Oracle9i Database Error Messages Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96525-01 |
For information about the Oracle Text option, refer to:
Cause: Error during read of specified text column.
Action: Check the existence and privileges of the column.
Cause: Specified table does not exist or server does not have write privileges.
Action: Check the result table.
Cause: Text server is not privileged to insert, tablespace is exhausted.
Action: Check privileges and tablespace.
Cause: A table, column or procedure name specified had an invalid format. It is either too long or contains illegal characters. Probably you are passing in incorrect parameters.
Action: Check parameter values.
Cause: The limit of an ID is 2147483642.
Action: Use an ID with value 214748364 or lower.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an object which you do not own.
Action: Have the owner modify the object.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an object which you have no privilege.
Action: Ask the owner modify the object.
Cause: Invalid command argument was specified.
Action: Check the documentation for the legal arguments and re-execute the command.
Cause: This argument requires value(s).
Action: Re-execute the command with the correct argument value(s).
Cause: This argument is mandatory.
Action: Re-execute the command and specify the argument.
Cause: An illegal value was passed to this argument.
Action: Check the documentation for the legal values for this argument.
Cause: The specification for the server personality mask is invalid.
Action: Check the documentation and specify the correct mask.
Cause: The server failed to register itself with the data dictionary.
Action: Look at the next error on the stack.
Cause: Update was called with the name of a server that does not exist.
Action: Correct the name of the server.
Cause: The attempt to update the server failed.
Action: Look at the next error on the stack.
Cause: The attempt to deregister the server from the data dictionary failed.
Action: Look at the next error on the stack.
Cause: The attempt to perform recovery for a server or client failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Not enough servers are running to handle the current system load, and a large backlog of commands has accumulated; perhaps no servers are running. This message could also indicate an internal error where one of the servers has crashed trying to process a given request.
Action: Check that enough servers are running, and that they are processing commands of the correct type. For instance, a DDL command might timeout if all the servers are setup to exclusively process query commands. Also, check the server log files.
Cause: User interrupted the request before it was completed.
Action: Restart the request.
Cause: The given command or commands could not (all) be queued. This could indicate an extremely high system load, but it is more likely an internal error.
Action: Check if any servers are running to process the command.
Cause: There was an unexpected error sending commands to the server.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Could not send command to pipe, because the pipe was full.
Action: Check if any servers are running to process the commands on that pipe.
Cause: The server shut down during execution of your command. This could be caused by a SHUTDOWN ABORT, or by an internal error in the server.
Action: If the server terminated had an internal error, then contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Could not process command because no servers are running with the correct personality mask.
Action: Start some servers with correct personality mask.
Cause: Could not process command because no servers are running with the correct personality mask.
Action: Start some servers with correct personality mask.
Cause: Could not process command because no servers with the correct personality mask are running.
Action: Increase the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES
initialization parameter or reduce the parallel degree for this statement.
Cause: The command could not be completed because the servers were shut down or terminated before processing the request.
Action: Start another server with the correct personality mask.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a database link in an index specification.
Action: Specify only local index names.
Cause: An attempt was made to start logging without specifying a log file name.
Action: Specify a log file name.
Cause: An attempt was made to start logging even though logging has already been started.
Action: Stop logging first or ignore this message.
Cause: An attempt was made to stop logging even though logging has not been started.
Action: Start logging first or ignore this message.
Cause: You tried to start logging on MTS
Cause: Failed to create text index on the specified column.
Action: See the next errors on stack and take appropriate action.
Cause: The stopword specified could be lexed into multiple tokens with current lexer preference.
Action: Check lexer preference and respecify the stopword.
Cause: The specified index does not exist or you do not have access to it.
Action: Check the name of the index and your access to it.
Cause: A text key needs to be a single column unique key whose length does not exceed 64 bytes. no such key was defined as an unique index or declared as a primary or unique key constraint.
Action: Create a suitable text key for the table or specify it explicitly in this procedure call.
Cause: you tried to use the detail datastore to index a table with no primary key constraint
Action: Add a primary key constraint on the table
Cause: The table, view, or synonym specified does not exist. There may also be a permissions problem reading the table.
Action: Reinvoke the operation with the correct table name.
Cause: The specified index already exists in the dictionary.
Action: This index can be updated or deleted, however this is only allowed if there is no text index available on the text column.
Cause: The column specified is not valid.
Action: Check that the following are valid:
Cause: The stopword to be added was not specified.
Action: Specify the stopword.
Cause: Index creation is not complete.
Action: Create index before performing this operation.
Cause: Dictionary contains bad preferences for this index.
Action: Contact your database administrator.
Cause: The DDL operation requested has failed because of an Oracle error.
Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.
Cause: The index was in a valid state and did not need the requested operation.
Action: Check the requested operation.
Cause: Another session is operating on this index. It could be:
Action: Try again later.
Cause: Failed to drop index on the specified index.
Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.
Cause: All Oracle Text alter index options required the REBUILD keyword.
Action: Specify alter index with the REBUILD keyword.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index on a table with an illegal primary key datatype.
Action: Change the text key to one of the followings: VARCHAR2, NUMBER, VARCHAR, DATE, CHAR, MLSLABEL.
Cause: You called create index with parallel = 0.
Action: Specify with value > 0.
Cause: You called parallel create index on nonpartitioned table
Action: recreate the table with partitions or remove the PARALLEL clause
Cause: You specified a user name that is invalid.
Action: Specify the correct user name.
Cause: The optimize operation requested has failed because of an Oracle error.
Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.
Cause: Object name has exceeded the maximum length of 30 bytes.
Action: Reduce the length of the object name if you want to re-create it.
Cause: Name may have additional periods(.).
Action: Check the syntax of the name.
Cause: Column specification may have additional periods(.).
Action: Check the syntax of column specification if you want to re-create it.
Cause: The index was not in a valid state due to some prior error.
Action: Drop index and create index again.
Cause: The parameter string was missing.
Action: Provide correct parameter string with regard to the requested alter index operation.
Cause: The table, view, synonym or column specified does not exist. There may also be a permissions problem reading the table.
Action: Reinvoke the operation with the correct table name or column name.
Cause: An obsolete index was specified.
Action: Perform UPGRADE_INDEX on the index.
Cause: The upgrade operation has failed because of an Oracle error.
Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.
Cause: Text query criteria is mandatory.
Action: Provide text query criteria.
Cause: An attempt was made to create index with parallel servers.
