Array Manager |
Command line |
Description |
Authentication: Save Secure Global Desktop login details in cache |
--launch-savettapassword 1 | 0 |
- Whether to save in the password cache the username and password
the user types to log in to Secure Global Desktop.
- If you are using the SecurID login authority, we recommend you don't save the username and password as SecurID
passwords can't be re-used.
Authentication: Try Secure Global Desktop password if cached |
--launch-trycachedpassword 1 | 0 |
- Whether to try the password the user typed for the
Secure Global Desktop server (if it's stored in the password cache)
as the password for the application server.
- Secure Global Desktop server passwords might be stored in the
cache if some applications are configured to run on the
Secure Global Desktop host, or if Save Secure Global Desktop Login
Details In Cache is checked.
- This setting may be overridden by a host object's Authentication
Authentication: Allow smart card authentication |
--launch-allowsmartcard 1 | 0 |
Authentication Dialog |
--launch-showauthdialog user | system | none |
- Controls when the application server's authentication dialog displays. This is either:
- If the user holds down the SHIFT key when they click an application's link
or if there is a password problem (
user ) - Only when there is a password problem (
system ) - Never (
none )
If Password Has Expired |
--launch-expiredpassword manual | dialog | none |
- The action to take if the user's password has expired on the
application server. Some types of application server do not support
the Prompt User (dialog) setting.
"Save password" box |
--launch-savepassword-initial checked | cleared
--launch-savepassword-state enabled | disabled
- Two attributes which control the initial state of the Save password box
in the application server authentication dialog and whether users can change it.
- If users can't change the setting, the initial state determines whether users may save passwords
in the application server password cache.
"Always use smart card" Box |
--launch-alwayssmartcard-initial checked | cleared
--launch--alwayssmartcard-state enabled | disabled
- Two attributes which control the initial state of the Always use smart card box
in the application server's authentication dialog and whether users can change it.
- If users can't change the setting, the initial state determines whether the user's decision to always
use smart card authentication is cached.
Launch Details |
--launch-details-initial shown | hidden
--launch-details-state enabled | disabled
- Two attributes which control the initial display of the Launch Details area of the application launch dialog and whether users can change it.
- If users can't change the setting, the initial state determines whether users see the application
launch details.
If Launch Fails |
--launch-details-showonerror 1 | 0 |
- Whether to show the launch details area if an application launch fails.
Launch Dialog |
--launch-showdialogafter seconds |
- The delay in seconds before showing the application launch dialog to users.