Oracle SNMP Support Reference Guide Release 9.2.0 Part Number A96672-01 |
This appendix provides information to help you interpret individual variables in the private Oracle Database MIB. Specifically, it includes sections covering SNMP variables in the following tables:
For information about the database instance performance ratios listed in this appendix, see the section Most Useful Database Instance Performance Ratios in Chapter 4, "Designing Management Applications Based on Oracle MIBs". For more information about the Oracle database server and specific topics covered in this appendix, see the Oracle9i Database Reference, the Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals, and the Oracle9i Database Concepts specific to your system.
The oraDbSysTable contains various measurements used to support database activities of current sessions on the managed node. This information has been found to be particularly useful for monitoring global database instance performance.
Each entry in the oraDbSysTable represents a current database instance on the node. Each entry is indexed by rdbmsDb Index. However, because rdbmsDbTable contains an entry for each database configured for SNMP support, whether or not it is actively open, there may or may not be a one-to-one correspondence between entries in the two tables at any point in time. (For details about this index, see Appendix D, "Interpreting Variables of the Public RDBMS MIB.") The value of each oraDbSysTable variable is retrieved directly from a corresponding field in the V$SYSSTAT table for that database instance on the managed node.
In many cases, a variable is meaningful only when considered in conjunction with other variables, often as a ratio. For more information on the ratios mentioned in the following variable descriptions, and for their significance in tuning the Oracle database server, see the Oracle9i Database Performance Guide and Reference specific to your system.
Table A-1 lists each variable of the oraDbSysTable and its corresponding object ID.
A description of each of these variables follows.
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for CONSISTENT CHANGES in V$SYSSTAT. It is incremented each time that a consistent get operation cannot accept the block in its current state, owing to a change made since the query consistency point.
oraDbSysConsistentChanges is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the consistent change ratio.
two or more orders of magnitude less than the value of oraDbSysConsistentGets
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for CONSISTENT GETS in V$SYSSTAT. This value is incremented each time that the Oracle Buffer Manager is requested to locate a database block as part of a read consistent operation (a query). Only if the requested block is not found in Oracle's Buffer Cache will consistent get result in physical I/O.
oraDbSysConsistentGets is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: block get rate, block visits per transaction, cache hit ratio, changed block ratio, and the consistent change ratio.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at several thousand per second in the largest systems, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate
very important
oraDbSysUserCommits, oraDbSysConsistentChanges, oraDbSysPhysReads, oraDbSysDbBlockChanges, oraDbSysDbBlockGets
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for DB BLOCK CHANGES in V$SYSSTAT. It is incremented each time that a database block is in memory to create a "dirty block." This statistic is a rough indication of total database work.
oraDbSysDbBlockChanges is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: block changes per transaction, and the changed block ratio.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at several thousand per second in the largest systems, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate; value tends to be lower than that for oraDbSysConsistentGets
one of the lesser measures of work rate or throughput
oraDbSysBlockGets, oraDbSysConsistentGets, oraDbSysUserCalls
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for DB BLOCK GETS in V$SYSSTAT. It is incremented each time the buffer manager is asked for a database block in current mode, that is, regardless of read consistency. This mode is used to locate blocks which are to be updated, and also to access control information such as segment headers. Only if the requested block is not found in Oracle's Buffer cache will a db block get result in physical I/O.
oraDbSysBlockGets is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: block get rate, block visits per transaction, the cache hit ratio, and the changed block ratio.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at several thousand per second in the largest systems, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate.
very important
oraDbSysDbBlockChanges, oraDbSysConsistentGets, oraDbSysPhysReads, oraDbSysUserCalls
The "free buffer inspected" parameter from V$SYSTAT.
0 - 4294967295
This indicates the number of reusable buffers skipped over from the end of the Least Recently Used (LRU) queue in order to find a buffer. The difference between this and "dirty buffers inspected" equals the number of buffers that could not be used beause they were busy or needed to be written after rapid aging out. They may have a user, a waiter, or be being read or written.
The "free buffer requested" parameter from V$SYSTAT.
0 - 4294967295
This is the count of the number of times a free buffer was requested to create or load a block.
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for PARSE COUNT(total) in V$SYSSTAT. It counts the number of parse calls received by the RDBMS from both connected applications and recursive calls. In Oracle, parse calls are frequently satisfied by reference to the Shared SQL area and this statistic does not measure the number of parses which have taken place, only the number of calls.
oraDbSysParseCount is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: user calls per parse.
