promo_total IS (promotions.promo_total) HIERARCHY promo_rollup ( promo CHILD OF subcategory CHILD OF category CHILD OF promo_total ) ATTRIBUTE promo DETERMINES (promo_name, promo_cost, promo_begin_date, promo_end_date) ATTRIBUTE subcategory DETERMINES (promo_subcategory) ATTRIBUTE category DETERMINES (promo_category) ATTRIBUTE promo_total DETERMINES (promo_total) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('promotions_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; DROP DIMENSION channels_dim; CREATE DIMENSION channels_dim LEVEL channel IS (channels.channel_id) LEVEL channel_class IS (channels.channel_class) LEVEL channel_total IS (channels.channel_total) HIERARCHY channel_rollup ( channel CHILD OF channel_class CHILD OF channel_total ) ATTRIBUTE channel DETERMINES (channel_desc) ATTRIBUTE channel_class DETERMINES (channel_class) ATTRIBUTE channel_total DETERMINES (channel_total) ; execute dbms_olap.validate_dimension('channels_dim','sh',false,true) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mview$_exceptions; rem --------------------------------------------------------------- rem CMWLite rem --------------------------------------------------------------- set serveroutput on size 99999 declare CUBE_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'CUBE'; MEASURE_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'MEASURE'; DIMENSION_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'DIMENSION'; HIERARCHY_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'HIERARCHY'; LEVEL_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'LEVEL'; DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'DIMENSION ATTRIBUTE'; LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'LEVEL ATTRIBUTE'; TABLE_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'TABLE'; COLUMN_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'COLUMN'; FOREIGN_KEY_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'FOREIGN KEY'; FUNCTION_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'FUNCTION'; PARAMETER_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'PARAMETER'; CATALOG_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'CATALOG'; DESCRIPTOR_TYPE constant varchar2(30) := 'DESCRIPTOR'; INSTANCE_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INSTANCE'; sh_products_dim number; sh_customers_dim number; sh_times_dim number; sh_channels_dim number; sh_promotions_dim number; time_desc_id number; time_span_id number; end_date_id number; long_desc_id number; short_desc_id number; desc_id number; name_id number; sh_catId number; tmp number; errtxt varchar(60); begin dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< CREATE CWMLite Metadata for the Sales History Schema >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< CREATE CATALOG sh_cat for Sales History >>>>>'); begin select catalog_id into sh_catId from all_olap_catalogs where catalog_name = 'SH_CAT'; cwm_classify.drop_catalog(sh_catId, true); dbms_output.put_line(' Catalog Dropped'); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No catalog to drop'); when cwm_exceptions.catalog_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No catalog to drop'); end; sh_catId := cwm_classify.create_catalog('SH_CAT', 'Sales History CWM Business Area'); dbms_output.put_line(' CWM Collect Garbage'); cwm_utility.collect_garbage; dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< CREATE the Sales CUBE >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line (' Sales amount, Sales quantity <TIMES CHANNELS PRODUCTS CUSTOMERS PROMOTIONS >'); begin dbms_output.put_line(' Drop SALES_CUBE prior to recreation'); cwm_olap_cube.drop_cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE'); dbms_output.put_line(' Cube Dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.cube_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No cube to drop'); end; CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Create_Cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , 'Sales Analysis', 'Sales amount, Sales quantity <TIMES CHANNELS PRODUCTS CUSTOMERS PROMOTIONS >'); dbms_output.put_line (' Add dimensions - to SALES_CUBE and map the foreign keys'); -- The level name in the map_cube parameter list names -- the lowest level of aggregation. It must be the -- lowest level in the dimension that contains data sh_times_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'TIMES_ DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'SALES', 'SALES_TIME_FK', 'DAY', USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); sh_channels_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNELS_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'SALES', 'SALES_CHANNEL_FK', 'CHANNEL', USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNELS_DIM'); sh_products_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCTS_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'SALES', 'SALES_PRODUCT_FK', 'PRODUCT', USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCTS_DIM'); sh_customers_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMERS_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'SALES', 'SALES_CUSTOMER_FK', 'CUSTOMER', USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMERS_DIM'); sh_promotions_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMOTIONS_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , USER, 'SALES', 'SALES_PROMO_FK', 'PROMO', USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMOTIONS_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line (' Create measures - for SALES_CUBE and map to columns in the fact table'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Create_Measure (USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , 'SALES_AMOUNT', 'Sales', 'Dollar Sales'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Set_Column_Map (USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , 'SALES_AMOUNT', USER, 'SALES', 'AMOUNT_SOLD'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Create_Measure (USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , 'SALES_QUANTITY', 'Quantity', 'Quantity Sold'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Set_Column_Map (USER, 'SALES_CUBE' , 'SALES_QUANTITY', USER, 'SALES', 'QUANTITY_SOLD'); dbms_output.put_line (' Set default aggregation method - to SUM for all measures over TIME'); tmp:= cwm_utility.create_function_usage('SUM'); cwm_olap_measure.set_default_aggregation_method (USER, 'SALES_CUBE', 'SALES_AMOUNT', tmp, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); tmp:= cwm_utility.create_function_usage('SUM'); cwm_olap_measure.set_default_aggregation_method (USER, 'SALES_CUBE', 'SALES_QUANTITY', tmp, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' Add SALES_CUBE to the catalog'); begin select catalog_id into sh_catId from all_olap_catalogs where catalog_name = 'SH_CAT'; cwm_classify.add_catalog_entity(sh_catID, USER, 'SALES_CUBE', 'SALES_ AMOUNT'); cwm_classify.add_catalog_entity(sh_catID, USER, 'SALES_CUBE', 'SALES_ QUANTITY'); dbms_output.put_line(' SALES_CUBE successfully added to sh_cat'); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No sh_cat catalog to add sales_cube to'); end; dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< CREATE the Cost CUBE >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line (' Unit Cost, Unit Price < TIMES PRODUCTS >'); begin