Oracle Enterprise Manager Event Test Reference Manual Release 9.2.0 Part Number A96675-01 |
The Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Event Tests for Windows NT are divided into a series of classes or groupings that will enable you to find the event test you are interested in registering.
The class names and some of the events that you can register within the classes are listed as follows.
The following tables list the Windows NT event tests by class. The full descriptions of the individual event tests follow the tables. The event tests are in alphabetical order.
The Windows NT event tests are listed in alphabetical order.
Percentage of Committed Bytes in Use measures the real-time ratio of committed bytes to the commit limit. The ratio indicates the amount of virtual memory in use. Note that if the paging file is extended the commit limit may change.
If the Percentage of Committed Bytes in Use is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of committed bytes in use.
5 minutes
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Percentage Disk Read Time calculates the percentage of time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing read requests.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Percentage Disk Time calculates the total amount of time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Percentage Disk Write Time calculates the percentage of time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing write requests.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Percentage of DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) Time measures the percentage of time the processor spends in DPC mode. This metric can also assist in determining the cause of excessive privileged mode usage. A deferred procedure call is caused when a hardware device interrupts the processor and the Interrupt Handler chooses to execute its work in a deferred procedure call. DPCs enable interrupts to occur because deferred procedure calls run at a lower priority than interrupts.
If the Percentage of DPC Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of DPC time.
5 minutes
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Percentage Free Space calculates the ratio of available free space on the logical disk unit to the total usable space provided by the selected logical disk drive. Note: This metric was not available prior to Oracle9i.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Percentage of Interrupt Time measures the percentage of time a processor spends handling hardware interrupts. When the processor is interrupted by a hardware device, the Interrupt Handler signals an I/O completion and issues another pending I/O request. This metric can also be used to determine the source of excessive Privileged mode usage.
If the Percentage of Interrupt Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of interrupt time.
5 minutes
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Percentage Privileged Time calculates the percentage of time that process threads have been executing code in Privileged Mode. Services often run in Privileged Mode to gain access to system-private data. Threads executing in User Mode protect system-private from access. System calls may be explicit or implicit (when a page fault or an interrupt occurs, for example.) Special process boundaries have been integrated with Windows NT so that code executing in User Mode will not interfere with the Windows NT Executive, Kernel, and device drivers. Note that you may see Windows NT-related tasks in other subsystem processes in addition to seeing the Privileged Time in your own process.
If the Percentage Privileged Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage privileged time.
5 minutes
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Percentage of Privileged Time measures the percentage of time a processor spends in Privileged mode with non-idle threads. The Percentage of Privileged Time metric includes Windows NT service layer, the Executive routines, the Windows NT Kernel, and device drivers in the calculation of total Privileged time.
If the Percentage of Privileged Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of privileged time.
5 minutes
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Percentage Processor Time measures the total amount of time that the processor was used by the threads of a process to execute instructions. Instructions sent to handle certain hardware interrupts or trap conditions may be included in the percentage of processor time.
If the Percentage Processor Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of processor time.
5 minutes
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Percentage of Processor Time measures the total amount of time that a processor is busy executing a non-idle thread.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of processor time.
5 minutes
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Percentage (%) Registry Quota In Use measures the total amount of registry quota allowed by the system.
If the value of Percentage Registry Quota In Use is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of registry quota in use.
5 minutes
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Percentage (%) Total DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) Time calculates the percentage of total DPC time divided by the number of system processors. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the Percentage Total DPC Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of total DPC time.
5 minutes
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Percentage (%) Total Interrupt Time calculates the total percentage of interrupt time for all processors divided by the number of system processors. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the Percentage Total Interrupt Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of total interrupt time.
5 minutes
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The Percentage (%) of Total Privileged Time measures the amount of time the processors are running in Privileged mode. For example, if multiple processors are all running in Privileged mode, then the Percentage of Total Privileged Time would be 100%. If only half of the processors are running in Privileged mode then the percentage would be 50%. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the percentage of time that the processors are running in Privileged mode is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of total privileged time.