0 - 4294967295; unlikely to increment at a rate greater than a few hundred per second
oraDbLibraryCacheTable variables, oraDbSysUserCalls
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for PHYSICAL READS in V$SYSSTAT. It increments each time a DB Block is retrieved from the disk subsystem, but is not necessarily equal to the number of I/O requests made to the host operating system, as multiblock I/O may be used. A physical read can be viewed as an SGA Buffer Cache miss, hampering throughput (contention induction) and CPU (code pathlength) processing.
oraDbSysPhysReads is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the cache hit ratio.
0 - 4294967295; unlikely to increment at a rate greater than a few hundred per second
very important
oraDbSysConsistentGets, oraDbSysDbBlockGets
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for PHYSICAL WRITES in V$SYSSTAT. It increments each time a DB Block is written to disk. All writes are performed either by DBWR or LGWR, two background processes responsible for getting Blocks out of the SGA and back on disk.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at several thousand per second in the largest systems, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate
oraDbSysRedo family
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for REDO ENTRIES in V$SYSSTAT. Each time that REDO data is copied into the log buffer, this counter is incremented. The value varies in relation to how many changes are being made.
oraDbSysRedoEntries is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: redo log space wait ratio.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at several thousand per second in the largest systems, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate.
oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequests, oraDbSysRedoSyncWrites, oraDbSysUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for REDO LOG SPACE REQUESTS in V$SYSSTAT. This counts the number of times that a server process had to wait to acquire an entry in the redo log.
oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequests is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: redo log space wait ratio.
0 - 10,000,000 (a value of 0 is ideal, but an increment of 1 or 2 per second might be acceptable)
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for REDO SYNC WRITES parameter in V$SYSSTAT. It increments when a process waits for a ReDo write to complete, typically as a result of a Commit.
0 - 10,000,000 (typically increments at less than 1 per second)
less important
oraDbSysRedoEntries, oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequest, oraDbSysUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for SORTS DISKS in V$SYSSTAT. It increments for each sort which has to allocate disk work space.
oraDbSysSortsDisks is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the sort overflow ratio.
for OLTP it should be 0
oraDbSysRedoEntries, oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequest, oraDbSyncWrites, oraDbSysSortsMemory, oraDbUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for SORTS MEMORY in V$SYSSTAT. It is incremented for each sort which does not require the allocation of work space on disk.
oraDbSysSortsMemory is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the sort overflow ratio.
0 - 4294967295; unlikely to increment faster than tens per second, except in the largest systems
oraDbSysRedoEntries, oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequest, oraDbSyncWrites, oraDbSysSortsDisks, oraDbUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for SORTS ROWS in V$SYSSTAT. It is incremented for each sort, regardless of whether the allocation of disk space was required.
0 - 4294967295
oraDbSysRedoEntries, oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequest, oraDbSyncWrites, oraDbSysSortsMemory, oraDbSortsDisks, oraDbUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for TABLE FETCH BY ROWID in V$SYSSTAT. This counter increments when a row is fetched using a RowID (usually recovered from an index). It should be noted that this statistic records all rows visited by the database engine, whether or not they were return to the application.
oraDbSysTableFetchRowid is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: the continued row ratio and the row source ratio.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at several tens of thousands per second in the largest systems, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate
oraDbSysRedoEntries, oraDbSysRedoLogSpaceRequest, oraDbSyncWrites, oraDbSysSortsDisks, oraDbSysTableFetchContinuedRow, oraDbSysTableScanRows, oraDbUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for TABLE FETCH CONTINUED ROW in V$SYSSTAT. It may be incremented either because a row has been encountered which spans more than a DB block, or because a migrated row has been retrieved by rowid.
oraDbSysTableFetchContinuedRow is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the continued row ratio.
close to 0 unless long LONG values are in use.
oraDbSysTable FetchRowid, oraDbSysTableScanRows
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for TABLE SCAN BLOCKS GOTTEN in V$SYSSTAT. During scanning operations, the RDBMS retrieves each row sequentially. This counter increments each time the RDBMS steps into a new DB Block during the scan. oraDbSysTableScanBlocks indicates how many DB Blocks were Consistently Read from the Buffer Cache for the purpose of scanning. Comparing this to the value of oraDbSysConsistentGets suggests how much Consistent Read activity can be attributed to scanning.
