Removing ALOM User Accounts

There are two ways to remove ALOM user accounts:

Note: You cannot delete the default admin account from ALOM.

Removing an ALOM User Account From the sc> Prompt

To remove an ALOM user account from the sc> prompt, perform the following step:

At the sc> prompt, type the userdel command, followed by the user name of the account you want to delete. For example:

sc> userdel joeuser
Are you sure you want to delete user <joeuser> [y/n]? y

Removing an ALOM User Account Using the scadm Utility

To remove an ALOM user account from the system console, use the scadm utility. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the system console as root.
  2. At the # prompt, type the scadm userdel command, followed by the user name of the account you want to delete. For example:

    # scadm userdel joeuser
    Are you sure you want to delete user <joeuser> [y/n]? y