Action: Drop index and set parallel to 1 in create index.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index on a log or LOB column using an indirect datastore such as the file or URL datastores.
Action: Use a direct datastore or a VARCHAR column.
Cause: An invalid column was specified.
Action: Specify a valid column.
Cause: Failed to truncate the specified index.
Action: See the next errors on the stack and take appropriate action.
Cause: A DDL operation on an index object failed due to SQL error.
Action: See the accompanying error.
Cause: Failed to alter index.
Action: See the next errors on stack and take appropriate action.
Cause: REBUILD ONLINE is not supported for requested operation.
Action: Alter index without the online option.
Cause: PARALLEL is not supported for requested operation.
Action: Alter index without the parallel option.
Cause: The column specified is not indexed.
Action: Create an index on the column before performing this operation.
Cause: The system could not remove triggers setup to monitor updates to the requested table.
Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Contact Oracle Support Services if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.
Cause: The system could not record that a change had been made to the given column.
Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Contact Oracle Support Services if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.
Cause: The server was had an error accessing the DML Queue.
Action: See next error on stack.
Cause: The preference name specified does not exists.
Action: Retry with the correct preference name.
Cause: The specified preference already exists.
Action: Drop the preference if you want to re-create it.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or modify in another user's schema.
Action: Owner or CTXSYS or a user who has CTXADMIN role should create preference.
Cause: You specified an invalid object type.
Action: Use a valid framework object.
Cause: An attempt was made to set value for a invalid attribute (not supported by the object.
Action: Specify the correct attribute name.
Cause: An attempt was made to set an illegal value for an attribute.
Action: Specify the correct attribute value for the datatype of the attribute.
Cause: Parameter is too many bytes.
Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.
Cause: A required attribute was not provided.
Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.
Cause: The specified class ID is not correct for the specified preference.
Action: Specify the correct class ID.
Cause: The specified preference is used as part of another preference and cannot be dropped until the referring preference is modified.
Action: Modify the referring preference.
Cause: Unrecognized parameter.
Action: Specify correct parameter.
Cause: Wrong data type or out of range.
Action: Specify correct parameter value.
Cause: An attempt was made to set DEFAULT_INDEX_MEMORY to a value higher than the maximum set in MAX_INDEX_MEMORY.
Action: Specify a lower value.
Cause: An incorrectly formatted memory string was specified.
Action: Specify a correctly formatted memory string.
Cause: A memory size outside the allowed range was specified.
Action: Specify a memory size within the allowed range.
Cause: The join character sets cannot have characters in common.
Action: Correct the attribute values and resubmit.
Cause: INDEX_TEXT and INDEX_THEMES preferences both cannot be FALSE.
Action: Set either of INDEX_TEXT or INDEX_THEMES or both to TRUE.
Cause: A stop list cannot have more than 4096 stopwords. This includes stop themes.
Action: Do not use more than 4096 stopwords.
Cause: Index owner does not have the role defined in FILE_DATATSTORE_ROLE.
Action: Grant index owner the appropriate role.
Cause: The role does not exist in the database.
Action: Check the role name or create the role.
Cause: Failed to process the query.
Action: Check the errors on stack and take appropriate action.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an SQE for another use.
Action: Remove the owner from the SQE name specification.
Cause: See the next error on the stack.
Action: See the next error on the stack.
Cause: One or more terms within a CONTAINS query consist of just a stopword or a phrase of just stopwords.
Action: Replace the stopword or use stopwords within phrases containing non-stopwords.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to open a contains cursor.
Action: See accompanying error messages in the stack.
Cause: An attempt was made to fetch or close a contains cursor with an ID which does not exist.
Action: Review fetch or close invocation.
Cause: An attempt was made to fetch from a contains cursor which was not open.
Action: Open the cursor before performing the fetch.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a stored query with a name already used.
Action: Use a different name.
Cause: The query name specified is not valid.
Action: Check the query name.
Cause: The specified stored query does not exist.
Action: Check the query name.
Cause: There is no document with the specified text key.
Action: Check the text key.
Cause: LAST_COUNT returns hit from in-memory query, so an in-memory query must be run before you can use COUNT_LAST.
Action: Execute OPEN_CON before you run COUNT_LAST.
Cause: A token to be inserted in the feedback table is longer than the maximum allowed column size.
Action: Modify the query, or the column size for feedback table, or feedback procedure arguments accordingly.
Cause: FEEDBACK_ID is longer than the maximum allowed length for the FEEDBACK_ID column.
Action: Use a smaller FEEDBACK_ID.
Cause: You specified an invalid value for SHARELEVEL.
Action: Use SHARELEVEL equal to 0 or 1 only.
Cause: Not privileged to insert.
Action: Check privileges.
Cause: Not privileged to delete.
Action: Check privileges.
Cause: Failed to process feedback request.
Action: Check the errors on stack and take appropriate action.
Cause: Upper-case form of the section name is longer then supported length.
Action: Reduce length of section name when adding section.
Cause: WITHIN operator used in theme index query.
Action: Rewrite query without WITHIN operator.
Cause: A field section or a attribute section is specified in a nested section search.
Action: Rewrite query without nested field sections.
Cause: The given section name does not exist in USER_SECTIONS.
Action: Rewrite query with valid section name.
Cause: An invalid value was supplied for SPAN argument to NEAR.
Action: Provide a valid SPAN. Valid values are integers from 0 to 100.
Cause: An invalid value was supplied for ORDER argument to NEAR.
Action: Provide a valid ORDER. Valid values are T, TRUE, F, FALSE (case insensitive).
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a query with the CONTAINS predicate including 0 with the FIRST_ROWS hint.
Action: Remove the FIRST_ROWS hint.
Cause: An invalid value was supplied for SCORE argument to FUZZY.
Action: Provide a valid SCORE. Valid values are integers from 0 to 80.
Cause: An invalid value was supplied for NUMRESULTS argument to FUZZY.
Action: Provide a valid NUMRESULTS. Valid values are integers from 0 to 5000.
Cause: An invalid value was supplied for WEIGHT argument to FUZZY.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a combination of condition and ORDER BY columns in a CATSEARCH query which cannot be executed by the index's index set efficiently.
Cause: A column was specified in a condition or ORDER BY which is not part of the CTXCAT index.
Cause: An ORDER BY clause was specified which has some columns ascending and some descending. This is not currently supported by CATSEARCH.
Cause: For efficient execution of this VGRAM query, a prefix index is required.
Action: Create a prefix index.
Cause: An invalid structured clause was specified.