dbms_output.put_line(' Drop COST_CUBE prior to recreation'); cwm_olap_cube.drop_cube(USER, 'COST_CUBE'); dbms_output.put_line(' Cube Dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.cube_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No cube to drop'); end; CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Create_Cube(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , 'Cost Analysis', 'Unit Cost, Unit Price < TIMES PRODUCTS >'); dbms_output.put_line (' Add dimensions - to COST_CUBE and map the foreign keys'); -- The level name in the map_cube parameter list names -- the lowest level of aggregation. It must be the -- lowest level in the dimension that contains data sh_times_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , USER, 'TIMES_ DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , USER, 'COSTS', 'COSTS_TIME_FK', 'DAY', USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); sh_products_dim := CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Add_Dimension(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCTS_DIM'); CWM_OLAP_CUBE.Map_Cube(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , USER, 'COSTS', 'COSTS_PRODUCT_FK', 'PRODUCT', USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCTS_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line (' Create measures - for COST_CUBE and map to columns in the fact table'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Create_Measure(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , 'UNIT_COST', 'Cost', 'Unit Cost Amount'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Set_Column_Map(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , 'UNIT_COST', USER, 'COSTS', 'UNIT_COST'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Create_Measure(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , 'UNIT_PRICE', 'Price', 'Unit Price Amount'); CWM_OLAP_MEASURE.Set_Column_Map(USER, 'COST_CUBE' , 'UNIT_PRICE', USER, 'COSTS', 'UNIT_PRICE'); dbms_output.put_line (' Set default aggregation method - to SUM for all measures over TIME'); tmp:= cwm_utility.create_function_usage('SUM'); cwm_olap_measure.set_default_aggregation_method (USER, 'COST_CUBE', 'UNIT_COST', tmp, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); tmp:= cwm_utility.create_function_usage('SUM'); cwm_olap_measure.set_default_aggregation_method (USER, 'COST_CUBE', 'UNIT_PRICE', tmp, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' Add COST_CUBE to the catalog'); begin select catalog_id into sh_catId from all_olap_catalogs where catalog_name = 'SH_CAT'; cwm_classify.add_catalog_entity(sh_catID, USER, 'COST_CUBE', 'UNIT_COST'); cwm_classify.add_catalog_entity(sh_catID, USER, 'COST_CUBE', 'UNIT_PRICE'); dbms_output.put_line(' COST_CUBE successfully added to sh_cat'); dbms_output.put_line(' '); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No sh_cat catalog to add COST_CUBE to'); dbms_output.put_line(' '); end; dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line('<<<<< TIME DIMENSION >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line ('Dimension - display name, description and plural name'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Time'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Time Dimension Values'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_plural_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Times'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level - display name and description'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'Day'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'Day level of the Calendar hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'Month'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'Month level of the Calendar hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'Quarter'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'Quarter level of the Calendar hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'Year'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'Year level of the Calendar hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'Fiscal Week'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'Week level of the Fiscal hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'Fiscal Month'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'Month level of the Fiscal hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'Fiscal Quarter'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'Quarter level of the Fiscal hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'Fiscal Year'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'Year level of the Fiscal hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line ('Hierarchy - display name and description'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'CAL_ROLLUP', 'Calendar'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'CAL_ROLLUP', 'Standard Calendar hierarchy'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_ROLLUP', 'Fiscal'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_ROLLUP', 'Fiscal hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default calculation hierarchy'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'SALES_CUBE', 'CAL_ROLLUP', USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'COST_CUBE', 'CAL_ROLLUP', USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default display hierarchy'); cwm_olap_dimension.set_default_display_hierarchy(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'CAL_ ROLLUP'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level Attributes - name, display name, description'); -- Level: DAY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NUMBER_IN_ WEEK', 'DAY_NUMBER_IN_WEEK'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NUMBER_ IN_WEEK', 'Day Number in Week'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NUMBER_ IN_WEEK', 'Day Number in Week where Monday is day number 1'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME', 'DAY_ NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME', 'Day Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME', 'Name of the Day of the Week'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NUMBER_IN_ MONTH', 'DAY_NUMBER_IN_MONTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NUMBER_ IN_MONTH', 'Day Number in Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NUMBER_ IN_MONTH', 'Day number in month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'CALENDAR_WEEK_ NUMBER', 'CALENDAR_WEEK_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'CALENDAR_ WEEK_NUMBER', 'Calendar Week Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'CALENDAR_ WEEK_NUMBER', 'Calendar Week Number'); -- Level: MONTH cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_ DESC', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_ MONTH_DESC', 'Calendar Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_ MONTH_DESC', 'Calendar Month Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_ NUMBER', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_ MONTH_NUMBER', 'Calendar Month Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_ MONTH_NUMBER', 'Month Number in Calendar year where January is month number 1'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_ NAME', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_ MONTH_NAME', 'Calendar Month Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_ MONTH_NAME', 'Name of the Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_ MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_MONTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_ CAL_MONTH', 'Days in Calendar Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_ CAL_MONTH', 'Number of Days in Calendar Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'END_OF_CAL_ MONTH', 'END_OF_CAL_MONTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'END_OF_ CAL_MONTH', 'End of Calendar Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'END_OF_ CAL_MONTH', 'Last Day of the Calendar Month'); -- Level: QUARTER cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_ QUARTER_DESC', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC', 'Calendar Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC', 'Calendar Quarter Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_ QUARTER_NUMBER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_NUMBER', 'Calendar Quarter Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_NUMBER', 'Calendar Quarter Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_ QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_QUARTER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'DAYS_ IN_CAL_QUARTER', 'Days in Calendar Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_ CAL_QUARTER', 'Number of Days in Calendar Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'END_OF_CAL_ QUARTER', 'END_OF_CAL_QUARTER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'END_OF_ CAL_QUARTER', 'End of Calendar Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'END_OF_ CAL_QUARTER', 'Last Day of the Calendar Quarter'); -- Level: YEAR cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'CALENDAR_YEAR', 'CALENDAR_YEAR'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'CALENDAR_ YEAR', 'Calendar Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'CALENDAR_ YEAR', 'Calendar Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_YEAR'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_ CAL_YEAR', 'Days in Calendar Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_ CAL_YEAR', 'Number of Days in Calendar Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'END_OF_CAL_YEAR', 'END_OF_CAL_YEAR'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'END_OF_ CAL_YEAR', 'End of Calendar Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'END_OF_CAL_ YEAR', 'Last Day of the Calendar Year'); -- Level: FISCAL WEEK cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'FISCAL_WEEK_ NUMBER', 'FISCAL_WEEK_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'FISCAL_WEEK_NUMBER', 'Fiscal Week Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'FISCAL_ WEEK_NUMBER', 'Fiscal Week Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'WEEK_ENDING_ DAY', 'WEEK_ENDING_DAY'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'WEEK_ ENDING_DAY', 'Fiscal Week Ending Day'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_WEEK', 'WEEK_ ENDING_DAY', 'Fiscal Week Ending Day'); -- Level: FISCAL MONTH cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_ DESC', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC', 'Fiscal Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC', 'Fiscal Month Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_ NUMBER', 'FISCAL_MONTH_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_NUMBER', 'Fiscal Month Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_NUMBER', 'Fiscal Month Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_ NAME', 'FISCAL_MONTH_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_NAME', 'Fiscal Month Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_NAME', 'Fiscal Month Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_ MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_MONTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'DAYS_ IN_FIS_MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_MONTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'DAYS_ IN_FIS_MONTH', 'Number of Days in Fiscal Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'END_OF_FIS_ MONTH', 'END_OF_FIS_MONTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'END_ OF_FIS_MONTH', 'End of Fiscal Month'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'END_ OF_FIS_MONTH', 'Last Day of the Fiscal Month'); -- Level: FISCAL QUARTER cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_NUMBER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_NUMBER', 'Fiscal Quarter Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_NUMBER', 'Fiscal Quarter Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_ FIS_QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_QUARTER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_QUARTER', 'Days in Fiscal Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_QUARTER', 'Number of Days in Fiscal Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'END_OF_FIS_ QUARTER', 'END_OF_FIS_QUARTER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'END_OF_FIS_QUARTER', 'End of Fiscal Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'END_ OF_FIS_QUARTER', 'Last Day of the Fiscal Quarter'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_ QUARTER_DESC', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC', 'Fiscal Quarter Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC', 'Fiscal Quarter Description'); -- Level: FISCAL YEAR cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_ YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_YEAR'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'DAYS_ IN_FIS_YEAR', 'Days in Fiscal Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'DAYS_ IN_FIS_YEAR', 'Number of Days in Fiscal Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'END_OF_FIS_ YEAR', 'END_OF_FIS_YEAR'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'END_ OF_FIS_YEAR', 'End of Fiscal Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'END_OF_ FIS_YEAR', 'Last Day of the Fiscal Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'FISCAL_YEAR', 'FISCAL_YEAR'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'FISCAL_YEAR', 'Fiscal Year'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'FISCAL_ YEAR', 'Fiscal Year'); dbms_output.put_line ('Drop dimension attributes prior to re-creation'); begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute (USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute (USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute (USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Period Number of Days dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute (USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Period End Date dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; dbms_output.put_line ('Create dimension attributes and add their level attributes'); -- Level attributes must be associated with a Dimension attribute -- SQL does not create Dimension attributes, so we do it here CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute (USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description', 'Long Time Period Names', 'Full name of time periods'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute (USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description', 'Short Time Period Names', 'Short name of time periods'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'Period