5 minutes
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Percentage (%) of Total Processor Time is the fraction or percentage of time that the system processor is running non-idle threads. For example, if all of the system processors are busy the Percentage of Total Processor Time would be 100%. If only half of the processors are busy running non-idle threads, then the Percentage of Total Processor Time would be 50%. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the percentage of time that the system processor is running non-idle threads is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of total processor time.
5 minutes
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The Percentage (%) of Total User Time measures the amount of time the processors are running in user mode. For example, if multiple processors are all running in user mode, then the Percentage of Total User Time would be 100%. If only half of the processors are running in user mode then the percentage would be 50%. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the percentage of time that the processors are running in user mode is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of total user time.
5 minutes
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Percent Usage measures the percentage of Page File instance usage.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of page file instance usage.
5 minutes
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Percentage User Time calculates the percentage of time that process threads have been executing code in User Mode. Special process boundaries have been integrated with Windows NT so that code executing in User Mode will not interfere with the Windows NT Executive, Kernel, and device drivers. Note that you may see Windows NT-related tasks in other subsystem processes in addition to seeing the Privileged Time in your own process.
If the Percentage User Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of user time.
5 minutes
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Percentage of User Time measures the percentage of time a processor spends in user mode with non-idle threads. The Percentage of User Time metric includes the amount of time that all application code and peripheral devices execute in user mode.
If the Percentage of User Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of user time.
5 minutes
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Alignment Fixups per Second measures the rate by which the system is able to fix alignment faults.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The alignment faults fixed per second.
5 minutes
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APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call) Bypasses per Second calculates the rate at which kernel APC interrupts are circumvented. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows XP.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of APC bypasses per second.
5 minutes
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Async Copy Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that include placing a memory copy of the data from the cache on the application's buffer. The application will be able to access the disk and retrieve the page immediately.
If the value of Async Copy Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of asynchronous copy reads per second.
5 minutes
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Async Data Maps per Second measures the frequency that the NTFS or HPFS file systems map a page of a file into the cache to read the page and does not wait for the cache to retrieve the page (if the page is not in the main memory.)
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of asynchronous data maps per second.
5 minutes
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Async Fast Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that retrieve data directly from the cache without going through the installed file system. In a typical read, the I/O requests prompt the file system to retrieve data from a file. If the data is not in the cache, a fast read will still eliminate one invocation of the file system. The request will have immediate control of the data even if the data is not in the cache.
If the value of Async Fast Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of asynchronous fast reads per second.
5 minutes
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Async MDL (Memory Descriptor List) Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that access data using the MDL. The physical address of each page within the transfer is contained in the memory descriptor list. This information enables the Direct Memory Access (DMA) device to secure the copy. The access device will not wait for the pages to fault from the disk if the pages are not in the main memory.
If the value of Async MDL Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of asynchronous MDL reads per second.
5 minutes
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Async Pin Reads per Second measures the frequency of reading data into the cache before the data is written back to disk. When pages are read this way they become pinned in memory when the read is complete. The file system will have immediate control of the page and will be able to access the disk and retrieve the page immediately if needed. A pinned page's physical address cannot be modified.
If the value of Async Pin Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of asynchronous pin reads per second.
5 minutes
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Available Bytes metric measures the real-time amount of virtual memory on the Zeroed, Free and Standby lists.
If this value is less than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The available memory in bytes.
5 minutes
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Available Memory % measures the real-time amount of free memory in the percentage of total physical memory. Note: This metric was not available prior to Oracle9i.
Available Free Memory / Total Physical Memory * 100%
Available physical memory in percentage.
5 minutes
Average Response Time (ms) calculates the average time (in milliseconds) of a disk transfer. Note: This metric was not available prior to Oracle9i.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The average response time in milliseconds.
5 minutes
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Average Disk Bytes/Read calculates the average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer calculates the average number of bytes transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Average Disk Bytes/Write calculates the average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Average Disk sec/Read calculates the average time (in seconds) of a data read from the disk.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Average Disk Sec/Transfer calculates the average time (in seconds) of a disk transfer.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Average Disk sec/Write calculates the average time (in seconds) of a data write to the disk.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Bytes Received per Second measures the rate at which bytes are received on the interface.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of bytes are received on the interface per second.
5 minutes
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Bytes Sent per Second measures the rate at which bytes are sent on the interface.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of bytes are sent on the interface per second.