0 - 3 billion; in OLTP very low; in DSS applications, a few thousand per second, so this variable is definitely a "wraparound" candidate.
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for TABLE SCAN ROWS GOTTEN in V$SYSSTAT. This counter increases each time a row is processed during a Scan operation. Note that the row need not be parsed back to the calling application in order for it to be counted here.
oraDbSysTableScanRows is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the row source ratio, and the continued row ratio.
0 - 100,000,000 per day
oraDbSysTableFetchContinuedRow, oraDbSysTableFetchRowid
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for TABLE SCANS LONG TABLES in V$SYSSTAT. Long tables are those whose number of data blocks below the high water mark exceeds the value of the initialization parameter SMALL _TABLE_THRESHOLD. DB Blocks visited in Long Full Table Scans are not prompted in the LRS List.
in OLTP, typically 0
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for TABLE SCANS SHORT TABLES in V$SYSSTAT. Short tables can be defined as tables that do not meet the long table criteria, as defined by oraDbSysTableScansLong. Short tables are those whose number of data blocks above the low water mark is low than the value of the initialization parameter LONG_TABLE_THRESHOLD.
0 - 4294967295; can increment at a few hundred per second
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for USER CALLS in V$SYSSTAT. A user call is a Parse, an Execute, or a Fetch. With the Oracle server's deferred and bundled execution capabilities, this statistic will not necessarily correlate well with client/server message traffic.
oraDbSysUserCalls is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: block changes per transaction, the call rate, calls per transaction, the recursive-to-user call ratio, the user call rate, and user calls per parse.
0 - 10,000,000 per day
very important
oraDbSysDbBlockChanges, oraDbSysParseCount, oraDbSysUserCommits
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for USER COMMITS in V$SYSSTAT. It records the number of database transactions successfully completed and records the number of aborted database transactions.
oraDbSysUserCommits is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratios: block visits per transaction, calls per transaction, and the transaction rate.
In most real world applications, the value is less the 1 per second.
In OLTP, very important
oraDbBlockGets, oraDbSysConsistentGets, oraDbUserCalls
This variable is retrieved directly from the value for USER ROLLBACKS in V$SYSSTAT. It records the number of aborted database transactions.
oraDbSysUserRollbacks is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: the user rollback ratio.
0 - 4294967295
The oraDbTablespaceTable contains information on tablespaces within a current Oracle database instance. A tablespace is a logical portion of an Oracle database used to allocate storage for table and index data. In a production environment, tables can fill up as transaction activity mounts. Monitoring tablespace activity is important to avoid exhausting the tablespaces and causing spaces.
Each entry in the oraDbTablespaceTable represents a given tablespace within a current database instance. Each entry is indexed first by rdbmsDbIndex, and then oraDbTablespaceIndex; thus, there will normally be a one-to-many relationship between an rdbmsDbTable entry and corresponding oraDbTablespaceTable entries. (For details about rdbmsDbIndex, see Appendix D, "Interpreting Variables of the Public RDBMS MIB". The current value of each oraDbTablespaceTable variable is retrieved directly from a join of DBA_TABLESPACES, DBA_DATA_FILES, and DBA_FREE_SPACE selecting for the tablespace in question.
Table A-2 lists each of these variables and its corresponding object.
Variable Name | Object ID |
oraDbTablespaceIndex | |
oraDbTablespaceName | |
oraDbTablespaceSizeAllocated | |
oraDbTablespaceSizeUsed | |
oraDbTablespaceState | |
oraDbTablespaceLargestAvailableChunk | |
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
A numeric index, unique among tablespaces within a single Oracle database instance. This index is assigned to these tablespaces based on the alphabetical order of their names. On most platforms, a hard file limit of 1023 database files exists, so this number is the practical upper limit. Although some administrators prefer a one-to-one relationship between tablespaces and database files, multiple files can comprise a tablespace.
1 - 1,000
very important
oraDbTablespaceName, rdbmsDbIndex
not applicable
Indicates the name of this tablespace, as retrieved from the value for TABLESPACE-NAME in DBA_TABLESPACES.
0 - 30 characters
simple string
Indicates the amount of disk space (in kilobytes) allocated for this tablespace. This is the sum of the sizes of the data files associated with the tablespace.
