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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Notification Events
Event for Notification Send
Oracle Workflow uses this event to send outbound notification messages.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
WF_XML.Generate |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Oracle Workflow provides one default subscription to the Notification Send event, which is the default subscription if a notification mailer encounters errors during the generation and sending of outbound messages. When the Notification Send event is received from an Error source (that is, when it is dequeued from the WF_ERROR queue), this subscription sends the event message to the Default Event Error process in the System: Error item type. The subscription is enabled by default. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.
System |
<local system> |
Source Type |
Error |
Event Filter | |
Phase |
50 |
Status |
Enabled |
Rule Data |
Key |
Rule Function |
wf_xml.error_rule |
Workflow Item Type |
Workflow Process Name |
Priority |
Normal |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
See Also
To Define an Event Subscription
Event for Notification Reassign
Oracle Workflow uses this event to send an outbound notification message to the new recipient when a notification is reassigned.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Event for Notification Cancel
Oracle Workflow uses this event to send an outbound cancellation message when a previously sent notification is canceled.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Notification Send Group
This event group contains events for various types of outbound messages sent by notification mailers.
Internal Name | |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Members | |
| |
| |
Oracle Workflow provides two default subscriptions to the Notification Send Group. The first subscription places the event message on the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent to be sent by a notification mailer when one of the group member events is raised locally. This subscription is enabled by default. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.
System |
<local system> |
Source Type |
Local |
Event Filter | |
Phase |
100 |
Status |
Enabled |
Rule Data |
Message |
Rule Function |
wf_rule.default_rule |
Out Agent |
WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT@<local system> |
Priority |
Normal |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
The second subscription can be used to place the event message on the WF_SMTP_O_1_QUEUE to be processed by the C-based version of the Notification Mailer, when one of the group member events is raised locally. This subscription should only be used when Oracle Support determine it to be necessary. Do not enable this subscription unless you are directed to do so by Oracle Support. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.
System |
<local system> |
Source Type |
Local |
Event Filter | |
Phase |
0 |
Status |
Disabled |
Rule Data |
Key |
Rule Function |
wf_xml.sendnotification |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
See Also
To Define an Event Subscription
Send Summary Notification Event
Oracle Workflow raises this event to generate and send a summary notification for each user and role with a notification preference of SUMMARY when a Launch Summary Notifications event is raised.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
WF_XML.Generate |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Oracle Workflow provides one default subscription to the Send Summary Notification event. When the Send Summary Notification event is raised locally, this subscription places the event message on the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent to be sent by a notification mailer. The subscription is enabled by default. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.
System |
<local system> |
Source Type |
Local |
Event Filter | |
Phase |
0 |
Status |
Enabled |
Rule Data |
Message |
Rule Function |
wf_rule.default_rule |
Out Agent |
WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT@<local system> |
Priority |
Normal |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
See Also
To Define an Event Subscription
Notification Send Error Event
This event is not currently used.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Receipt of Incoming Response Event
Oracle Workflow raises this event when an inbound message is received by a notification mailer.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Return to Sender Event
Oracle Workflow raises this event if there are problems during the processing of an inbound response message received by a notification mailer, and these problems require the original notification or the response to be resent.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Notification Recipient Is Unavailable Event
Oracle Workflow raises this event if an inbound response message received by a notification mailer contains a string of text that matches a tag pattern associated with the Unavailable tag action.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Notification Error Event
Oracle Workflow raises this event if an inbound response message received by a notification mailer contains a string of text that matches a tag pattern associated with the Error tag action.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Notification Receive Group
This event group contains events for various types of incoming messages received by notification mailers.
Internal Name | |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Members | |
| |
| |
| |
Oracle Workflow provides one default subscription to the Notification Receive Group. This subscription processes the incoming message when one of the group member events is received from an external source.
- - The notification mailer performs normal response processing for the message. See: Inbound Notification Mailer Processing, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
- - The outbound notification is resent.
- - The message is moved to the discard folder, and the notification mailer continues waiting for a reply to the notification since the notification's status is still open. However, the notificaiton's mail status is updated to UNAVAIL.
- - The message is moved to the discard folder, and Oracle Workflow initiates an error process, if one is defined for the workflow process to which the notification activity belongs. The notification's statusis still OPEN, but its mail status and activity status are updated to ERROR. Ideally, the workflow administrator corrects the problem and resends the notification by updating its mail status to MAIL.
This subscription is enabled by default. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.
System |
<local system> |
Source Type |
External |
Event Filter | |
Phase |
0 |
Status |
Enabled |
Rule Data |
Message |
Rule Function |
wf_xml.receive |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
See Also
To Define an Event Subscription
Event for Notification Respond
Oracle Workflow raises this event whenever a user responds to a notification.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |
Event for Notification Close
Oracle Workflow raises this event whenever a notification is closed.
Internal Name | |
Generate Function |
None |
Owner Name |
Oracle Workflow |
Owner Tag |
Customization Level |
Limit |

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