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Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10285-02 |
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To Create or Update a Rule for Automatic Notification Processing
Navigate to the Notification Routing Rules page and choose to create or update a rule.
- If you choose to create a new rule, the Activating Type of Notification page appears first. Continue with step 2.
- If you choose to update an existing rule, the Rule Response page appears. Skip to step 6.
2. In the the Activating Type of Notification page, select the item type to which this rule applies or select All if you want this rule to apply to notifications associated with any item type. The list of values for the Item Type field displays those item types for which you have previously received at least one notification.
3. Choose the Next button to proceed. You can also select the Return to Routing Rules link to return to the previous page without creating the rule.
- If you selected All as the item type for the rule, the Rule Response page appears. Skip to step 6.
- If you selected a specific item type, the Activating Notification page appears. Continue with step 4.
4. In the the Activating Notification page, select the notification message to which this rule applies or select All if you want this rule to apply to all notifications in the selected item type.
5. Choose the Next button to proceed. You can also choose Cancel to return to the Worklist without creating the rule, or choose Back to return to the previous page.
6. If you choose to update a rule from the Notification Routing Rules page, choose All in the Activating Type of Notification page, or choose a notification in the Activating Notification page, the Rule Response page appears. The fields in this page vary depending on the item type(s) and notification(s) to which this rule applies. For example, if your rule applies to all item types, you can automatically reassign all the notifications to another user, but you cannot define an automatic response to all the notifications since different notifications may have different response attributes.
7. Enter values in the Start Date and End Date fields to specify the period that this rule should be active. If you leave the Start Date blank, the rule is effective immediately. If you leave the End Date blank, the rule is effective indefinitely.
Attention: Since you can define different rules for the same notification(s) to be effective at different times, Oracle Workflow allows you to define multiple rules for the same notification(s). You should be careful to ensure that rules for the same notification(s) do not overlap in their effective dates. If multiple rules are effective for the same notification, Oracle Workflow picks one rule at random to apply.
8. In the Message field, enter any text that you want to append to the notification when the rule is applied. The comments appear in a special "Prior comments" field when the notification is reassigned or automatically responded to.
9. Choose the action that you want this rule to perform:
- "Reassign" - Forward the notification to a designated user.
- "Respond" - Respond to the message with a set of predefined response values.
10. If your rule action is "Reassign", enter the user to whom you want to reassign the notifications. Select the field's search icon to display a list of values from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
Then specify how you want to reassign the notifications.
- "Delegate authority for responding to this notification" - Select this option if you want to give the new user authority to respond to the notification on your behalf, but you want to retain ownership of the notification yourself. For example, a manager might delegate all vacation scheduling approvals to an assistant.
- "Transfer ownership of this notification" - Select this option if you want to give the new user complete ownership of and responsibility for the notification. For example, use this option if you should not have received the notification and you want to send it to the correct recipient or to another recipient for resolution. A transfer may have the effect of changing the approval hierarchy for the notification. For example, a manager might transfer a notification about a certain project to another manager who now owns that project.
Attention: Your workflow administrator may implement special logic to verify that the role that you attempt to delegate or transfer the notifications to is legitimate or to restrict reassignment of notifications altogether. If so, you may get a warning message to that effect when you attempt to create a reassigning rule.
Additionally, you cannot reassign a voting notification that tallies the recipients' responses. See: Voting Activity, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
11. If your rule action is "Respond", set the values that you want to automatically respond with.
12. Choose Submit to save this rule. You can also choose Cancel to return to the Worklist without creating or updating the rule, or, if you are creating a new rule, you can choose Back to return to the previous page.
See Also
To View and Maintain Automatic Notification Processing Rules
Defining Rules for Automatic Notification Processing
To View Notifications from the Advanced Worklist
To View Notifications from the Worklist

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