0 - 10 gigabytes
simple string
Indicates the amount of disk space (in kilobytes) which is actually in use for storing data. This is the difference between the sum of the size of the datafiles associated with the tablespace and the sum of the size of the free spaces associated with the tablespace.
0 - value of oraDbTablespaceSizeAllocated
Very important
INTEGER (1) online (2) offline, or (3) invalid
Indicates the current accessibility of this tablespace, as retrieved from the value for STATUS in DBA_TABLESPACES. If a tablespace is offline (2), then SQL statements cannot reference objects contained in the tablespace. An invalid (3) tablespace is one that has been dropped.
enumerated 1 - 3
very important
simple string or icon
Indicates the size (in kilobytes) of the largest contiguous set of free data blocks in the tablespace. This variable is retrieved directly from the value for NEXT_EXTENT in DBA_TABLES. If there is any object in the tablespace whose NEXT_EXTENT value is greater than the layout chunk, that object will be unable to expand. This might cause a major problem, or it might not matter.
Less than or equal to (oraDbTablespaceSizeAllocated minus oraDbTablespaceSizeUsed)
oraDbTablespaceSizeAllocated, oraDbTablespaceSizeUsed
oraDbDataFileTable contains information on the data files within a current database instance on the managed node. A data file denotes an area of disk allocated for database data. Monitoring data files is important for two reasons; first, to determine whether space in files is being exhausted, and second to determine O/S response time in accessing data on disk, especially on platforms where there is no other way to measure disk queue length.
Each entry in the oraDbDataFileTable represents a given data file within a current database instance on the node. Each entry is indexed first by rdbmsDbIndex, and then by oraDbDataFileIndex; thus, there will normally be a one-to-many relationship between an rdbmsDbTable entry and corresponding oraDbDataFileTable entries. (For details about rdbmsDbIndex, see Appendix D, "Interpreting Variables of the Public RDBMS MIB") The current value of each oraDbDataFileTable variable is retrieved directly from a corresponding field in either V$FILESTAT or DBA_DATA_FILES for that data file within that database instance.
Table A-3 lists each variable of the oraDbDataFileTable and its corresponding object ID
Variable Name | Object ID |
oraDbDataFileIndex | |
oraDbDataFileName | |
oraDbDataFileSizeAllocated | |
oraDbDataFileDiskReads | |
oraDbDataFileDiskWrites | |
oraDbDataFileDiskReadBlocks | |
oraDbDataFileDiskWrittenBlocks | |
oraDbDataFileDiskReadTimeTicks | |
oraDbDataFileDiskWriteTimeTicks | |
A numeric index, unique among data files associated with a single tablespace. The value of oraDbDataFileIndex is retrieved directly from the value of FILE_ID in DBA_DATA_FILES. For a small database, a tablespace typically contains 1 data file; for a large database (80 Gbytes), a tablespace typically contains 200 datafiles in a tablespace. The upper limit is hard coded as 1023.
1 - 400
very important
not applicable
Indicates the fully-qualified name of this data file. The value is retrieved from the value of FILE_NAME in DBA_DATA_FILES.
10 - 100 characters; about 15 for raw partitions.
oraDbTablespaceName, because the file is a member of a tablespace.
simple string
Indicates the allocated size (in kilobytes) of this data file, as retrieved from the value of BYTES in DBA_DATA_FILES. Indicates how much space has been used so far. Monitoring this variable is very important, because running out of space can require taking the database down, depending on which table this file supports. Normally, however, adding another data file to the Tablespace solves the problem.
100 Mbytes - 2 Gbytes
very important
simple string
Indicates the total number of reads issued against this data file since database instance startup, as retrieved from the value of PHYRDS in V$FILESTAT.
10,000 - 100,000 or much more, depending on the life of the instance
less important
oraDbDataFileDiskReadBlocks, oraDbDataFileDiskReadTimeTicks
Indicates the total number of writes issued against this data file since database instance startup, as retrieved from the value of PHYWRTS in V$FILESTAT.
10,000 - 100,000 or much more, depending on the life of the instance
less important
oraDbDataFileDiskWriteBlocks, oraDbDataFileDiskWriteTimeTicks
Indicates the total number of physical blocks read from this data file since database instance startup. The value is retrieved from the value of PHYBLKRD in V$FILESTAT. The number of bytes read can be determined by multiplying this value by the value of oraDbConfigDbBlockSize, typically 2Kbytes.