Cause: The query plan for your query is invoking a CATSEARCH operator functionally rather than as an index rowsource. The CATSEARCH operator does not support functional invocation.
Action: Add optimizer hints so that all CATSEARCH operators are performed through index scans.
Cause: An operator was specified that is not supported by CTXRULE. Currently only AND
, phrase
, OR
operators are supported.
Action: Rewrite the query without this operator.
Cause: Incorrect grammar specification.
Action: Rewrite the query specifying a valid grammar name.
Cause: Incorrect scoring type specification.
Action: Rewrite the query specifying a valid scoring type (integer/float).
Cause: An unsupported operator was specified.
Action: Rewrite the query using valid operators.
Cause: Cannot allocate more memory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
Cause: An invalid keyword was specified.
Action: Respecify the parameter string with correct keyword.
Cause: A keyword was missing.
Action: Respecify the parameter string with keyword.
Cause: A value for the argument was missing.
Action: Respecify the parameter string with value.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the argument.
Action: Specify a valid value.
Cause: More than one value was specified for the argument.
Action: Check parameter string and correct the problem parameter.
Cause: The supplied parameter string is not correct.
Action: Drop and re-create the index with the correct parameters.
Cause: An invalid parameter string was specified.
Action: Re-issue the statement with the correct parameter string.
Cause: An attempt was made to add more than one stopword.
Action: Specify one stopword at a time.
Cause: The parameter string was invalid.
Action: Drop the index and recreate it with correct parameters.
Cause: Failed to connect to Oracle database.
Action: Check the Oracle error and connect string.
Cause: Failed to open a file.
Action: Check whether the file exist or access permission available.
Cause: Single byte lexer selected in multibyte language setting.
Action: Check RDBMS language setting or text columns lexer setting.
Cause: See the next error on the stack.
Action: See the next error on the stack.
Cause: This database session does not exist or has terminated.
Action: Determine why the user database session terminated while the operation was still being carried out.
Cause: The path specified is not valid.
Action: Check the path specification.
Cause: The file name specified is not valid.
Action: Check the file name for beginning or trailing spaces, invalid characters, or other such problems.
Cause: This lexer does not support this query operator.
Action: Do not use the operator in your query.
Cause: A value for the parameter was specified that is out of range.
Action: Specify a value for that parameter that is in the correct range.
Cause: A value for the parameter was specified that is too long.
Action: Specify a value for the parameter that is the correct length.
Cause: A value for the parameter was specified that is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid parameter value.
Cause: A result table was specified which has the wrong number, type, or names of columns for this operation.
Action: Check result table. Refer to the documentation for the correct format for each operation.
Cause: A value for the parameter was not specified.
Action: Specify a value for the parameter.
Cause: The values specified for the two parameters are invalid.
Action: Specify valid values for the parameters.
Cause: You tried to create an object whose name conflicts with an object of that type which already exists.
Action: Specify a new name.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify or drop an object that does not exist.
Action: Specify the correct object name.
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke an operation on an index that is not supported by the index type.
Cause: Failed to write to a file.
Action: Check whether the file exists or access permission is available.
Cause: Failed to read from a file.
Action: Check whether the file exists or access permission is available.
Cause: An unsupported section group was specified for functional contains.
Action: Change the section group to NULL_SECTION_GROUP.
Cause: Theme indexing is on in the lexer preference for functional contains.
Action: Turn off theme indexing.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the INSO filter on a platform that does not support it.
Action: Do not use the INSO filter.
Cause: The user filter command must be 32 characters or less.
Action: Use 32 characters or less for the user filter command.
Cause: The user filter command cannot contain special characters such as slashes, parentheses, semicolons, and so on.
Action: Do not use special characters in the user filter command.
Cause: The user filter command could not be executed.
Action: Check that the command exists in $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/bin, and that it is executable.
Cause: The user filter command exited with the given error status.
Action: No action required.
Cause: ORACLE_HOME is not set.
Action: Make sure ORACLE_HOME is set when running CTXSRV.
Cause: Value of the file name is too long.
Action: Specify a value for the file name that is not too long.
Cause: A format column was specified which is not a char, varchar, or varchar2 type.
Action: Specify a format column of the correct type.
Cause: A charset column was specified which is not a char, varchar, or varchar2 type.
Action: Specify a charset column of the correct type.
Cause: you specified a charset column which is not a char, varchar, or varchar2 type.
Action: specify a charset column of correct type
Cause: The procedure name specified had a semicolon.
Action: Remove semicolon or rename procedure. The correct format is PACKAGENAME.PROCEDURE_NAME.
Cause: CTXSYS does not have execute privilege to the procedure filter stored procedure.
Action: Make sure the package is owned by CTXSYS and the procedure exists.
Cause: An error occur while executing the procedure filter stored procedure.
Action: Check or debug the stored procedure.
Cause: The index owner does not have execute privilege on the procedure.
Action: CTXSYS to grant execute privilege of the procedure to index owner.
Cause: The length of the datastore data passed to the filter stored procedure is longer than the maximum length (32767 bytes).
Action: Check primary key parameter.
Cause: The INSO safe callout cannot be executed.
Action: Check the Oracle errpr.
Cause: An error was encountered while indexing the document. The error may have occurred during lexing, parsing for sections, or other action during document tokenization.
Action: Review document and update with valid data. Note that the document contents may have been partially indexed, so it may be returned by some queries.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index on an index-organized table, but the indextype does not support this action.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a function-based index but the indextype does not support this action.
Cause: An attempt was made to mark the index from INPROGRESS
but create/alter on the same index is in progress in another session.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation on a policy, but the operation is only valid for an index.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation on an index, but the operation is only valid for a policy.
Cause: The document specified for linguistic extraction could not be parsed. This could indicate that the document is not well-formed English.
Action: Check the document contents.
Cause: The primary key value parameter passed to the service request is longer than the maximum primary key length (64 bytes).
Action: Check primary key parameter.
Cause: The primary key value parameter passed to the service request is null.
Action: Check primary key parameter.
Cause: An Oracle error occurred while linguistic output was being inserted into the result table.
Action: Take action appropriate to the Oracle error code.
Cause: The document specified for linguistic extraction was parsed but the document content was insufficient for linguistic extraction by the specified parser.
Action: Check the document contents or try modifying linguistic settings.
Cause: Linguistic services initialization failed.
Action: Check to see if knowledge base files are present for the language.
Cause: An invalid gist level was specified.
