
Use the shownetwork command to display the current ALOM network configuration.

Note: If you changed the ALOM network configuration since the last time you booted ALOM, the output from this command might not show the updated configuration information. Reboot ALOM to see the changed configuration.

How to Use the shownetwork Command

Note: You do not need user permissions to use this command.

At the sc> prompt, type the following command:

sc> shownetwork option

where option is -v, if desired.

The command output appears similar to the following example, with the actual IP addresses, netmask, and Ethernet addresses in your network configuration in place of

sc> shownetwork

SC network configuration is:


Gateway address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX


Ethernet Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Command Option

The shownetwork command uses one option: -v.

If you type shownetwork -v, ALOM returns additional information about your network, including information about your DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, if you have one configured.

ALOM shell commands

Types of ALOM commands