Number of Days', 'Number of Days in Time Period'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_MONTH'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_QUARTER'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_YEAR'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'FIS_MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_MONTH'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_QUARTER'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days', 'FIS_YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_YEAR'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Period Number of Days created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'Period End Date', 'Last Day in Time Period'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'MONTH', 'END_OF_CAL_MONTH'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'QUARTER', 'END_OF_CAL_QUARTER'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'YEAR', 'END_OF_CAL_YEAR'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'FIS_MONTH', 'END_OF_FIS_MONTH'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'END_OF_FIS_QUARTER'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date', 'FIS_YEAR', 'END_OF_FIS_YEAR'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Period End Date created'); dbms_output.put_line ('Classify entity descriptor use'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO time_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Time' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimension Type'; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_desc_id, 'DIMENSION', USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'TIMES'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Time dimension'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; -- In this case it is the dimension attribute descriptors that are being classified begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO long_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Long Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Long Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Day name'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Calendar month description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Calendar quarter description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Fiscal month description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_ DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Fiscal quarter description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO short_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Short Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Short Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'DAY', 'DAY_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Day name'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'CALENDAR_MONTH_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Calendar month description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'CALENDAR_QUARTER_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Calendar quarter description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'FISCAL_MONTH_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Fiscal month description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'FISCAL_QUARTER_ DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Fiscal quarter description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Time Span'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO time_span_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Time Span' AND descriptor_type = 'Time Dimension Attribute Type'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period Number of Days'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_MONTH'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Days in calendar month'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_QUARTER'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Days in calendar quarter'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_CAL_YEAR'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Days in calendar year'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_MONTH'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Days in fiscal month'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_QUARTER'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Days in fiscal quarter'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(time_span_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'DAYS_IN_FIS_YEAR'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Days in fiscal year'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - End Date'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO end_date_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'End Date' AND descriptor_type = 'Time Dimension Attribute Type'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'Period End Date'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'MONTH', 'END_OF_CAL_MONTH'); dbms_output.put_line(' - End of calendar month'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'QUARTER', 'END_OF_CAL_QUARTER'); dbms_output.put_line(' - End of calendar quarter'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'YEAR', 'END_OF_CAL_YEAR'); dbms_output.put_line(' - End of calendar year'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_MONTH', 'END_OF_FIS_MONTH'); dbms_output.put_line(' - End of fiscal month'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_QUARTER', 'END_OF_FIS_QUARTER'); dbms_output.put_line(' - End of fiscal quarter'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(end_date_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'TIMES_DIM', 'FIS_YEAR', 'END_OF_FIS_YEAR'); dbms_output.put_line(' - End of fiscal year'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; end; --- ------------------- Process the CUSTOMERS Dimension ------------ dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< CUSTOMERS DIMENSION >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line ('Dimension - display name, description and plural name'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Customer'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Customer Dimension Values'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_plural_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Customers'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level - display name and description'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'Customer'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'Customer level of standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'City'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'City level of the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'State'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'State level of the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'Country'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'Country level of the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'Subregion'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'Subregion level of the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'Region'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'Region level of the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_TOTAL', 'Geography Total'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_TOTAL', 