Action: Specify a valid gist level.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An oracle error was encountered during knowledge base access
Action: Check to see if knowledge base files are present for the language.
Cause: The primary key value parameter passed to the service request is not valid.
Action: Check primary key parameter.
Cause: The length of the index name is longer than the maximum index name size.
Action: Drop the index and re-create it with a shorter index name.
Cause: The requested operation is not supported for the current language.
Action: Use only supported operations.
Cause: An invalid value for gist numParagraphs was used.
Action: Use only valid values for gist numParagraphs.
Cause: An invalid value for gist numParagraphs was used.
Action: Note the valid values for gist numParagraphs provided by this message.
Cause: An invalid value for gist maxPercent was used.
Action: Use only valid values for gist maxPercent.
Cause: An invalid value for gist maxPercent was used.
Action: Note the valid values for gist maxPercent provided by this message.
Cause: The ROWID value parameter passed to the service request is not valid.
Action: Check the ROWID parameter.
Cause: Possibly misspelled a column name or keyword.
Action: Check spellings and punctuation around specified line.
Cause: Possibly misspelled column name.
Action: Check spellings around specified line.
Cause: Bad file name, wrong FILE_TYPE or file system error.
Action: Check file name, type and/or file integrity.
Cause: Total length of statement exceeds database maximum.
Action: Reduce length of column names or number of columns.
Cause: Invalid option argument.
Action: Specify long buffer size in kbytes above 0.
Cause: Either bad data or bad datafile.
Action: Check whether the file exists and is accessible, if separate.
Cause: An error occurred parsing this row's data.
Action: Move and amend line in error to alternate load file.
Cause: File not found or could not be read.
Action: Check name and location of file.
Cause: Token expected was not found.
Action: Move and amend record affected to error load file.
Cause: Could not make sense of text where value expected.
Action: Move and amend record affected to error load file.
Cause: See previous messages.
Action: See previous message.
Cause: Text must be inserted into a LONG RAW type column.
Action: Check table and type of data.
Cause: Load file must have specific format for loading thesaurus.
Action: Check documentation for description of correct format.
Cause: An attempt to open or to write to the given file failed.
Action: Check with system administrator.
Cause: User has not been granted UPDATE or SELECT privilege.
Action: Check privilege on the user.
Cause: Number of values provided does not match the number of text keys.
Action: Provide same number of values as the number of text keys.
Cause: User does not have CTXUSER, CXAPP or CTXADMIN role.
Action: Grant user the proper role.
Cause: See accompanying Oracle error.
Action: See accompanying Oracle error.
Cause: Table specified does not have a LONG or LONG RAW column.
Action: Check the table.
Cause: See accompanying error message.
Action: See accompanying error message.
Cause: File does not exist.
Action: Make sure file exists.
Cause: See accompanying error message.
Action: See accompanying error message.
Cause: No row in the table has the text key(s) specified.
Action: Use a valid text key(s).
Cause: Some other process has a lock on the row.
Action: Release the lock or wait until the lock is released.
Cause: Primary key value is not provided.
Action: Provide the primary key value(s).
Cause: Invalid option argument.
Action: Specify commit after above 0.
Cause: Value of the file name is too long.
Action: Use a file name value that does not exceed the maximum length.
Cause: <TEXTEND> not found at end of record.
Action: Processing discontinued; amend the record.
Cause: Could be misplaced.
Action: Remove reference to LONG or LONG RAW column from structure data.
Cause: Value of the column name or value is too long.
Action: Processing discontinued; amend the record.
Cause: Value of the phrase or relation word is too long.
Action: Processing discontinued; amend the record.
Cause: <TEXTSTART: not found at start of record.
Action: Processing discontinued; amend the record.
Cause: Characters encountered while reading through end of line.
Action: Remove extraneous characters.
Cause: Value of the column is too long or mismatched quote.
Action: Processing discontinued; amend the record.
Cause: Column does not exist or it is misspelled.
Action: Processing discontinued; amend the record.
Cause: Not enough memory
Action: Allocate more memory; contact Oracle Support Services if the problem persists.
Cause: The document referred to by the URL has permanently moved.
Action: Find the new address, if any, of the document.
Cause: Client did not make correct request.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: User has to provide password or other authentication.
Action: Get required access, or check URL.
Cause: Payment is required before the URL can be accessed.
Action: Check URL, or pay if required if access necessary.
Cause: Access to the URL is denied.
Action: Check URL; if correct, do not try to access URL again.
Cause: The document was be found on the host specified.
Action: Check the URL.
Cause: Client did not make response within timeout period.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Web server identified in URL does not obey HTTP protocol.
Action: Contact the Web administrator of the remote host.
Cause: Host portion of the URL could not be parsed.
Action: Check the URL.
Cause: Attempt to open local file failed.
Action: Check the URL.
Cause: Attempt to read local file failed.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
Cause: The protocol parsed is neither HTTP or file.
Action: Check the URL.
Cause: The address of the host specified could not be resolved.
Action: Check the URL.
Cause: Attempt to connect to host was forcibly refused.
Action: Check the URL.
Cause: A network operation timed out.
Action: Try again later; network connection may be down to Web server.
Cause: Unknown error writing request to Web server.
Action: Check the network connection.
Cause: Too long a chain of HTTP redirections given the URL.
Action: Contact the Web administrator of the remote host.
Cause: The length of the URL string is longer than URLSIZE.
Action: Set URLSIZE attribute to a larger value.
Cause: Document larger than user-set maximum size.
Action: Do not access URL, or increase document size limit.
Cause: Row deleted or otherwise missing.
Action: Check the table if necessary.
Cause: Thread operation failed.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
Cause: Socket open failed; probably too many open file descriptors.
Action: Reduce the maximum number of threads started.
Cause: An unexpected HTTP error has occurred.
Action: Consult HTTP error codes; if valid, then contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An unexpected error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An unexpected error has occurred.
Action: Change attribute value.
Cause: MAXURLS * URLSIZE cannot be larger than the limit.
Action: Lower either MAXURLS or URLSIZE.
Cause: Thesaurus with same name exists.
Action: Use another name.
Cause: Thesaurus does not exist.
Action: Use another thesaurus or create it.
Cause: Error while parsing thesaurus operator in query term.
Action: See error message for details.
Cause: Privilege is not sufficient.
Action: Grant user CTXAPP role.
Cause: Phrase does not exist.
Action: Use another phrase or create it.
