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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Execute Concurrent Program Activity
The Execute Concurrent Program activity is available only in the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications. It submits an Oracle Applications concurrent program from your workflow process and waits for it to complete, at which point it updates the status of the activity and returns execution of the workflow process to the background engine. The concurrent program can complete with any of the following results, as defined by the Concurrent Program Status lookup type: NORMAL, ERROR, WARNING, CANCELLED, or TERMINATED. You should make sure all of these results are modelled into your process diagram.
Attention: To use the Execute Concurrent Program activity, you must ensure that the background engine is set up to run.
Attention: Generally, the context for your process' item type is always set if your session is initiated from an Oracle Applications form. However, if an interrupt occurs in your session, for example, due to a notification or blocking activity, you must ensure that the context is set by calling FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id) in SET_CTX mode in your Selector/Callback function. See: Standard API for an Item Type Selector or Callback Function and FNDSQF Routine APIs, Oracle Applications Developer's Guide.
The Execute Concurrent Program activity calls the standard Oracle Application Object Library API FND_WF_STANDARD.EXECUTECONCPROGRAM.
Activity Attributes
The Execute Concurrent Program activity has the following activity attributes:
- Application Short Name--Short name of the application to which the concurrent program is registered.
- Program Short Name--Short name of the concurrent program to run.
- Number of Arguments--Number of arguments required for the concurrent program.
- Item Attribute Name--Optional name of the item attribute to store the concurrent program request ID.
- Argument1, Argument2,...Argument100--Value of each concurrent program argument, ordered to match the correct syntax of the concurrent program. Up to 100 arguments are allowed, but you should only specify as many argument values as you define in the Number of Arguments activity attribute. See: To Define Activity Attribute Values.

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