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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To View the Details of a Notification
2. The upper frame may include links embedded in the message body to additional information sources for the notification. A reference URL link opens another Web browser window and connects to a specified URL.
3. The upper frame may also include attachment icons that appear after the message body. These icons also link to additional information sources for the notification. There are three types of attachment links:
- A reference URL link that opens another Web browser window and connects to a specified URL.
- A PL/SQL, PL/SQL CLOB, or PL/SQL BLOB document link that displays the contents of a document generated from a PL/SQL function. Such documents can contain text, HTML, images, or application files such as PDF or RTF documents.
- If you are using Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, an Oracle Applications form link that drills down to a Oracle Applications form referenced by the underlying message attribute. Depending on how the message attribute is defined, the Oracle Applications form can automatically display appropriate context information.
Attention: Attached form icons appear in a notification message only if the Worklist web page was initially launched by Oracle Applications from a menu. The Oracle Applications socket listener port must be set to the port where the form should be launched. See: Setting the Socket Listener Profile Option, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Attention: The Notification System first verifies with Oracle Applications whether the recipient's responsibility has the appropriate security to open the linked form. If the responsibility is not allowed to open the form, the attached form icon is disabled and a message to that effect is displayed. Also, you cannot update information in a form that is attached in the upper frame for reference only.
When you choose the attached form icon, a launch window appears to make the socket connection. You can choose the Keep Window button to continue displaying the launch window. Otherwise, this window is automatically closed after thirty seconds.
The form that is launched appears in the Oracle Applications Navigator window on top of the browser window displaying the notification.
Note: If the form does not appear, check for error messages in the JInitiator console.
4. The Response section may look as follows:
- If a notification requires a response, but none of the responses affect the result of the notification activity, the response prompts all appear as fields and/or poplists. When you are done entering your response values, submit your response by choosing the Submit button.
- If a notification requires a response, and one of the responses becomes the result of the notification activity, then that determining response will appear last as a set of buttons to choose from as shown in the figure above. The buttons represent the possible choices to the response prompt. All other response prompts, if any, appear as fields or poplists above that prompt. When you choose a button for that last response prompt, you also submit your response for the notification.
- If a notification does not require a response, the response section indicates that. Choose Close in the Response section to close the notification so that it does not appear in your notification summary list the next time you query for open notifications.
Note: You can click on any response prompt to display more information about the response attribute.
Note: If you launch the Notification Worklist from Oracle Applications, your response section may display an attached form icon that lets you drill down to an Oracle Applications form to complete your response.
The Oracle Applications socket listener port must be set to the port where the form should be launched. See: Setting the Socket Listener Profile Option, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
When you choose the attached form icon, a launch window appears to make the socket connection. You can choose the Keep Window button to continue displaying the launch window. Otherwise, this window is automatically closed after thirty seconds.
The form that is launched appears in the Oracle Applications Navigator window on top of the browser window displaying the notification.
Note: If the form does not appear, check for error messages in the JInitiator console.
5. Once you submit your response, the Detail Notification page returns you to the Worklist, where the notification you just responded to now displays a status of Closed.
Note: If you revisit a Closed notification, the Response section indicates that the Response has been submitted and displays the values that were submitted as the response.
6. A Find icon in the toolbar of the Detail Notification page lets you navigate back to the Find Notifications screen at any time to search for and display other notifications.
See Also
To Reassign a Notification to Another User
To View Notifications from the Worklist
To Find Notifications

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