Cause: The thesaurus load file has a multilevel jump which could not be parsed.
Action: Correct thesaurus file.
Cause: An invalid relation was specified.
Action: The set of valid relations will be displayed. Additionally, you may be able to specify a translation, which has the syntax languagename, where languagename can be any string up to 10 bytes. Specify a valid relation and resubmit.
Cause: An invalid relation was specified.
Action: The set of valid relations will be displayed. Additionally, you may be able to specify a translation, which has the syntax languagename, where languagename can be any string up to 10 bytes.
Cause: CTXKBTC cannot compile more than 16 thesauruses.
Action: Specify 16 or fewer thesauruses.
Cause: Number of thesaurus terms exceeds maximum.
Action: Use fewer terms.
Cause: Knowledge base does not permit terms longer than 80 characters.
Action: Do not use any terms than are longer than 80 characters.
Cause: Internal limit on size of data per term.
Action: Redesign thesaurus.
Cause: Multiple broader terms are not allowed for a term.
Action: Make sure each term has only one broader term.
Cause: Multiple preferred terms are not allowed for a synonym ring.
Action: Make sure each synonym ring has only one preferred term.
Cause: All synonyms must have the same broader term.
Action: Make sure all synonyms have the same broader term.
Cause: BT relation cannot be between two existing knowledge base categories.
Action: Redesign the BT hierarchy.
Cause: Only a PT can have NTs.
Action: Attach the NT to the preferred term.
Cause: Only a PT can have RTs.
Action: Attach the RT.
Cause: Multiple preferred terms are not allowed for a term.
Action: Make sure each term has only one preferred term.
Cause: The broader term hierarchy is too deep.
Action: Flatten the hierarchy for best results.
Cause: Too many synonyms for a single preferred term.
Action: Introduce further distinctions to deepen the hierarchy.
Cause: No entries in thesaurus.
Action: Add some entries or drop the thesaurus.
Cause: Language specification cannot be more than 10 characters.
Action: Reduce language specification to less or equal to 10 characters.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a NULL phrase to the thesaurus.
Action: Specify a valid phrase.
Cause: A phrase with the same name already exists.
Action: Use another name.
Cause: An attempt was made to nominate a phrase with no synonyms to be the preferred term, or an attempt was made to drop SYN from a phrase with no synonyms.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the preferred term relation from a phrase which is not a preferred term.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a relation that does not exist.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a relation that does not exist.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a relation that does not exist.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a relation that does not exist.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a translation that does not exist.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop translations which do not exist.
Action: No action required.
Cause: The term has more than one translation in the specified language.
Action: Specify a translation.
Cause: Ask user to decide if continue is necessary (HTTP_ERROR = 100).
Action: Upon positive response, continue the original operation.
Cause: Telling client a protocol switching just happened (HTTP_ERROR = 101).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client things are ok (HTTP_ERROR = 200).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client things are created (HTTP_ERROR = 201).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client things are accepted but not committed (HTTP_ERROR = 202).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The returned meta-information is not the definitive set (HTTP_ERROR = 203).
Action: The user agent knows the information is Non-authoritative.
Cause: Request has been fulfilled but no new information found (HTTP_ERROR = 204).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client to reset the document view (HTTP_ERROR = 205).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client document content is a partial content (HTTP_ERROR = 206).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client document is partially updated (HTTP_ERROR = 207).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client multiple choices of resources is possible (HTTP_ERROR = 300).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The URI has been assigned a new permanent URI (HTTP_ERROR = 301).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The URI resides temporarily under a different URI (HTTP_ERROR = 302).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The URI can be found using GET METHOD under a different URI (HTTP_ERROR = 303).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Response to conditional GET, indicating document not modified (HTTP_ERROR = 304).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The client should use specified proxy to repeat the request (HTTP_ERROR = 305).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The resource is temporarily under a different URI (HTTP_ERROR = 307).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The URL syntax is incorrect. Request rejected by server (HTTP_ERROR = 400).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The request requires further authentication (HTTP_ERROR = 401).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server refuses to fulfill the request from client (HTTP_ERROR = 403).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server cannot find the requested URI (HTTP_ERROR = 404).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The user agent specified method not allowed (HTTP_ERROR = 405).
Action: The user agent reads allow header to decide alternatives.
Cause: Requested resource is not acceptable according to request header (HTTP_ERROR = 406).
Action: The user agent should query the user for the next action.
Cause: The client must authenticate itself with the proxy (HTTP_ERROR = 407).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server is tired of waiting for the request (HTTP_ERROR = 408).
Action: The user agent repeats the request.
Cause: The request conflicts with the current state of the URI (HTTP_ERROR = 409).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The resource is no longer available and there is no forwarding address (HTTP_ERROR = 410).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server must receive a content-length header (HTTP_ERROR = 411).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling the user agent that the resource failed preconditions (HTTP_ERROR = 412).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Request rejected because request entity is too large (HTTP_ERROR = 413).
Action: If Retry-After header found, the user agent should retry.
Cause: The server is refusing to accept the URI which is too big (HTTP_ERROR = 414).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server is refusing the request because of media type (HTTP_ERROR = 415).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The byte range request cannot be satisfied by the resource extent (HTTP_ERROR = 416).
Action: The user agent reads content-range header in the response.
Cause: Server cannot meet the user agent's expectation (HTTP_ERROR = 417).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server encountered internal error in fulfilling the request (HTTP_ERROR = 500).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server cannot support a request feature which has yet to be implemented (HTTP_ERROR = 501).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: In serving the request, the server received invalid response from gateway (HTTP_ERROR = 502).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Server overloaded or in maintenance mode (HTTP_ERROR = 503).
Action: If retry-after header is in the response, retry the request.
Cause: Upstream server did not respond to the gateway server in a timely way (HTTP_ERROR = 504).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The HTTP version in the request header is rejected by the server (HTTP_ERROR = 505).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The user agent knows the returned response is stale (HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 10).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: User agent's attempt to revalidate a stale response failed (HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 11).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: The cache is intentionally disconnected for a time period (HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 12).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Cache freshness lifetime and response age both greater than 24 hours (HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 13).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling cache manager that content encoding/media type has been changed in cache (HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 14).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Arbitrary information about cache to be presented to logger (HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 99).
Action: The user agent client must not take any automated action.
Cause: Connection to remote host failed (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: The host name is not specified in URI (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper action.