'Geography Total for the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'Customer Total'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'Customer Total for the standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line ('Hierarchy - display name and description'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_ROLLUP', 'Standard'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_ROLLUP', 'Standard GEOGRAPHY hierarchy'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_ROLLUP', 'Standard'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_ROLLUP', 'Standard CUSTOMER hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default calculation hierarchy'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'SALES_CUBE', 'GEOG_ROLLUP', USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMERS_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default display hierarchy'); cwm_olap_dimension.set_default_display_hierarchy(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_ ROLLUP'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level Attributes - name, display name, description'); -- Level: CUSTOMER cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ FIRST_NAME', 'CUST_FIRST_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_FIRST_NAME', 'First Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_FIRST_NAME', 'Customer First Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_ NAME', 'CUST_LAST_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME', 'Last Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME', 'Customer Last Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ GENDER', 'CUST_GENDER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_GENDER', 'Gender'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_GENDER', 'Customer Gender'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ MARITAL_STATUS', 'CUST_MARITAL_STATUS'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MARITAL_STATUS', 'Marital Status'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MARITAL_STATUS', 'Customer Marital Status'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_YEAR_ OF_BIRTH', 'CUST_YEAR_OF_BIRTH'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_YEAR_OF_BIRTH', 'Year of Birth'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_YEAR_OF_BIRTH', 'Customer Year of Birth'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ INCOME_LEVEL', 'CUST_INCOME_LEVEL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_INCOME_LEVEL', 'Income Level'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_INCOME_LEVEL', 'Customer Income Level'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ CREDIT_LIMIT', 'CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT', 'Credit Limit'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT', 'Customer Credit Limit'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ STREET_ADDRESS', 'CUST_STREET_ADDRESS'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_STREET_ADDRESS', 'Street Address'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_STREET_ADDRESS', 'Customer Street Address'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ POSTAL_CODE', 'CUST_POSTAL_CODE'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_POSTAL_CODE', 'Postal Code'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_POSTAL_CODE', 'Customer Postal Code'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MAIN_ PHONE_NUMBER', 'CUST_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER', 'Main Phone Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER', 'Customer Main Phone Number'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_ EMAIL', 'CUST_EMAIL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_EMAIL', 'E-mail'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_EMAIL', 'Customer E-mail'); -- Level: CITY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'CUST_CITY', 'CUST_CITY'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'CUST_ CITY', 'City'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'CUST_ CITY', 'City Name'); -- Level: STATE cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'CUST_STATE_ PROVINCE', 'CUST_STATE_PROVINCE'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'CUST_ STATE_PROVINCE', 'State/Province'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'CUST_ STATE_PROVINCE', 'State/Province Name'); -- Level: SUBREGION cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_ SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION', 'Subregion'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION', 'Subregion Name'); -- Level: REGION cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_ REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION', 'Region'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION', 'Region Name'); -- Level: COUNTRY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_ NAME', 'COUNTRY_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_NAME', 'Country Name'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_NAME', 'Country Name'); -- Level: GEOGRAPHY TOTAL cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_TOTAL', 'COUNTRY_ TOTAL', 'COUNTRY_TOTAL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_TOTAL', 'COUNTRY_TOTAL', 'Country Total'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'GEOG_TOTAL', 'COUNTRY_TOTAL', 'Country Total'); -- Level: CUSTOMER TOTAL cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'CUST_ TOTAL', 'CUST_TOTAL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'Customer Total'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'CUST_TOTAL', 'Customer Total'); dbms_output.put_line ('Drop dimension attributes prior to re-creation'); begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description' ); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'First Name'); dbms_output.put_line(' - First Name dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Last Name'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Last Name dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Gender'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Gender dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Marital Status'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Marital Status dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Year of Birth'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Year of Birth dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Income Level'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Income Level dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Credit Limit'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Credit Limit dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Street Address'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Street Address dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Postal Code'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Postal Code dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Phone Number'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Phone Number dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'E-mail'); dbms_output.put_line(' - E-mail dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line(' No attribute to drop'); end; dbms_output.put_line ('Create dimension attributes and add their level attributes'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'Customer