5 minutes
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Bytes Total per Second measures the rate at which bytes are sent and received on the interface.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of bytes are sent and received on the interface per second.
5 minutes
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Cache Bytes measures the number of bytes currently being used by the system cache. The system cache buffers data retrieved from the disk or local area network. The system cache then uses the memory that is not currently being used by any active system processes.
If Cache Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The used system cache in bytes.
5 minutes
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Cache Faults per Second measures the number of times a cache fault occurs. Cache faults are caused when the cache manager fails to find a file's page in the immediate cache and requests the memory manager to locate the page in memory or on the disk so that it can be added to the immediate cache.
If the value of Cache Faults per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of cache faults per second.
5 minutes
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Commit Limit measures the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) that can be committed without extending the paging files.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The memory commit limit in bytes.
5 minutes
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Committed Bytes measures the total amount of virtual memory (in bytes) that have been committed. Committed memory should not be confused with reserved memory. Committed memory must have available disk storage or the main memory must by large enough to contain the committed virtual memory.
If the value of Committed Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The committed memory in bytes.
5 minutes
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Context Switches per Second measures the rate of switches among threads. Switches can occur either inside of a single process or across multiple processes. A thread switch can happen when one thread requests information from another thread or when a higher priority thread preempts another thread. In addition to the traditional protection of User and Privileged modes, Windows NT also uses process boundaries for subsystem protection. These protection boundaries may appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the Privileged Time in the application. Switching to the subsystem process causes one Context Switch in the application thread. Switching back causes another Context Switch in the subsystem thread.
If the value of Context Switches per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The context switches per second.
5 minutes
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Copy Read Hits measures the percentage of copy read hit requests that the cache receives. Copy read hits do not require a disk read to access a page in the cache. A copy read is a type of file read operation that allows a memory copy from a cache page to the application's buffer. The Local Area Network (LAN) Redirector, the LAN Server and the disk file systems use the copy reads for retrieving cache information.
If the value of Copy Read Hits per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of copy read hits.
5 minutes
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Copy Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that includes placing a memory copy of the data from the cache on the application's buffer. The Local Area Network (LAN) Redirector, the LAN Server, and the disk file systems use copy reads for retrieving cache information.
If the value of Copy Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of copy reads per second.
5 minutes
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Current Bandwidth estimates the interface's current bandwidth in bits per second (bps). The nominal bandwidth value is given for interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made.
If the Current Bandwidth is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The current bandwidth in bits per second (bps).
5 minutes
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Current Disk Queue Length calculates the total real-time number of outstanding requests that are on the disk and are currently in service when the performance data is collected. To maintain optimal performance calculate the ratio of delayed request to the length of the disk queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. The difference should be less than 2. (Note that disk devices with multiple spindles can have multiple requests active at one time.)
If the value of Current Disk Queue Length is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Data Flush Pages per Second calculates the number of pages have been flushed to disk from the Cache. Pages are flushed when the cache approves a write-through file write request of its content to disk. Note that more than one page can be transferred for each flush operation.
If the value of Data Flush Pages per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of data flush pages per second.
5 minutes
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Data Flushes per Second measures the frequency at which the cache has approved a write-through file write request of its content to disk. Note that for each flush operation, more than one page can be transferred.
If the value of Data Flushes per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of data flushes per second.
5 minutes
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Data Map Hits calculates the percentage of Data Maps in the cache that can be resolved without retrieving a page from the disk.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of data map hits.
5 minutes
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Data Map Pins per Second measures the frequency of Data Maps in the cache that caused a page to be pinned in the main memory. When a page is pinned the physical address in main memory and its virtual address in the cache cannot be modified.
If the value of Data Map Pins per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The data map pins per second.
5 minutes
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Data Maps per Second measures the frequency that the NTFS or HPFS file systems map a page of a file into the cache.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of data maps per second.
5 minutes
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Demand Zero Faults per Second measures the number of page faults for pages that must be filled with zeroes before the fault is resolved. If the zeroed list is not empty, the fault can be resolved by removing a page from the zeroed list.
If the value of Demand Faults per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of demand zero faults per second.