Cause: Unable to open the file specified (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: FTP server responds to the agent request (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: No response from FTP server during operation (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Server operation timed out (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Gopher server responds to the agent request (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Processing of URL request was interrupted (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Connection operation was interrupted (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client things are ok (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: A very old web server (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: The server is numbering something not understandable (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The server is using an unknown access authentication scheme (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: News Server is responding (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Wrong access scheme is used (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client things are ok (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: The web server setup configured too many redirections (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client should take proper actions.
Cause: Detected end of file is unexpected (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Response from WAIS caused buffer overflow (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Bad WAIS Server (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Connect to WAIS server failed (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Register what system call replies (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Protocol class is wrongfully connected to the server (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Telling client things are ok (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Pass information to telnet agent (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Need to tell user that cache entry has been reloaded (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Let user agent client be aware of new rule loading (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Let user agent client be aware of proxy redirection (USER_AGENT_ERROR).
Action: The user agent takes proper actions.
Cause: Prompt user for name (W3CLIB_MSG = 0).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Prompt user for name (W3CLIB_MSG = 1).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Prompt user for name (W3CLIB_MSG = 2).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Prompt user for password (W3CLIB_MSG = 3).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Prompt user for file name (W3CLIB_MSG = 4).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Prompt user for account (W3CLIB_MSG = 5).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of deny of service (W3CLIB_MSG = 6).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of location changes (W3CLIB_MSG = 7)
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of rule changes (W3CLIB_MSG = 8).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of pending replacement (W3CLIB_MSG = 9).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of authentication failure (W3CLIB_MSG = 10).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of proxy authentication failure (W3CLIB_MSG = 11).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user the repetition of previous method used (W3CLIB_MSG = 12).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of big document processing (W3CLIB_MSG = 13).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of location changes (W3CLIB_MSG = 14).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of destination document changes (W3CLIB_MSG = 15).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of redirection effects on method (W3CLIB_MSG = 16).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Warn user of automatic proxy change (W3CLIB_MSG = 17).
Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.
Cause: Section group with the same name already exists.
Action: Use another name or delete the existing one first.
Cause: Detect an Oracle error while creating section group.
Action: See the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action.
Cause: Section group provided does not exist.
Action: Provide an existing section group.
Cause: Detected an Oracle error while dropping a section group.
Action: See the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action.
Cause: The start tag provided already exists in the same section.
Action: Provide another start tag.
Cause: Detected an Oracle error while adding a section.
Action: See the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action.
Cause: Section name or section ID to be dropped does not exist.
Action: Provide an existing section name or section ID.
Cause: Detected an Oracle error while dropping a section.
Action: See the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action.
Cause: You can only create/drop section group objects of your own.
Action: Have the other user create/drop his/her own objects.
Cause: Maximum limit of start and end tag is 64 bytes.
Action: Provide a shorter start and end tag.
Cause: A section group name must be provided.
Action: Provide a section group name when creating section or section group.
Cause: A section name must be provided when creating a section.
Action: Provide a section name.
Cause: A tag must be provided when adding a section to a section group.
Action: Provide a tag.
Cause: An attempt was made to name a section a reserved name.
Action: Do not use the reserved name.
Cause: An attempt was made to use CTX_DDL.CREATE_PREFERENCE to create a section group.
Cause: An attempt was made to add sections to the null section group, add a stop section to a non-auto section group, or add a zone or field section to the auto section group.
Action: Do not add this type of section to this section group.
Cause: An attempt was made to name an attribute or zone section the same name as an existing field section.
Action: Use another name.
Cause: An attempt was made to name an attribute or zone section the same name as an existing field section.
Action: Use another name.
Cause: A section group has more than the maximum number of unique field sections.
Action: Use fewer unique field sections.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a special section which already exists.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an invalid special section.
Action: Use a valid special section.
Cause: An attempt was made to name a field or zone section the same name as an existing attribute section.
Action: Use another name.
Cause: A tag was specified for use as an attribute tag which did not have the correct format. An attribute tag must have the form TAG@ATTR.
Action: Use the correct format.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an xml section to a section group or index which already has zone, field, attr, or special sections. Or, you tried to add a zone, field, attr, or special section to a section group or index which already has xml sections.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an index to an index set, but an index with the specified column list already exists.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove an index from an index set, but the specified index was not found.
Cause: An invalid column list was specified -- it may have a syntax error, duplicate columns, or invalid column names.
Cause: An attempt was made to add too many indexes to the index set.
Cause: An invalid index set name was specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column in the column list of an index of an index set which does not have a valid datatype.
Action: Use only DATE, NUMBER, CHAR, or VARCHAR2 columns in index column lists.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column in the column list of an index of an index set which is too long.
Action: CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns must be 30 bytes or less max length.
Cause: An attempt was made to index a row where at least one of the meta columns was NULL.
Action: Provide a value for the meta column and reindex the row.
Cause: An attempt was made to use CTX_DDL.CREATE_PREFERENCE to create an index set.
Cause: The template is empty.
Action: Check the template was installed successfully.
Cause: A CTX EXEC tag cannot occur within a CTX REPEAT tag.
Action: Remove the CTX EXEC tag.
Cause: An error occurred when processing a template.
Action: See other errors on the stack and take the appropriate action.
Cause: The template does not exist.
Action: Check the name of the template and check that it is installed.
Cause: More than one template with the same name was found.
Action: Remove templates as appropriate.
Cause: Error in syntax of a tag.
Action: Correct the syntax of the tag.
Cause: The specified attribute is incorrectly specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the specified attribute.
Cause: The specified attribute is incorrectly specified.
Action: Check the syntax of the specified attribute.
Cause: The variable referenced does not exist.
Action: Check the label and column name.
Cause: The SQL in a CTX EXEC tag has incorrect syntax for a label or label type.
Action: Check the SQL attribute of the CTX EXEC tag.
Cause: An error occurred when processing the SQL attribute of a CTX EXEC tag.
Action: See other errors on the stack and take the appropriate action.
Cause: Error executing SQL from SQL attribute of CTX EXEC tag.
Action: Check the SQL in the SQL attribute.
Cause: The specified attribute was missing or invalid in a HTML input field.
Action: Check the Template Processor-specific attributes in the INPUT, SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX tags of the template.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: This argument is mandatory.
Action: Re-submit the URL with this argument supplied.
Cause: Specified configuration argument is invalid.
Action: Re-submit the URL with this argument corrected.
Cause: An error occurred when processing the configuration file.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: Driver class is invalid.
Action: Contact the administrator to modify configuration.