Information', 'Long Description of Customer Information'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'CITY', 'CUST_CITY'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'STATE', 'CUST_STATE_PROVINCE'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'Customer Information', 'Short Description of Customer Information'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'CITY', 'CUST_CITY'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'STATE', 'CUST_STATE_PROVINCE'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'First Name', 'First Name', 'First Name'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'First Name', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_FIRST_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Last Name', 'Last Name', 'Last Name'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Last Name', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Gender', 'Gender', 'Gender'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Gender', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_GENDER'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Marital Status', 'Marital Status', 'Marital Status'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Marital Status', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MARITAL_STATUS'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Year of Birth', 'Year of Birth', 'Year of Birth'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Year of Birth', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_YEAR_OF_BIRTH'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Income Level', 'Income Level', 'Income Level'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Income Level', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_INCOME_LEVEL'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Credit Limit', 'Credit Limit', 'Credit Limit'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Credit Limit', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Street Address', 'Street Address', 'Street Address'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Street Address', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_STREET_ADDRESS'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Postal Code', 'Postal Code', 'Postal Code'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Postal Code', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_POSTAL_CODE'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Phone Number', 'Phone Number', 'Phone Number'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Phone Number', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'E-mail', 'E-mail', 'E-mail'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'E-mail', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_EMAIL'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Other Customer Information created'); dbms_output.put_line ('Classify entity descriptor use'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO long_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Long Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Long Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'CUST_CITY'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'CUST_STATE_PROVINCE'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_NAME'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description'); end; begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO short_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Short Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'Short Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CUSTOMER', 'CUST_LAST_NAME'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'CITY', 'CUST_CITY'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'STATE', 'CUST_STATE_PROVINCE'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'COUNTRY', 'COUNTRY_NAME'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'SUBREGION', 'COUNTRY_SUBREGION'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CUSTOMERS_DIM', 'REGION', 'COUNTRY_REGION'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description'); end; -- ------------------- Process the PRODUCT Dimension -------------- dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< PRODUCTS DIMENSION >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line ('Dimension - display name, description and plural name'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Product'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Product Dimension Values'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_plural_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Products'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level - display name and description'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'Products'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'Product level of standard PRODUCT hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'Sub-categories'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'Sub-category level of standard PRODUCT hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'Categories'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'Category level of standard PRODUCT hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'Product Total'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'Product Total for the standard PRODUCT hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line ('Hierarchy - display name and description'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_ROLLUP', 'Standard'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_ROLLUP', 'Standard Product hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default calculation hierarchy'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'SALES_CUBE', 'PROD_ROLLUP', USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCTS_DIM'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'COST_CUBE', 'PROD_ROLLUP', USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCTS_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default display hierarchy'); cwm_olap_dimension.set_default_display_hierarchy(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_ ROLLUP'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level Attributes - name, display name, description'); -- Level: PRODUCT cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_NAME', 'PROD_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_NAME', 'Product Name(s)'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_ NAME', 'Names for Product values of the Standard Product hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_DESC', 'PROD_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_DESC', 'Product Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_ DESC', 'Product Description including characteristics of the product'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_WEIGHT_ CLASS', 'PROD_WEIGHT_CLASS'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_WEIGHT_CLASS', 'Weight Class'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_ WEIGHT_CLASS', 'Product Weight Class'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_UNIT_ OF_MEASURE', 'PROD_UNIT_OF_MEASURE'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_UNIT_OF_MEASURE', 'Unit of Measure'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_ UNIT_OF_MEASURE', 'Product Unit of Measure'); -- Level: SUBCATEGORY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_ SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCATEGORY'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCATEGORY', 'Sub-category'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCATEGORY', 'Product Sub-category'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_ SUBCAT_DESC', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC', 'Sub-category Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC', 'Product Sub-category Description'); -- Level: CATEGORY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_ CATEGORY', 'PROD_CATEGORY'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CATEGORY', 'Category'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CATEGORY', 'Product category'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_ DESC', 'PROD_CAT_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_DESC', 'Category Description'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_DESC', 'Product Category Description'); -- Level: PRODUCT TOTAL cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'PROD_ TOTAL', 'PROD_TOTAL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'Product Total'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'PROD_TOTAL', 'Product Total'); dbms_output.put_line ('Drop dimension attributes prior to re-creation'); begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Long Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Short Description' ); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line('No attribute to drop'); end; dbms_output.put_line ('Create dimension attributes and add their level attributes'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'Long Product Description', 'Full Description of Products'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'Short Product Names', 'Short name of Products'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_NAME'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description created'); dbms_output.put_line ('Classify entity descriptor use'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO long_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Long Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Long Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description'); end; begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO short_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Short Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'Short Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'PRODUCT', 'PROD_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROD_SUBCAT_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PRODUCTS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROD_CAT_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description'); end; -- ------------------- Process the PROMOTIONS Dimension -------------- dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< PROMOTIONS DIMENSION >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line ('Dimension - display name, description and plural name'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Promotions'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Promotion Values'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_plural_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Promotions'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level - display name and description'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'Promotions'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'Promotion level of the standard PROMOTION hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'Promotions Sub-categories'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'Sub-category level of the standard PROMOTION hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'Promotions Categories'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'Category level of the standard PROMOTION hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'Promotions Total'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'Promotions Total for the standard PROMOTION hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line ('Hierarchy - display name and description'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_ROLLUP', 'Standard Promotions'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_ROLLUP', 'Standard Promotions hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default calculation hierarchy'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'SALES_CUBE', 'PROMO_ROLLUP', USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMOTIONS_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default display hierarchy'); cwm_olap_dimension.set_default_display_hierarchy(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_ ROLLUP'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level Attributes - name, display name, description'); -- Level: PROMO cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME', 'PROMO_NAME'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME', 'Promotion Name(s)'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME', 'Names for the Promotions in the Standard Promotions hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_COST', 'PROMO_COST'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_COST', 'Promotion costs'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_COST', 'Promotion costs'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_BEGIN_ DATE', 'PROMO_BEGIN_DATE'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_BEGIN_DATE', 'Begin date'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_BEGIN_DATE', 'Promotion Begin Date'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_END_ DATE', 'PROMO_END_DATE'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_END_DATE', 'End date'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_END_DATE', 'Promotion End Date'); -- Level: SUBCATEGORY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROMO_ SUBCATEGORY', 'PROMO_SUBCATEGORY'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROMO_SUBCATEGORY', 'Sub-Category'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'SUBCATEGORY', 'PROMO_SUBCATEGORY', 'Promotion Sub-Category'); -- Level: CATEGORY cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROMO_ CATEGORY', 'PROMO_CATEGORY'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROMO_CATEGORY', 'Category'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'CATEGORY', 'PROMO_CATEGORY', 'Promotion Category'); -- Level: PROMOTIONS TOTAL cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'PROMO_ TOTAL', 'PROMO_TOTAL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'Promotions Total'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'PROMO_TOTAL', 'Promotions Total'); dbms_output.put_line ('Drop dimension attributes prior to re-creation'); begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Long Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Short Description' ); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line('No attribute to drop'); end; dbms_output.put_line ('Create dimension attributes and add their level attributes'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'Long Description of Promotions', 'Long Description of Promotions'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'ShortDescription of Promotions', 'Short