5 minutes
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Disk Bytes per Second calculates the frequency at which bytes are transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Disk Read Bytes per Second calculates the frequency at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Disk Reads per Second calculates the frequency of read operations on the disk.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Disk Transfers per Second calculates the frequency of read and write operations on the disk.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Disk Write Bytes per Second calculates the frequency at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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Disk Writes per Second calculates the frequency of write operations on the disk.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
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DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) Bypasses per Second calculates the average rate at which Dispatch interrupts are circumvented. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows XP.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of DPC bypasses per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) Rate calculates the average rate at which DPC objects are added to the processor's DPC queue.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The DPC rate.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
DPCs (Deferred Procedure Calls) Queued per Second measures the rate at which DPC objects are added to the processor's DPC queue.
If this rate is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The DPCs queued per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Elapsed time measures the total amount of time (in seconds) that the process has been running.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total amount of time (in seconds) that the process has been running.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
The Events metric measures the total number of real-time events in the computer at the time of data collection. Events are used when two or more threads wish to synchronize execution.
If the number of real-time events is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of real-time events.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Exception Dispatches per Second measures the rate that the system dispatches exceptions.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of exception dispatches per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Fast Read Not Possibles per Second is the frequency at which calls are made by the Application Program Interface (API) to try and avoid the file system to get cache data. This metric monitors the number of times that these calls fail because the file system must be accessed.
If the value of Fast Read Not Possibles per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of fast read not possibles per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Fast Read Resource Misses per Second measures the frequency at which cache reads are missed due to a lack of resources to satisfy the request.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of fast read resource misses per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Fast Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that retrieve data directly from the cache without going through the installed file system. In a typical read, the I/O requests prompt the file system to retrieve data from a file. If the data is not in the cache, a fast read will still eliminate one invocation of the file system.
If the value of Fast Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of fast reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Control Bytes per Second is the sum total of bytes transferred for all file system including file system control requests or requests for information about device characteristics or status. (Does not include read or write operations.)
If the value of File Control Bytes per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The file control bytes per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Control Operations per Second is the sum total of all file system operations including file system control requests or requests for information about device characteristics or status. (Does not include read or write operations.) If the value of File Control Operations per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The file control operations per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Data Operations per Second measures the number of Read and Write operations being issued by the computer to file system devices. This metric does not measure File Control Operations.
If the value of File Data Operations per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of file data operations per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Read Bytes per Second is the sum total of bytes transferred for all the file system read operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of file read bytes per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Read Operations per Second is the sum total of all the file system read operations on the system.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The file read operations per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Write Bytes per Second is the sum total of bytes transferred for all the file system write operations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of file write bytes per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
File Write Operations per Second is the sum total of all the file system write operations on the system.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The file write operations per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Floating Emulations per Second measures the rate by which the system performs floating emulations.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of floating emulations per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Free Megabytes measures the available (unallocated) space on the selected disk drive in megabytes. One megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes. Note: This metric was not available prior to Oracle9i.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Free system page table entries measure the number of page table entries that are not currently being used by the system.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of page table entries that are free.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Handle Count calculates the total number of handles currently open by each thread in this process.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of handles currently open by each thread in the process.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Interrupts per Second measures the number of times the processor experiences an interrupt caused by a device. Device interruptions occur when the device completes a task or when the device requires attention. These interruptions suspend normal thread executions which can cause the processor to switch to a higher priority thread.
If Interrupts per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The interrupts per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Lazy Write Flushes per Second measures the frequency at which the lazy write thread involves updating the disk after the page has been changed in memory. By doing this the application requesting the file change will not have to wait for the disk write to complete before proceeding. Note that more than one page can be transferred on each writer operation.
If the value of Lazy Write Flushes per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of lazy write flushes per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Lazy Write Pages per Second measures the frequency at which the lazy write thread involves updating the disk after the page has been changed in memory. By doing this the application requesting the file change will not have to wait for the disk write to complete before proceeding. Note that more than one page can be transferred on a single disk write operation.
If the value of Lazy Write Pages per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of lazy write pages per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
MDL (Memory Descriptor List) Read Hits measures the percentage of requests that the cache receives for cache memory descriptor (MDL) list reads. MDL reads provide memory access to the cache pages without accessing the disk.
