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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Define an Item Type or Activity Attribute
1. To create an item type attribute, select an item type in the navigator tree, then choose New Attribute from the Edit menu.
To create an activity attribute, select an activity in the navigator tree and choose New Attribute from the Edit menu.
An Attribute property page appears in both cases.
2. Provide an Internal Name in all uppercase with no leading/trailing spaces. All Oracle Workflow APIs, SQL scripts, and PL/SQL procedures refer to the internal name when identifying an attribute.
Attention: To update the internal name for an attribute once it is defined, you must use special SQL scripts called wfchita.sql and wfchacta.sql. You should only use these scripts to correct errors in an attribute's internal name during design time. Do not use these scripts to rename attributes that are involved in running instances of processes. See: Wfchita.sql, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide and Wfchacta.sql, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Caution: Do not include colons ":" or leading/trailing spaces in your internal name.
3. Enter a Display Name. This is the name that appears in the navigator tree.
4. Enter an optional description.
6. Depending on the data type of your attribute, provide the following default value information:
Note: The Frame Target field is applicable only for message attributes of type URL. It is not used for item type attributes or activity attributes.
Specify an optional developer form function name and optional argument strings (form function parameters) in the Default Value field. See: Overview of Menus and Function Security,
Oracle Applications Developer's Guide and
To Define a Form Attribute.
Note: The Frame Target field is not applicable for attributes of type document. For document attributes, this field is reserved for future use.
7. For item type attributes, the optional default value is a constant that you enter or select from a list of values. The constant, however, may be a text string that allows for token substitution at runtime.
For activity attributes, the optional default value may be a constant or an item type attribute. If you want the default to acquire its entire value from an item type attribute, choose Item Attribute in the Default Value region, then use the adjacent poplist field to choose the item type attribute. The item type attribute you select must be associated with the same item type that the activity itself is associated with. The item type attribute you select must also be of the same data type as the activity attribute.
Note: An activity attribute type of 'Text' is compatible with any item attribute type, but all other activity attribute types must match the item attribute type exactly.
Note: For attributes of type Lookup, the default value must be a lookup code belonging to that lookup type.
8. Choose Apply to save your changes, OK to save your changes and close the property page or Cancel to cancel your changes and close the property page.
10. Choose Apply to save your changes.
11. Any item type attribute you create appears beneath the Attributes branch in the navigator tree. Any function activity attribute you define appears beneath the activity you defined it for in the navigator tree. You can review or edit the properties of an attribute at any time by double-clicking on the attribute in the navigator tree or by selecting the attribute and choosing Properties from the Edit menu.
Attention: The order that you list these attributes in the navigator tree correlate to the order in which they appear in any list of values that draw upon these attributes. You can use the drag and drop feature of the navigator tree to reorder a set of attributes, or select an attribute and choose Move Attribute Up or Move Attribute Down from the Edit menu.
See Also
Using the Edit Button in a Property Page
To Copy an Attribute

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