The following text describes dgoverview.gif.

This screenshot shows the Data Guard Overview page in Enterprise Manager. There are six main sections to this page. They are Overview, Primary Database, Standby Databases, Standby Progress Summary, Performance, and Additional Administration. The information provided here is minimal. Greater detail is described in the surrounding text.

The Overview section of this page provides an Overall Status of the Data Guard configuration and also provides a link from which you can change the Protection Mode of the configuration.

The Primary Database section of this Overview page provides information about the primary database; primarily Name, Host, Status, and Current Log. There is an additional item called Related Link (Edit) from which you can navigate to the Edit Properties page to view or change the current state or properties of the primary database.

The Standby Databases section of this Overview page provides information about the standby databases; primarily Name, Host, Status, Role, Last Received Log, and Last Applied Log. In addition to this information, there are 5 buttons that allow you to change information about the standby databases. They are Add Standby Database, Edit, Remove, Switchover, and Failover.

The Performance section of this Overview page contains two links. The first is the Performance Overview link which enables you to view information about data archived and applied, a summary of standby progress, and a summary of log services. The second link is called Log File Details from which you can view the status of online redo log files.

The Additional Administration section of this Overview page contains two links. The first link is the Verify link which enables you to check the protection mode and properties, confirm that standby redo log files are present, and verify log switch. The second link is called Remove Data Guard Configuration from which you can remove the broker configuration from Data Guard broker control.