Oracle Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide Release 9.0.1 Part Number A88787-01 |
User's and Administrator's Guide
June 2001
Part No. A88787-01
Oracle Syndication Server is an extensible content syndication server designed to syndicate any Internet content to any Internet subscriber, using any Internet communication protocol in a secure way. It provides extensibility at multiple levels; it supports all available communication mechanisms with the content subscriber, including the Information and Content Exchange (ICE) Version 1.1 protocol, while it allows access using a multitude of channels to Internet resources, enterprise portals, corporate databases, and conventional file systems. Oracle Syndication Server features a comprehensive administration system to persistently maintain subscriptions and profiles for subscribers and content providers. Subscribers can choose to actively request content from Oracle Syndication Server or have it automatically delivered to them.
Part No. A88787-01
Copyright © 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Primary Authors: Alok Srivastava, Paul Lin, Cheng Han, Rod Ward
Contributing Authors: Timothy Chien, Michael Sekurski, Christine Chan, Joseph Meeks, Bill Beauregard, Katherine Oakey, Larry Guros, Yoko Mizuno, Susan Shepard
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