10,000 - 100,000 or much more, depending on the life of the instance
oraDbConfigDbBlockSize, oraDbDataFileDiskReads
Indicates the total number of physical blocks written to this data file since database instance startup. The value is retrieved from the value of PHYBLKWRT in V$FILESTAT. The number of bytes written can be determined by multiplying this value by the value of the INIT.ORA parameter, DB_BLOCK_SIZE, typically 2Kbytes.
10,000 - 100,000 or much more, depending on the life of the instance
Indicates the time spent writing to this data file since database instance startup IF the INIT.ORA parameter TIMED_STATISTICS is TRUE. (The unit of measurement on a UNIX platform is time ticks of 10 ms.) If TIMED_STATISTICS is FALSE, then a value of 0 is returned. The value of oraDbDataFileDiskReadTimeTicks is retrieved from the value of READTIM in V$FILESTAT.
Because knowing how long it takes to perform I/O per block is the important statistic, knowing this aggregate measure is not very significant. If the average time to do reads is generally exceeding a couple of ticks, then an I/O sybsystem response time problem exists. Most high performance disk drives can easily locate any sector on the disk in 10 ms.
0 - 4294967295
less important
Indicates the time spent writing to this data file since database instance startup IF the INIT.ORA parameter TIMED_STATISTICS is TRUE. (The unit of measurement on a UNIX platform is time ticks of 10 ms.) If TIMED_STATISTICS is FALSE, then a value of 0 is returned. The value of oraDbDataFileDiskWriteTimeTicks is retrieved from the value of WRITETIM in V$FILESTAT.
Because knowing how long it takes to perform I/O per block is the important statistic, knowing this aggregate measure is not very significant. If the average time to do writes is generally exceeding three ticks on non-mirrored data, then an I/O subsystem response time problem exists. Most high performance disk drives can easily perform a write in 15 ms.
Can wrap around the upper limit of 2147483647 in about three days of continuous instance operation for a busy database
less important
The oraDbLibraryCacheTable contains variables measuring library cache activity since the most recent database instance startup. A library cache is a memory structure containing shared SQL and PL/SQL areas. Monitoring the library cache is important to determine whether it is necessary to resize Oracle's shared pool.
Each entry in the oraDbLibraryCacheTable represents a given library cache within a current database instance on the node. Each entry is indexed first by rdbmsDbIndex, and then by oraDbLibraryCacheIndex; thus, there will normally be a one-to-many relationship between an rdbmsDbTable entry and corresponding oraDbLibraryCacheTable entries. (For details about rdbmsDbIndex, see Appendix D, "Interpreting Variables of the Public RDBMS MIB") The current value of each oraDbLibraryCacheTable variable is retrieved directly from a corresponding field in the V$LIBRARYCACHE table for that library cache within that database instance.
Table A-4 lists each variable of the oraDbLibraryCacheTable and its corresponding object ID.
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
A unique integer for each row of the oraDbLibraryCacheTable.
8 (only)
very important
not applicable
Indicates the namespace of the V$LIBRARYCACHE table to which this row is related. The value is retrieved from the value of NAMESPACE in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 30 characters
simple string
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the system requests handles to library objects in this namespace. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheGets is retrieved from the value of GETS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 500,00 per day
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the handles are already allocated in the cache. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheGetHits is retrieved from the value of GETHITS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 4294967295
less important
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the system issues pin requests in order to access objects in the cache. The value of oraDbLibraryCachePins is retrieved from the value of PINS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
oraDbLibraryCachePins is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: library cache miss ratio.
0 - 4294967295
less important
oraDbLibraryPinHits, oraDbLibraryCacheReloads
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the objects the system is pinning are already allocated and initialized in the cache. The value of oraDbLibraryCachePinHits is retrieved from the value of PINHITS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 4294967295
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that library objects have to be reinitialized and reloaded with data because they have been aged out or invalidated. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheReloads is retrieved from the value of RELOADS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
oraDbLibraryCacheReloads is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: library cache miss ratio.
0 - 4294967295
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that non-persistent library objects (like shared SQL areas) have been invalidated. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheInvalidations is retrieved from the value of INVALIDATIONS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 4294967295
less important
The LibraryCacheSum table tracks for all library caches in a database instance as a whole the same information that the LibraryCache table tracks for the caches individually. It is primarily a convenience.
