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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Define a URL Attribute
2. You can include argument strings in your URL that are text strings. Additionally, if you are defining a message attribute of type URL, you can include argument strings that are token substituted with other message attributes. The message attributes used for token substitution can have constant values or can reference the values returned from item type attributes. See:
To Define a Message Attribute and
To Token Substitute an Attribute.
To token substitute other message attributes in an argument string, specify the message attributes as follows:
For example, the following string represents a URL with two arguments called arg1 and arg2 that are token substituted with the runtime value of message attributes msgattr1 and msgattr2, respectively:
Note: If you are defining a message attribute of type URL, you can also include a special token in your argument string called -&#NID- which Oracle Workflow substitutes with the notification ID of the runtime notification.
3. If your URL attribute contains an argument string, you must adhere to the following restrictions:
- You cannot token substitute that argument string with another item attribute of type Document.
- You can token substitute that argument string with another Form attribute or URL attribute. However, the argument string for the other attribute is not further token substituted.
4. If you need to pass a date and time as an argument to a URL, you should use TO_CHAR to format the string as YYYY/MM/DD+HH24:MI:SS. Similarly, you need to do the correlating format translation in the function that the URL calls, using TO_DATE. This formatting is required because in multibyte databases, the month portion of the DD-MON-YYYY format could potentially translate to a value that is not acceptable across a URL.
5. Choose OK when you are done.

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