Description of Promotions'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description created'); dbms_output.put_line ('Classify entity descriptor use'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO long_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Long Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Long Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description'); end; begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO short_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Short Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'Short Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'PROMOTIONS_DIM', 'PROMO', 'PROMO_NAME'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description'); end; -- ------------------- Process the CHANNELS Dimension -------------- dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< CHANNELS DIMENSION >>>>>'); dbms_output.put_line ('Dimension - display name, description and plural name'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Channel'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Channel Values'); CWM_OLAP_DIMENSION.set_plural_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Channels'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level - display name and description'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'Channel'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'Channel level of the standard hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'Channel Class'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'Channel Class level of the standard hierarchy'); cwm_olap_level.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'Channel Total'); cwm_olap_level.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'Channel Total for the standard hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line ('Hierarchy - display name and description'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_ROLLUP', 'Standard Channels'); cwm_olap_hierarchy.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_ROLLUP', 'Standard Channels hierarchy'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default calculation hierarchy'); cwm_olap_cube.set_default_calc_hierarchy(USER,'SALES_CUBE', 'CHANNEL_ROLLUP', USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNELS_DIM'); dbms_output.put_line(' - default display hierarchy'); cwm_olap_dimension.set_default_display_hierarchy(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_ ROLLUP'); dbms_output.put_line ('Level Attributes - name, display name, description'); -- Level: CHANNEL cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_ DESC', 'CHANNEL_DESC'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_DESC', 'Channel'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_DESC', 'Channel Description'); -- Level: CHANNEL CLASS cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'CHANNEL_CLASS'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'Channel Class'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'CHANNEL_CLASS', 'Channel Class Identifier'); -- Level: CHANNEL TOTAL cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_display_name(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'Channel Total'); cwm_olap_level_attribute.set_description(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'CHANNEL_TOTAL', 'Channel Total'); dbms_output.put_line ('Drop dimension attributes prior to re-creation'); begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Long Description'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then null; end; begin cwm_olap_dim_attribute.drop_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Short Description' ); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description dropped'); exception when cwm_exceptions.attribute_not_found then dbms_output.put_line('No attribute to drop'); end; dbms_output.put_line ('Create dimension attributes and add their level attributes'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'Long Description of Channels', 'Long Description of Channels'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Long Description', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description created'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.create_dimension_attribute(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'Short Description of Channels', 'Short Description of Channels'); CWM_OLAP_DIM_ATTRIBUTE.add_level_attribute(USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Short Description', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_DESC'); dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description created'); dbms_output.put_line ('Classify entity descriptor use'); begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO long_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Long Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Long Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(long_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Long Description'); end; begin SELECT descriptor_id INTO short_desc_id FROM all_olap_descriptors WHERE descriptor_value = 'Short Description' AND descriptor_type = 'Dimensional Attribute Descriptor'; begin begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, DIMENSION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'Short Description'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; begin cwm_classify.add_entity_descriptor_use(short_desc_id, LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, USER, 'CHANNELS_DIM', 'CHANNEL', 'CHANNEL_DESC'); exception when cwm_exceptions.element_already_exists then null; end; end; dbms_output.put_line(' - Short Description'); end; -- ------------------- Final Processing ------------------------------- dbms_output.put_line('-'); dbms_output.put_line ('<<<<< FINAL PROCESSING >>>>>'); commit; dbms_output.put_line (' - Changes have been committed'); exception when others then cwm_utility.dump_error; errtxt := cwm_utility.get_last_error_description; dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: ' || errtxt); rollback; raise; end; . / COMMIT; -- ------------------- Statistics --------------------------- @?/demo/schema/sales_history/sh_analz.sql
Rem Rem $Header: sh_olp_d.sql 17-sep-2001.15:57:34 ahunold Exp $ Rem Rem sh_olp_d.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sh_olp_d.sql - Drop columns used by OLAP Server Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SH is the Sales History schema of the Oracle 9i Sample Rem Schemas Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ahunold 09/17/01 - sh_analz.sql Rem ahunold 04/23/01 - duplicate lines Rem ahunold 04/05/01 - dimension names Rem ahunold 03/05/01 - external table, no DROPs Rem ahunold 02/07/01 - CMWLite Rem ahunold 02/01/01 - Merged ahunold_two_facts Rem hbaer 01/29/01 - Created Rem ALTER TABLE products DROP COLUMN prod_total; ALTER TABLE customers DROP COLUMN cust_total; ALTER TABLE promotions DROP COLUMN promo_total; ALTER TABLE channels DROP COLUMN channel_total; ALTER TABLE countries DROP COLUMN country_total; COMMIT; REM redefinition of original dimensions DROP DIMENSION times_dim; DROP DIMENSION customers_dim; DROP DIMENSION products_dim; DROP DIMENSION promotions_dim; DROP DIMENSION channels_dim; @@sh_hiera @@sh_analz
![]() Copyright © 2002 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. |