If the Percentage of MDL Read Hits is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of MDL read hits.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
MDL (Memory Descriptor List) Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that access data using the MDL. The physical address of each page within the transfer is contained in the memory descriptor list. This information enables the Direct Memory Access (DMA) device to secure the copy.
If the value of MDL Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of MDL reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
The Mutexes metric measures the total number of real-time mutexes in the computer at the time of data collection. Threads use mutexes to assure only one thread is executing some section of code.
If the total number of real-time mutexes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of real-time mutexes.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Output Queue Length measures the length of the output packet queue (in packets.) Performance delays occur when the output queue experiences a bottleneck (typically when the length is longer than 2). Eliminate bottlenecks for optimal performance.
If the Output Queue Length is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The length of the output packet queue in packets.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets per Second measures the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets are sent and received on the network interface per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Outbound Discarded measures the number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded (to prevent them from being transmitted) and possibly free up buffer space.
If the number of Packets Outbound Discarded is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of outbound packets that were discarded.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Outbound Errors measures the total number of outbound packets that had errors and therefore could not be transmitted.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of outbound packets that had errors.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Received per Second measures the rate at which packets are received on the network interface.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets are received on the network interface per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Received Discarded measures the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded to prevent them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
If the number of Packets Received Discarded is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets received discard.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Received Errors measures the total number of inbound packets that contained errors and prevented them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
If the number of Packet Received Errors is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of packets received errors.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Received Non-Unicast per Second measures the rate at which non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets received non-unicast per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Received Unicast per Second measures the rate at which (subnet) unicast packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets received unicast per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Received Unknown measures the total number of packets the interface received and discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of packets received and discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Sent per Second measures the rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets are sent on the network interface per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Sent Non-Unicast per Second measures the rate at which higher-level protocols requested packets to be transmitted to non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) addresses. The packets sent non-unicast rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.
If the value of Packets Sent Non-Unicast per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets sent non-unicast per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Packets Sent Unicast per Second measures the rate at which higher-level protocols requested packets to be transmitted to subnet-unicast addresses. The packets sent unicast rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.
If the value of Packets Sent Unicast per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of packets sent unicast per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Page Faults per Second measures the number of Page Faults in the processor. A page fault occurs when a virtual memory page is referenced by a process and that page is not in the current Working Set of the main memory.
If the value of Page Faults per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of page faults per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Page Faults per Second measures the rate of Page Faults by the threads executing in this process. Page faults occur when threads reference a virtual memory page that is not in currently its working set in main memory. When the page is not in the working set it cannot be fetched from disk if it is in main memory or when the shared page is being used by another process.
If the value of Page Faults per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The page faults per second in the process.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Page File Bytes measures the total number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s). Paging files store pages of memory used by the process but are not contained in other files. Paging files are shared by all processes but if there is insufficient space in the paging files, other processes may not be able to allocate memory.
If the value of Page File Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of bytes the process has used in the paging file(s).
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Page Reads per Second measures the number of times the disk was read to retrieve pages of virtual memory to resolve page faults.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of page reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Page Writes per Second measures the number of times pages have been written to disk because they were modified since the last retrieval.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of page writes per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pages per Second measures the number of pages read from the disk or written to the disk to resolve faulty memory references. The metric calculates the sum of pages input per second plus the pages output per second. Use this metric to monitor memory thrashing and excessive paging.
If the value of Pages per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of pages input/output per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pages Input per Second measures the number of pages read from the disk to resolve faulty memory references. This is an important metric to monitor if memory thrashing and excessive paging has become a problem.
If the value of Pages Input per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of page inputs per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pages Output per Second measures the number of pages that were written to disk because the pages were modified in main memory.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of pages output per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pin Read Hits calculates the percentage of pin requests that the cache receives. A pin read request does not require a disk read to access the page in cache. A pinned page's physical address in the cache cannot be modified. The Local Area Network (LAN) Redirector, the LAN Server, and the disk file system use pin reads to retrieve cache information.
