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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Compare Event Property Activity
The Compare Event Property activity lets you compare a property of an event message from the Business Event System with a test value that you specify. This activity calls the PL/SQL procedure named WF_STANDARD.COMPAREEVENTPROPERTY.
Activity Attributes
The Compare Event Property activity has six activity attributes:
- Event--choose the item attribute of type event that contains the event message whose property you want to compare to a test value.
- Property--the event property whose value you want to compare to a test value. This attribute takes as its value a lookup code from the Event Property lookup type. Possible values are "Priority," "Send Date," "Receive Date," "Correlation ID," "Event Parameter," "Event Name," "Event Key," "From Agent," "From Agent Name," "From Agent System," "To Agent," "To Agent Name," and "To Agent System." See: Event Message Structure, Oracle Workflow API Reference.
- Event Parameter--if you choose the Event Parameter property in the Property attribute, enter the name of the parameter whose value you want to compare to a test value. Oracle Workflow uses this name to identify the parameter within the event message's parameter list. If you choose any property other than Event Parameter, leave this attribute blank.
- Date Value--the test value of type date with which to compare the event property value, if you choose the Send Date or Receive Date property.
- Numeric Value--the test value of type number with which to compare the event property value, if you choose the Priority property.
- Text Value--the test value of type text with which to compare the event property value, if you choose the Correlation ID, Event Parameter, Event Name, Event Key, From Agent Name, From Agent System, To Agent Name, or To Agent System property.
The Compare Event Property activity uses the Comparison lookup type for a result code. Possible values are "Greater Than," "Less Than," "Equal," or "Null," if the test activity attribute value is null. You can guide your workflow process based on how the event property value compares to the test value. See: To Define Activity Attribute Values.
Note: You must enter the test value in the activity attribute that matches the data type of the event property you choose. If you enter the test value in an inappropriate activity attribute, the Compare Event Property activity returns the "Null" result code.

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