Cause: Configuration information is not correct.
Action: Contact the administrator to modify configuration.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: See the following messages.
Action: Contact the administrator.
Cause: The specified stop list already exists.
Action: Remove the duplicate stop list if you want to re-create it.
Cause: The specified stop list is null.
Action: Specify a valid stop list.
Cause: You can only create/drop Stop List or Stop Word objects of your own.
Action: Have the other user create/drop his/her own objects.
Cause: Detected an Oracle error while creating Stop List.
Action: See the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action.
Cause: The specified stop list does not exist.
Action: Check that the Stop List is valid.
Cause: Detected an Oracle error while adding or removing Stop Word.
Action: See the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action.
Cause: The specified Stop word does not exist.
Action: Check that the Stop Word is valid.
Cause: The specified stop word already exists.
Action: Remove the duplicate word if you want to re-create it.
Cause: The specified stop word is null.
Action: Remove the null stop word if you want to re-create it.
Cause: A stop list entry has exceeded the maximum length.
Action: Reduce the length of the stop list entry.
Cause: An attempt was made to use CTX_DDL.CREATE_PREFERENCE to create a stop list.
Cause: You specified an invalid stop class.
Action: Specify a valid stop class.
Cause: You specified an invalid stop class.
Action: The valid stop class are listed.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a stopword to a MULTI_STOPLIST without specifying the language of the stopword.
Action: Specify the language of the stopword.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a language-specific stopword to a BASIC_STOPLIST.
Action: Do not specify language for the stopword.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index using a MULTI_STOPLIST but a language column was not specified.
Action: Specify a language column.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a stoptheme to a MULTI_STOPLIST. This is not supported in this version.
Cause: The procedure name specified included a semicolon.
Action: Remove the semicolon or rename the procedure. The correct format is packagename.procedure_name.
Cause: The format of the procedure name is invalid. It should be in the form packagename.procedurename or procedurename.
Action: Make sure the PROCEDURE attribute has the format packagename.procedurename or procedurename.
Cause: The index owner does not have execute privilege for the procedure.
Action: Use CTXSYS to grant execute privilege for the procedure to the index owner.
Cause: CTXSYS does not have execute privilege to the user datastore procedure.
Action: Make sure the package is owned by CTXSYS and the procedure exists.
Cause: An error occurred while executing the user datastore procedure.
Action: Check the datastore procedure.
Cause: One or more of the columns in the column list of the multi datastore are of a type which the multi datastore is unable to process.
Action: Change the column list of the multi datastore to contain only supported types. PL/SQL functions can be used in the column list to convert unsupported types to supported types.
Cause: An oracle error was encountered while parsing the columns list of the multi datastore.
Action: See next error on stack and take appropriate action.
Cause: In order to create a MULTI_COLUMN datastore preference, the effective user must be CTXSYS.
Action: Contact your DBA to create the preference as CTXSYS.
Cause: Seed word is not a single word.
Action: Use a single-word seed word.
Cause: The attribute NESTED_TYPE does not have an owner name prefix.
Action: Reset the attribute NESTED_TYPE to include owner name prefix.
Cause: Invalid nested_type.
Action: Check the owner and the type attribute names.
Cause: Column specified does not exist in the type table.
Action: Check the type table.
Cause: LONG and LONG RAW are not supported in nested table.
Action: Change text column to a supported data type.
Cause: The specified operation has been started.
Action: No action required.
Cause: See next error.
Action: See next error.
Cause: A sub lexer was specified which is not owned by the owner of the enclosing multi-lingual lexer preference.
Action: Specify a sub lexer owned by the owner of the multi-lexer preference.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a sub lexer to a lexer preference which cannot accept sub lexers. Only multi-lingual lexers can accept sub lexers.
Action: Specify a multi-lingual lexer.
Cause: A preference was specified for sub lexer which is not a lexer, or is a multi-lingual lexer.
Action: Specify a sub lexer which is not a multi-lingual lexer.
Cause: An invalid language was specified for the sub lexer or stopword.
Action: Specify a valid language. See Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide for a list of valid languages.
Cause: An NLS language name was specified as the alt value.
Action: Specify a non-NLS value.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a sub lexer for a language, but no sub lexer was defined for that language.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made define an alternate value for the DEFAULT sub lexer.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the DEFAULT sub lexer.
Action: No action required.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a multi lexer preference which does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer defined.
Action: Add a DEFAULT sub lexer to the multi lexer preference and retry.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an alt value which is already in use by another sub lexer in the lexer preference.
Action: Specify a different alt value.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index using a multi lexer preference, but you did not specify a language column.
Action: Specify a language column.
Cause: A language column was specified which is not a char, varchar, or varchar2 type.
Action: Specify a language column of correct type.
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke a partition-level operation on an index which is not partitioned.
Action: Invoke the appropriate index-level operation.
Cause: A partition name was specified which does not exist.
Action: Specify the correct partition name.
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke a partition-level operation on a partitioned index without specifying the partition name.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an exchange partition including indexes, but one or more of the internal index tables are partitioned.
Action: Specify EXCLUDING INDEXES on the exchange partition, then manually rebuild the indexes.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an exchange partition including indexes, but the specified metadata setting is not equivalent across the two indexes, so the data cannot be exchanged.
Action: Specify EXCLUDING INDEXES on the exchange partition, then manually rebuild the indexes.
Cause: Failed to load a dictionary file.
Action: Check whether the dictionary file exists in ORACLE_HOME
or access permission is available.
Cause: Size of the document being indexed is larger than the maximum supported size for the VARCHAR2 interface of stored procedure.
Action: Use the CLOB interface for the stored procedure.
Cause: Token data returned by the user-defined lexer procedure is incorrect.
Action: Modify the user-defined lexer procedure to return expected data.
Cause: Number of wildcard offsets specified as value for the wildcard attribute does not meet the supported range.
Action: Modify the user-defined lexer query procedure to return a valid number of wildcard offsets.
Cause: Value of pre-normalized wildcard offset or post-normalized wildcard offset specified as value for the wildcard attribute does not meet the supported range.
Action: Modify the user-defined lexer query procedure to return valid value for wildcard offset.
Cause: The wildcard attribute value specified the offset of a wildcard character. The character at the specified offset is neither the '%' character nor the '_' character.
Action: Modify the user-defined lexer query procedure.
Cause: Value of the 'off' attribute does not meet the supported range.
Action: Modify user-defined lexer index procedure to return valid value for the 'off' attribute.