If the value of Pin Read Hits is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The percentage of pin read hits.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pin Reads per Second measures the frequency of reading data into the cache before the data is written back to disk. When pages are read this way they become pinned in memory when the read is complete. A pinned page's physical cache address cannot be modified.
If the value of Pin Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of pin reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Nonpaged Allocs (Allocations) is the number of times a call has been made to allocate space in the nonpaged pool. Nonpaged pool pages cannot be paged out to the paging file. As long as they are allocated they must remain in the main memory.
If the value of Pool Nonpaged Allocs is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of times to allocate space in the non-paged pool.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Nonpaged Bytes measures the number of bytes in the nonpaged pool. Nonpaged pool pages cannot be sorted in the paging file. As long as they are allocated, they must remain in the main memory.
If the value of Pool Nonpaged Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of bytes in the non-paged pool.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Nonpaged Bytes calculates the total number of bytes in the Nonpaged Pool. The Paged Pool is the area in the system memory where operating system components acquire space to accomplish tasks. Nonpaged Pool pages remain in main memory as long as they are allocated and cannot be paged out to the paging file.
If the value of Pool Nonpaged Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of bytes in the Non-paged Pool.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Paged Allocs (Allocations) is the number of times a call has been made to allocate space in the system paged pool. Paged pool pages can be paged out to the paging file when the pages are not being accessed for any sustained amount of time.
If the value of Pool Paged Allocs is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of times to allocate space in the system paged pool.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Paged Bytes measures the number of bytes in the paged pool. Paged pool pages can be paged out to the paging file when not being used by the system for a sustained length of time.
If Pool Paged Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of bytes in paged pool.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Paged Bytes calculates the total number of bytes in the Paged Pool. The Paged Pool is the area in the system memory where operating system components acquire space to accomplish tasks. When not being accessed by the system, Paged Pool pages can be paged out to the paging file.
If the value of Pool Paged Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of bytes in the Paged Pool.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Pool Paged Resident Bytes measures the size of paged pool bytes that reside in the main memory. The pool paged resident bytes value indicates the actual cost of the paged pool allocation since it is currently in use and it uses real (physical) memory.
If the value of Pool Paged Resident Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The size of paged pool bytes that reside in the main memory.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Private Bytes calculates the total number of bytes allocated by the process that cannot be shared with other processes.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of bytes allocated by the process that cannot be shared with other processes.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Processes calculates the total number of real-time processes in the computer at the time of data collection. Each process represents the running of a program.
If the number of Processes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of real-time processes.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Processor Queue Length measures the number of threads in the current processor queue (not the threads that are currently executing.) Note that the Processor Queue Length metric is a real-time count of threads and not an average count over time.
If the Processor Queue Length is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of threads in the current processor queue.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Read Aheads per Second measures the frequency at which cache reads detect sequential file access. Read aheads reduce overhead access by enabling the data to be transferred in larger blocks than those requested by the application.
If the value of Read Aheads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of read aheads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
The Sections metric measures the total number of real-time sections in the computer at the time of data collection. A section is a portion of virtual memory created by a process for data storage. Processes may share sections with other processes.
If the total number of real-time sections is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of real-time sections.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
The Semaphores metric measures the total number of real-time semaphores in the computer at the time of data collection. Semaphores are used by threads to obtain exclusive access to data structures that threads share with other threads.
If the total number of real-time semaphores is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of real-time semaphores.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Sync Copy Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that include placing a copy of the data from the cache on the application's buffer. The file system will not be able to access the disk and retrieve the page until the copy operation is complete.
If the value of Sync Copy Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of sync copy reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Sync Data Maps per Second measures the frequency that the NTFS or HPFS file systems map a page of a file into the cache and waits for the cache to retrieve the page (if the page is not in the main memory.)
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of sync data maps per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Sync Fast Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that retrieve data directly from the cache without going through the installed file system. In a typical read, the I/O requests prompt the file system to retrieve data from a file. If the data is not in the cache, a fast read will still eliminate one invocation of the file system. The request will not wait until the data has been retrieved from disk if the data is not in the cache.
