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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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View Menu
The View menu lets you alter the display of Oracle Workflow Builder.
Font--Displays the Fonts property page. Use the property page to change the font settings of the text that appear in the Navigator and process windows. Changes apply to all future sessions of Oracle Workflow Builder. See:
Modifying Fonts in Oracle Workflow Builder: .
Log -> Show--Toggles between displaying and hiding the Log window. The Message Log window displays messages from the Workflow Builder that are not error-related.
Log -> Detailed--Toggles the debug mode of Oracle Workflow Builder on and off. When you check Detailed, you turn the debug mode on and cause Oracle Workflow Builder to write more extensive messages to the Log window. You should not check Detailed unless instructed to do so by your Oracle customer support representative, as this mode significantly slows down the Oracle Workflow Builder.
Log ->To File--Writes all future content of the Message Log window to a file. Select Log Show from the View menu to determine the location and name of the log file.
Log -> Bring to Front--Brings the Message Log window to the front as the active window.
Grid Snap--Toggles grid snap on or off for all process windows.
Show Label in Designer submenu--A submenu of options that let you control the information displayed in an activity's label. Choose either Instance Label, Internal Name, Display Name, Performer, or Comment.
Show Label in Designer -> Instance Label--Uses the node label as the label for each activity node in a process diagram. This setting persists for all process diagrams and for all sessions of Oracle Workflow Builder until you specifically make a change.
Show Label in Designer -> Internal Name--Uses the internal name of an activity as the label for each activity node in a process diagram. This setting persists for all process diagrams and for all sessions of Oracle Workflow Builder until you specifically make a change.
Show Label in Designer -> Display Name--Uses the display name of an activity as the label for each activity node in a process diagram. This setting persists for all process diagrams and for all sessions of Oracle Workflow Builder until you specifically make a change.
Show Label in Designer -> Performer--Uses the activity's performer as the label for each activity node in a process diagram. Function and process activities that do not have performers do not have a label. This setting persists for all process diagrams and for all sessions of Oracle Workflow Builder until you specifically make a change.
Show Label -> Comment--Uses the activity's comment as the label for each activity node in a process diagram. Activities that do not have a comment do not have a label. This setting persists for all process diagrams and for all sessions of Oracle Workflow Builder until you specifically make a change.
Developer Mode--Toggles the display between standard presentation mode and developer mode. In developer mode, all icons revert to the default icon for the specific object type/subtype, subprocess icons are distinct from top level process icons, and in the navigator tree, objects are shown and sorted by internal name. Note that attributes are shown by internal name but are not sorted.
If the Navigator window is the active window, then the following menu option also appears:
Split Window--Splits the Navigator window horizontally or vertically.
If a process window is the active window, then the following menu options also appear:
Show Process in Navigator--For the current process displayed in the process diagram window, this menu option locates its corresponding process activity in the Navigator window.
Show Overlay Image--Toggles the display to either show or hide the overlay image for an icon, if it has one. For example, the Start and End activities in a process have a green arrow and red arrow overlay image, respectively.

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