Secure Global Desktop Administration Guide > Commands > The tarantella tscal list command
tarantella tscal list [ --inuseby user | --inuse | --free ] [ --type name ] [ --format text|xml ]
Use the tarantella tscal list
command to list the
Microsoft Windows Terminal Services Client Access Licenses (CALs)
currently reserved for use by non-Windows clients.
If you do not use any arguments, the command lists all CALs and shows whether or not they are in use.
If you run this command on a secondary server in a Secure Global Desktop array and the primary server is unavailable, the list may not be completely accurate. This is because the primary server is responsible for updating all array members with changes to CAL information. The command warns you if the primary is unavailable.
Argument | Description |
--inuseby user |
List only the CALs being used by a particular user where user is either:
You can use the tarantella emulatorsession list command to determine the TFN name of a user. The * character is the only character you can use in a wild card filter.
It represents a string of any length containing any characters.
So an |
--inuse |
List only the CALs that are currently in use. |
--free |
List only the CALs that are currently not in use. |
--type name |
List only the CALs that can connect to a particular type of Terminal Services server.
This is either WinNT4-TS-CAL or Win200x-TS-CAL .
Note The name is not case sensitive. |
--format text | xml |
Specifies the output format (default: text). |
tarantella tscal list --free
Lists the CALs for non-Windows clients that are currently not in use.
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