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the system requests handles to library objects in this namespace. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheSumGets is derived from the value of GETS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 500,00 per day
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the handles are already allocated in the cache. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheSumGetHits is derived from the value of GETHITS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 4294967295
less important
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the system issues pin requests in order to access objects in the cache. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheSumPins is derived from the value of PINS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
oraDbLibraryCacheSumPins is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: library cache miss ratio.
0 - 4294967295
less important
oraDbLibraryPinHits, oraDbLibraryCacheSumReloads
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that the objects the system is pinning are already allocated and initialized in the cache. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheSumPinHits is derived from the value of PINHITS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 4294967295
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that library objects have to be reinitialized and reloaded with data because they have been aged out or invalidated. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheSumReloads is derived from the value of RELOADS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
oraDbLibraryCacheSumReloads is used to calculate the following database instance performance ratio: library cache miss ratio.
0 - 4294967295
Indicates the number of times, since database instance startup, that non-persistent library objects (like shared SQL areas) have been invalidated. The value of oraDbLibraryCacheSumInvalidations is derived from the value of INVALIDATIONS in V$LIBRARYCACHE.
0 - 4294967295
less important
The oraDbSGATable contains storage allocation information on the current System Global Area (SGA). The SGA is a common database storage area for information that supports current sessions. As the values of its attributes are configured in the INIT.ORA file, they do not change while the database instance is running, thus, the SGA at this aggregate level is not as important to monitor as other database structures.
Each entry in the oraDbSGATable represents the SGA for a current database instance on the node. Each entry is indexed by rdbmsDbIndex. However, because rdbmsDbTable contains an entry for each installed database configured for SNMP support, whether or not it is actively open, there may or may not be a one-to-one correspondence between entries in the two tables at any point in time. (For details about rdbmsDbIndex, see Appendix D, "Interpreting Variables of the Public RDBMS MIB") The current value of each oraDbSGATable variable is retrieved directly from a corresponding field in the V$SGA table for that database instance.
Table A-6 lists each variable of the oraDbSGATable and its corresponding object ID.
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The size in kilobytes of the fixed-size portion of the SGA as shown in V$SGASTAT.
1 - 2147483647
less important
as a simple integer value
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The size in kilobytes of the variable-size portion of the SGA as shown in V$SGASTAT.
1 - 2147483647
less important
as a simple integer value
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The number of database buffers allocated in the SGA as shown in V$SGASTAT.
4 Kbytes - 2 Gbytes
less important
as a simple integer value
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The number of redo buffers allocated in the SGA as shown in V$SGASTAT.
1 - 2147483647
less important
as a simple integer value
The oraDbConfigTable contains variables whose values are retrieved directly from the V$PARAMETER table. These parameters control systemwide resources and can impact the values of variables in the rest of this MIB. This table includes those initialization parameters that closely relate to the task of monitoring database instance performance. By assigning these parameters easy-to-use, fixed object IDs, it is easier to graph them together with the dynamic performance values they impact. For more information on these parameters, see the Oracle9i Database Reference, and also the Oracle9i Database Concepts specific to your system.
Each entry in the oraDbConfigTable is indexed by rdbmsDbIndex. However, because rdbmsDbTable contains an entry for each installed database, whether or not it is actively open, there may or may not be a one-to-one correspondence between entries in the two tables at any point in time. (For details about rdbmsDbIndex, see Appendix D, "Interpreting Variables of the Public RDBMS MIB")
Table A-7 lists each variable of the oraDbConfigTable and its corresponding object ID
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the number of database blocks cached in memory of the SGA. This parameter is the most significant determinant of the SGA size and database instance performance. The size of each block can be determined using oraDbConfigDbBlockSize.
1 - 2147483647
very important
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the size, in bytes, of database blocks for this database. This information has significance for a number of other variables.
1024 - 8192 (O/S dependent)
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum number of blocks read in one I/O operation during a sequential scan. The default is a function of the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS and PROCESSES parameters in the INIT.ORA file.
Values in the range of 4 to 32 are reasonable. Actual maximums vary by operating system
oraDbConfigDbBlockBuffers, oraDbConfigDbProcesses
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the LOG_BUFFER parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the number of bytes allocated to the redo log buffer in the SGA. In a busy system, a value of 65536 or higher would not be unreasonable.
1,000 - 100,000
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the LOG_CHECKPOINT_ INTERVAL parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the amount of time (in seconds) to pass before another checkpoint occurs. A value of 0 disables time-based checkpoints.