Cause: Value of the 'len' attribute does not meet the supported range.
Action: Modify the user-defined lexer index procedure to return valid value for the 'len' attribute.
Cause: Value of 'off' attribute plus value of 'len' attribute is greater than the number of characters in the document.
Action: Modify the user-defined lexer index procedure to return valid values for the 'off' and 'len' attributes.
Cause: The query contains an ABOUT
operator while using USER_LEXER
lexer type.
Action: Remove the ABOUT
operator from the query or use a lexer type other than USER_LEXER
does not support this operation.
Action: Stop the operation or use an alternate lexer type.
Cause: User CTXSYS
did not grant EXECUTE privilege on USER_LEXER
stored procedure to the index owner.
Action: User CTXSYS
must grant EXECUTE
privilege on USER_LEXER
stored procedure to index owner.
Cause: The procedure name contains a semicolon character.
Action: Remove the semicolon from the procedure name or rename the stored procedure.
Cause: CTXSYS does not have EXECUTE
privilege on the USER_LEXER
stored procedure.
Action: Make sure the stored procedure exists and is owned by CTXSYS
Cause: The requested memory size is larger than page size.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Detect a CORE LSF error.
Action: Look up the core error and take appropriate action.
Cause: Detected a CORE LEM error while reading the error stack.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Internal database error or internal Text error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Database error or internal Text error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Database error or internal Text error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error, probably the result of a large number of indexed words.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An internal check-condition has been violated.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A fatal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Bad operation code was encountered (reached switch default:).
Action: Check .h files versions.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error in a testing function.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Oracle Text needs to call external code to complete your request, and could not start the EXTPROC agent process.
Action: Start the listener if it is configured for external procedures and is not running. If your listener is running, then configure it for starting external procedures and restart it. Consult the Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide for details.
Cause: Too many cursors open for internal queries.
Action: Implement cursor cleanup routine.
Cause: Parse error on an internal query.
Action: Check versions of code.
Cause: Bind error on an internal query.
Action: Check versions of code.
Cause: Define error on an internal query.
Action: Check versions of code.
Cause: Exec error on an internal query.
Action: Debug code.
Cause: Cursor close error on an internal query.
Action: Check versions of code.
Cause: Transaction rollback error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an ORA error.
Action: See the ORA chapters of this book.
Cause: Failed to execute a SQL statement.
Action: Report to Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Fetch error on an internal query.
Action: Check versions of code.
Cause: Failed to logoff from the database.
Action: Check versions of code.
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
Cause: A generic OCI error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Bad query.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Bad query.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Bad query.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid weight.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid weight.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid score threshold.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid score threshold.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid score threshold.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid maximum number of documents.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid maximum number of documents.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid maximum number of documents.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid first document number.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid first document number.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid first document number.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid last document number.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid last document number.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid last document number.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Unbalanced escape characters.
Action: Turn escape off.
Cause: No matching open escape character for close escape.
Action: Match open and close escapes.
Cause: Invalid operand type for NEAR operator.
Action: Correct the operand type.
Cause: Invalid type of expression which is part of phrase.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: Invalid operand type for EQUIV operator.
Action: Correct the operand type.
Cause: PL/SQL function may not exist or is returning bad value.
Action: PL/SQL may not exist or is returning bad value.
Cause: This is a parser internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: PL/SQL function call returned another PL/SQL call.
Action: Remove the recursive PL/SQL.
Cause: String returned by PL/SQL function could not be parsed.
Action: Correct the PL/SQL function being called.
Cause: Query string empty or made up of invalid characters.
Action: Correct the query.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Memory allocation or freeing error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Look for other errors.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Look for other errors.
Cause: Query is too complex for the query evaluator.
Action: Make the query smaller.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: PL/SQL function may not exist or cannot be executed by user.
Action: Rewrite the PL/SQL function specified in query.
Cause: PL/SQL function encountered an error; this is the error message.
Action: See error message.
Cause: A query token is longer than 256 bytes.
Action: Rewrite the query.
Cause: NEAR operator used in theme index query.
Action: Rewrite the query without NEAR operator.
Cause: Phrase incorrectly defined in theme index query.
Action: Rewrite the query.
Cause: Stemming, fuzzy match and soundex not allowed for theme index.
Action: Rewrite the query.
Cause: The query contains an ABOUT clause, but there is no theme index to support it.
Action: Rewrite the query.
Cause: There is no text index, but the query does not contain any about clause. With only a theme index present, each query term must belong to an ABOUT clause.
Action: Rewrite the query.
Cause: Too many SQEs to expand.
Action: Rewrite query or SQE.
Cause: Circular SQE reference is found.
Action: Rewrite query or SQE.
Cause: XPATH expression such as A/*/@B or A//@B is not supported.
Action: Rewrite query.
Cause: XPATH expression has section which is not created using PATH section group.
Action: Rewrite query not to use XPATH expression or create the index with PATH section group.
Cause: XPATH expression should not end with . or *.
Action: Rewrite the path expression to not use . or * at the end.
Cause: There is no theme index, but the catsearch query contains about clause. You must create a theme index before using ABOUT query against CTXCAT index.
Action: Create theme index.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error, probably insufficient memory.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Unable to open operating system file containing fuzzy matching information or the file was not of the correct format.
Action: Consult the Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide for correct location of the fuzzy match information files and check for file damage.
Cause: Cannot allocate more memory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Unable to open operating system file containing stemmer lexicon, or the file contents were not correct.
Action: Consult the Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide for the correct location of the stemmer lexicons and check for file damage.
Cause: Cannot allocate more memory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
Cause: Invalid character in word input to the stemmer.
Action: Remove invalid character from word to be stemmed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is a user error.
Action: Make wildcard query narrower.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Failed to initialize the key map for the column ID specified.
Action: Check index ID. Contact Oracle Support Services if caused by internal errors.
Cause: Text key mapping service failed on DDL operation.
Action: Check Oracle error and take corrective action.
Cause: Invalid key map mode value found. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Found doc IDs without mappings during get mapping by doc IDs, the index data and key map service are out of synch.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A server must have hung while processing the DML Queue, leaving it locked.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Internal database error, or perhaps someone dropped the lock while we were using it.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Check file permissions or contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An attempt was made to import an incompatible version of Oracle Text's data.
Action: Make sure source and target Oracle Text's versions are compatible.
Cause: The specified class name is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid class name.
Cause: The specified object name is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid object name.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Duplicate entry of class and object.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
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