Secure Global Desktop Administration Guide > Arrays, servers and load balancing > Setting up a Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module

Setting up a Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module

A Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module is a Sun Secure Global Desktop Software software component that can be installed on an application server to provide additional functionality for a Secure Global Desktop server or array.

The Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for Windows provides a client drive mapping service, an application server load balancing service and support for seamless windows on Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 application servers.

The Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for UNIX/Linux provides an application server load balancing service and is available for the following operating systems:

Operating systemSupported versions
Sun SPARC Solaris™8910
Sun x86 Solaris™10
Red Hat� Enterprise Linux (Intel x86)34
Fedora Linux (Intel x86)Core 3Core 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (Intel x86)89

Newer versions of the Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module may also be available from the Sun Secure Global Desktop Software web site (

Installing the Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for Windows

  1. Log in to the Windows 2000/2003 server as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. Save the temwin32.exe program to a temporary directory on the Windows 2000/2003 application server.
  3. Double-click temwin32.exe to install the Enhancement Module.
  4. Follow the instructions on your screen.

Note You can select which components of the Enhancement Module to install or install all components.

Installing the Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for UNIX/Linux on Solaris

You install the Enhancement Module with the pkgadd command.

If the installation file for the Enhancement Module is compressed, you need to expand it before installing.

By default, the Enhancement Module is installed in /opt/tta_tem, but the installation program will prompt you for the installation directory.

  1. Log in as root on the application server.
  2. Save the Enhancement Module installation program to a temporary directory on the application server.
  3. Install the Enhancement Module, for example:

    pkgadd -d /full_path/temarch.pkg

    where arch is i3so for x86 Solaris and spso for SPARC Solaris.
  4. Follow the instructions on your screen.

Installing the Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for UNIX/Linux on Linux

You install the Enhancement Module with the rpm command.

By default, the Enhancement Module is installed in /opt/tta_tem, but you can choose a different the installation directory by using the --prefix option when you install.

  1. Log in as root on the application server.
  2. Save the Enhancement Module installation program to a temporary directory on the application server.
  3. Install the Enhancement Module, for example:

    rpm -ivh temversion.i386.rpm

Starting and stopping a Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module

When you install a Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module, the services that it provides start immediately. The services also automatically start whenever the server is rebooted. You can also manually stop and start the load balancing service.

To manually stop/start the load balancing service on a Windows 2000/2003 application server:

  1. Log in to the Windows 2000/2003 server as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and click Computer Management.
  3. In the tree, open Services and Applications and then click Services.
  4. Select the Secure Global Desktop Load Balancing Service and right-mouse click.
  5. Select Stop or Start.

To manually stop/start the load balancing service on a UNIX application server:

  1. Log in as root on the application server.
  2. Type install_dir/bin/tem stop or install_dir/bin/tem start. By default, install_dir is /opt/tta-tem.

Uninstalling a Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module

You uninstall the Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for Windows by selecting Add/Remove programs from Control Panel. You must have Administrator privileges to do this.

Note You can uninstall the drive mapping or the load balancing components or both.

To uninstall the Sun Secure Global Desktop Enhancement Module for UNIX/Linux, run the rpm -e tem command on Linux and the pkgrm tem command on Solaris

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