1 - 2147483647
clock or simple string
INTEGER (0..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT parameter of the INIT.ORA file. The amount of time (in seconds) to pass between checkpoints. A value of 0 disables time-based checkpoints.
0 - 2147483647
clock or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the MAX_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum size of the rollback segment cache in the SGA.
1 - 65536
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the MTS_MAX_ DISPATCHERS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum number of dispatcher processes allowed to be running simultaneously.
1 - 2147483647
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the MTS_MAX_SERVERS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum number of shared server processes allowed to be running simultaneously.
1 - 2147483647
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the MTS_SERVERS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the number of server processes that are created when an instance is started.
1 - 2147483647
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the OPEN_CURSORS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum number of open cursors (context areas) a single-user process can have at once.
1 - 2147483647
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the OPEN_LINKS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum number of concurrent open connections to remote database instances per user process. This parameter refers only to connections used for distributed transactions; direct connections to a remote database instance specified as an application connects are not counted. If set to 0, then no distributed transactions are allowed.
0 - 255
gauge or simple string
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter of the INIT.ORA file. When set to RULE, this parameter causes rule-based optimization to be used, unless hints are specified in the query. When set to COST, the optimizer uses a cost-based approach for an SQL statement, if there are statistics in the dictionary for at least one table accessed in the statement. (Otherwise, the rule-based approach is used.)
icon or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the PROCESSES parameter of the INIT.ORA file. For a multiple-process operation, this parameter specifies the maximum number of user processes that can simultaneously connect to an Oracle server. The PROCESSES parameter is used to derive the SESSIONS INIT.ORA parameter. The default is 50.
6 - O/S dependent
oraDbConfigSessions, oraDbConfigTransactions
gauge or simple string
gauge or simple string
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the SERIALIZABLE parameter of the INIT.ORA file. A value of TRUE indicates that queries acquire table-level read locks, preventing any update of objects read until the transaction containing the query is committed.
icon or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the SESSIONS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the total number of user and system sessions. The default for parameter is derived as the value of the INIT.ORA PROCESSES parameter multiplied by 1.1.
1 - 2147483647
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the size (in bytes) of the shared pool. The shared pool contains shared cursors and stored procedures. The default is 3.5 Mbytes.
300 Kbytes - O/S dependent
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum amount of PGA memory to use for an exterrnal (disk) sort (in bytes). The default (O/S dependent) is adequate for most DB operations.
1 - 2147483647
oraDbConfigRetainedSize, oraDbConfigSortSpaceMapSize
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum amount of session memory (in bytes) that will be used for an in-memory sort. The default value is equal to that assigned for the SORT_AREA_SIZE INIT.ORA parameter.
0..value of oraDbConfigSortAreaSize
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the TRANSACTIONS parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the maximum number of concurrent transactions. The default is the value of the PROCESSES INIT.ORA parameter multiplied by 1.1.
1 - 2147483647
gauge or simple string
INTEGER (1..2147483647)
The value of this variable is retrieved directly from the TRANSACTIONS_PER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT parameter of the INIT.ORA file. Indicates the number of concurrent transactions allowed per rollback segment. The default is 30.
1..O/S dependent
gauge or simple string
The oraRepSchema Table contains information about the replicated database schemas at the current site. For each such replicated schema, there exists one instance of this table.
The values of these variables are retrieved directly from the replication catalog. The current replication environment's status (normal, quiescing, quiesced) and configuration (type of replication site and database link to remote replication sites) are useful for displaying a visual representation of the replication environment.
This is a numeric index unique among replication schemas contained in this database.
not applicable
Provides a unique identifier for the schema.
simple string
This is the name of the replicated schema. This name must be the same at all sites involved in the replication of the schema.
valid Oracle identifier
Identifies replicated schemas. Useful in displaying a visual representation of the replication environment.
simple string
INTEGER{masterdef(1), master(2), snapshot(3)}
This indicates whether the replicated schema is a master definition schema, a master schema, or a snapshot schema.
not applicable
Most replication administration tasks can be performed only at the master definition sites.
color indicator or simple string
INTEGER{normal(1), quiescing(2), quiesced(3)}
This indicates the state of the replicated schema. Replication activity is suspended in the quiesced state and the schema can then be altered.
1 - 3
The meanings of the values are as follows:
Snapshot sites are always in state 1 (normal).
color indicator or simple string
This indicates the number of database links used in the schema for replication.
configuration dependent
For masters there must be at least one database link from the local site to each remote master.
