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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Create and Edit a Transition
Note: Overlapping transitions appear in a different color than single, non-overlapping transitions.
3. To reposition a transition label, simply select the label with your mouse and drag it to its new position. The label snaps onto the transition.
4. You can bring up the following menu of editing options at any time by selecting a transition with your mouse and clicking on the right mouse button:
- Delete Transition--deletes the selected transition.
- Locked--toggles between locking and unlocking the transition from further edits. If a transition is locked, you cannot add or delete vertex points along the transition, but you can delete the transition.
- Hidden Label--toggles between displaying and hiding the transition label.
- Straighten--straightens the transition by removing the extra vertex points that can cause bends in the transition.
- Results...--if the transition has a result assigned to it, use this option to change the result label on the transition. An additional menu appears that lists the possible result labels you can choose.
5. To bend a transition, create a vertex point by selecting the transition and dragging the transition as you hold down your left mouse button. You can reposition any vertex point to create a bend in the transition.
6. You can create a transition that loops back to its source activity node in one of two ways:
- Hold down your right mouse button and drag your mouse from a source activity back to itself to create a self loop.
- From a source activity node, create a transition to another arbitrary activity node. Add a vertex point to create a bend in the transition. Then select and drag the arrowhead of the transition back to the source activity node. Create additional vertex points as necessary to improve the visual display of the looping transition.
7. To remove a single vertex point from a transition, select the vertex and drag it over another vertex to combine the two points.
See Also
To Add Nodes to a Workflow Process
To Define Nodes
To Define Event Details for an Event Node
To Define Activity Attribute Values
To Display a Process Overview
To Print a Process
To Copy a Process Diagram to the Clipboard
To Validate a Process Definition

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