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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To Respond to a Plain Text E-mail Notification Using Templated Response
2. To respond to your notification, use the Reply command in your mail application to reply to the original e-mail notification.
3. Include the response template from the original notification in your reply. In addition to the response prompts, the response template includes the special notification ID and access key that a notification mailer requires to identify the notification you are responding to. If your mail application includes an editable copy of the original message when it generates the reply message, you can use that copy to enter your response values. Otherwise, copy and paste from the original message to obtain a copy of the response template that you can edit.
4. Follow the response template instructions and insert your response values between the quotes (" ") following each response prompt. The Notification System interprets your response values literally, so a value in uppercase is interpreted differently from the same value in lowercase.
Note: When you are using the two double quotes to delimit your response, you can validly use a single quote character within your response value. For example, a response to a Comment prompt could be entered as follows:
Comment: "This proposal isn't acceptable."
However, you cannot validly use another double quote character within your response value in the default format. If you want to use the double quote character (") within your response value, you can optionally enter your response in one of the following alternate formats. You can use different formats for different responses within the same response message.
- You can enter a backslash (\) as an escape character before the double quote. For example, a response to a Comment prompt could be entered as follows.
Comment: 'The \"Equipment\" proposal is approved.'
- You can delete the two double quotes and enclose your response between two single quotes (' ') instead to delimit the response value. For example:
Comment: 'The "Equipment" proposal is approved.'
- You can delete the two double quotes and enclose your response between a left bracket and a right bracket ([ ]) instead to delimit the response value. For example:
Comment: [The "Equipment" proposal is approved.]
5. When you are satisfied with your response, use the Send command of the mail application to send your reply.
Note: If you send an invalid response, the Notification System sends you an "invalid response" message. If you respond to a notification that has been canceled, you get a message informing you that the notification was canceled. Similarly, if you respond to a notification that was already previously responded to, you get a message informing you that the notification is closed.
6. If another user sent you this notification with a request for more information, the notification displays the user who made the request, the history of any previous requests for more information about this notification and responses to those requests, and the details of the current request. Include the response template in your reply and insert your response values between the quotes (" ") following the response prompt. When you are satisfied with your response, use the Send command of the mail application to send your reply.
7. If this notification requires a password-based electronic signature in your response, you cannot respond to the notification through e-mail. In this case the notification informs you that a password-based signature is required and directs you to access the online version of the notification instead. Navigate to the Notification Details web page to submit your response. See:
To View the Details of a Notification.
Note: Password-based electronic signatures are currently supported only for the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications.
See Also
To Respond to a Plain Text E-mail Notification Using Direct Response
To Respond to an HTML E-mail Notification
To Respond to a Plain Text E-mail Notification with an HTML Attachment
To Reassign a Notification to Another User
Plain Text E-mail, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

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