For snapshots there must be at least one database link from the snapshot site to its master.
simple string
The oraRepMasterSchema Table contains specific information for replicated schemas at the current master or master definition site. There exists one instance of this table for each replicated schema at the current site. These values are retrieved from the replication catalog.
The values in this table are useful for displaying a visual representation of multi-master configurations. Master and master definition sites are not required to have database links to their snapshot sites. Snapshot schemas are currently not registered in the replication catalog at their associated master site. Given an oraRepMasterSchema Table in an arbitrary replication environment, it is not be possible to locate all snapshot sites based solely on the information in this table.
Information is also provided for the detection of replication administration request errors and a relative count of the number of conflicts encountered at the current site. The table provides a count of the number of resolved conflicts. Not all conflicts may be resolved (the DBA did not declare the appropriate conflict resolution method(s) or a conflict was unable to be resolved due to other problems.
This indicates the number of administration requests that have encountered errors. The errors themselves are stored in the administration queue at the source database of the request.
If the variable is > 0, then 1 or more administration commands failed at 1 or more remote sites.
gauge or warning indicator
This indicates the number of conflicts that were successfully resolved at the local database. For this variable to be valid, the DBA must activate statistics collection for conflict resolution.
configuration dependent
If the environment is configured to be conflict-free, this value always should be 0. Otherwise, this value gives the adminsdtrator a rough count of the conflicts that are occuring, although it is imprecise because it does not include any conflicts that have not been resolved.
gauge or simple string
This indicates the number of remote master databases involved in the replication of the schema.
configuration dependent
useful for displaying a map of the replication environment.
simple string
The oraRepSnapshotSchema Table contains specific information for snapshot schemas at the current snapshot site. One instance of this table exists for each snapshot schema at the current site. These values are retrieved from the replication catalog.
The values in this table are useful for displaying a visual representation of Master- Snapshot configurations. Snapshot sites are required to have database links to their master sites, but a master site is not required to have database links to its associated snapshot sites.
Variable Name | Object ID |
oraRepSnapshotSchemaMaster | |
oraRepSnapshotSchemaSnapshots | |
This provides the name of the master database from which the snapshot schema is refreshed. A snapshot schema can be owned by only one master database at a time, but that ownership is dynamic.
valid Oracle identifier
useful for displaying a map of the replication environment.
simple string
This indicates the number of snapshots in the schema.
configuration dependent
Useful in displaying a visual representation of the replication environment.
gauge or simple string
The oraRepLink Table contains information for each database link used for replication at the current site. One instance of this table exists for each database link used for replication at the current site. These values are retrieved from both the replication catalog and the Deferred RPC tables.
All information is reported on a per-database link basis. For example, oraRepLinkError counts all errors from the database link oraRepLinkName within the instance of the oraRepLink Table that identifies that link. This is also true for oraRepLinkDeferredTransactions and oraRepLinkAdminRequests.
Administration requests are only made from the master definition sites to remote master sites. Snapshot sites neither send nor receive replication administration requests.
This is a numeric index whose value is unique among the replication links associated with a particular schema.
not applicable
This provides a unique identifier for the link.
simple string
This provides the name of the database link.
valid Oracle database link name
This shows the destination to which transactions will be replicated.
This is the number of deferred transactions queued for propagation to the destination of the dblink. The transactions in the queue are stored, organized by destination, at the database originating the transaction.
configuration dependent
As a general rule, there should not be a large backlog of queued transactions. A moderate queue size reduces poential problems with conflicts, integrity constraints, and cascading errors. This value is one measure of the cost of replication in terms of data traffic.
gauge or simple string
This is the number of errors at the local database that were caused by deferred transactions from the dblink in question. These errors are caused by incorrectly formed transactions or by conflicts. The errors in the queue are stored by source at the database at which the errors occurred.
Errors indicate unresolved conflicts or other problems with the replication environment (for example, replication users do not have the correct privileges or the database links were not created correctly).
gauge or warning indicator
This is the number of administration requests queued for the local database from the dblink in question. The items in the queue are stored by the source of the requests.
configuration dependent
A large backlog of requests may indicate a problem in the background process which periodically pushes the queue. A gauge would be useful for displaying the percent completion of a single or of a set of adminstration requests (i.e., when the value reaches zero, all requests are complete)
gauge or simple string
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