If the value of Sync Fast Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of sync fast reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Sync MDL (Memory Descriptor List) Reads per Second measures the frequency of cache page reads that access data using the MDL. The physical address of each page within the transfer is contained in the memory descriptor list. This information enables the Direct Memory Access (DMA) device to secure the copy. The access device will wait for the pages to fault from the disk if the pages are not in the main memory.
If the value of Sync MDL Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of sync MDL reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Sync Pin Reads per Second measures the frequency of reading data into the cache before the data is written back to disk. When pages are read this way they become pinned in memory when the read is complete. When the page is pinned in the cache the file system can regain control of the page. Until the page is pinned in cache, however, the file system cannot access the disk and retrieve the page. A pinned page's physical address in the cache cannot be changed.
If the value of Sync Pin Reads per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of sync pin reads per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
System Cache Resident Bytes measures the total number of bytes residing in the disk cache.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of bytes residing in the disk cache.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Systems Calls per Second measures the frequency of calls to system service routines that perform basic scheduling and synchronizing of activities on the computer. These routines also provide access to non-graphical devices, memory management, and name space management.
If the value of System Calls per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of system calls per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
System Code Resident Bytes measures the number of bytes of system code currently residing in the main memory.
If this value is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The size of system code residing in the main memory in bytes.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
System Code Total Bytes monitors the ntoskrnl.exe, hal.dll, and the boot drivers and file systems loaded by the ntldr/osloader for the total number of bytes of the pageable pages.
If System Code Total Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total system code size in bytes.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
System Driver Resident Bytes measures the total number of system driver bytes residing in the core memory. The returned value is considered the code working set of pageable drivers.
If the value of System Driver Resident Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of system driver bytes residing in the core memory.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
System Driver Total Bytes monitors all of the system driver devices and returns the total number of pageable pages currently in the devices.
If the value of System Driver Total Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of pageable pages currently in the devices in bytes.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Thread Count measures the number of threads in the process that are currently active. Threads are responsible for executing instructions (basic units of application work). Every active process has at least one thread.
If the Thread Count is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of threads in the process that are currently active.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
The Threads metric measures the total number of real-time threads in the computer at the time of data collection. (Threads execute instructions in a processor.)
If the number of Threads is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total number of real-time threads.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Total APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call) Bypasses per Second measures the overall rate at which APC interrupts were circumvented across all processors. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If this rate is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total APC bypasses per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Total DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) Bypasses per Second measures the rate at which Dispatch Interrupts were circumvented across all platforms. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If this rate is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total DPC bypasses per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Total DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) Rate is the average speed (measured in seconds) by which DPC objects are added to the processor's DPC queue. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the Total DPC Rate is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total DPC rate.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Total DPCs (Deferred Procedure Calls) Queued per Second measures the rate at which objects are added to the processor's DPC queue. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If this rate is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The total DPCs queued per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Total Interrupts per Second measures the rate that the computer is handling interruptions from system devices such as the mouse, network cards, and system clocks. This metric also indicates how busy those devices are in the overall system environment. Note: This metric is not valid on Microsoft Windows 2000.
If the value of Total Interrupts per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of total interrupts per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Transition Faults per Second measures the number of page faults that have been resolved by recovering pages that were being written to disk when the page fault occurred. These pages can be recovered without any additional disk activity.
If the value of Transition Faults per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of transition faults per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Virtual Bytes calculates the current size (in bytes) of the virtual address space being used by a process. Using too much virtual memory may limit the ability to load libraries. Note that using virtual address space is not an indication that you are also using disk or main memory pages.
If the value of Virtual Bytes is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The current size in bytes of the virtual address space used by the process.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Working Set measures total number of bytes currently in the Working Set of the process. The Working Set is the set of memory pages recently accessed by the threads in the process. If the system's free memory rises above a threshold, the pages are left in the Working Set even if they are not in use. If the system's free memory falls below a threshold, the pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If the memory pages are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before they leave main memory.
If the value of Working Set is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of bytes currently in the Working Set of the process.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
Write Copies per Second measures the number of page faults that have been resolved by making a copy or the page when an attempt is made to write to the page.
If the value of Write Copies per Second is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the "Number of Occurrences" parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.
The data for this item was retrieved from a performance counter exposed in the system registry.
The number of write copy faults per second.
5 minutes
Specific to your site.
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