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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Validate a Process Definition
2. The following list is an example of some of the validation that the Verify command performs:
- Checks that a process has at least one Start and one End activity.
- Verifies that a process does not contain itself as a process activity.
- Restricts the same subprocess from being used twice in a process.
- Validates that all possible activity results are modelled as outgoing transitions. If an activity completes with a result that is not associated with an outgoing transition, and a <Default> transition doesn't exist for that activity, the activity enters an 'ERROR' state.
- Validates that activity nodes marked as END nodes do not have any outgoing transitions.
- Validates that a notification activity's result type matches the lookup type defined for the message's 'RESULT' message attribute.
- Verifies that message attributes referenced in a message body for token substitution exist in the message definition.
- For processes that reference objects from another item type, verifies that the requisite item attributes associated with the referenced item type exists.
Attention: You should always validate any new process definition you create as it helps you to identify any potential problems with the definition that might prevent it from executing successfully.
See Also
To Add Nodes to a Workflow Process
To Define Nodes
To Define Event Details for an Event Node
To Define Activity Attribute Values
To Create and Edit a Transition
To Display a Process Overview
To Print a Process
To Copy a Process Diagram to the Clipboard

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