
Use the removefru command to prepare a FRU (field-replaceable unit) for removal and to illuminate the corresponding OK-to-Remove LED on the host server. For information about the location of the OK-to-Remove LED, refer to your server's documentation.

How to Use the removefru Command

At the sc> prompt, type the following command:

sc> removefru fru

where fru is the name of the FRU you want to prepare for removal.

For example, to prepare Power Supply 0 for removal, type:

sc> removefru PS0

Command Option

The removefru command has one option: fru.

Specifying the fru option prepares the specified FRU for removal. ALOM supports the following FRUs.

Value Description
PS0 Prepares Power Supply 0 in the host server for removal.
PS1 Prepares Power Supply 1 in the host server for removal.
PS2 Prepares Power Supply 2 in the host server for removal.
PS3 Prepares Power Supply 3 in the host server for removal.