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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Register an External System
You can navigate to the Event Manager from other Oracle Workflow administrator web pages by choosing the Business Events tab or selecting the Business Events link at the bottom of the page.
Note: If you do not have access to the Oracle Workflow installation on the source system, ask the workflow administrator for that system to perform this step.
2. In the Event Identifier region, specify the identifying information for the System Signup event.
- Event Name - Oracle Workflow automatically displays the internal name of the System Signup event,
- Event Key - Enter an event key that uniquely identifies this instance of the event.
- Send Date - Optionally specify the date when the event message is available for dequeuing. If you set the send date to a future date when you raise the event, the event message is placed on the WF_DEFERRED queue, and subscription processing does not begin until the specified date.
3. In the Event Parameter region, optionally enter any additional parameter name and value pairs to be stored in the parameter list within the event message.
- To display another blank row and enter another parameter, select the Add Another Row button. You can enter up to 100 parameters.
- To delete a parameter, select the parameter and select the Delete button.
- To enter the system identifier information manually, select the Write XML option and paste the XML document into the XML Content field. You can enter up to 4000 characters.
- To upload the system identifier XML file from your file system, select the Upload XML option and select the Upload XML File button. In the Upload XML File page, enter the full path and file name of the XML file containing the system identifier information, and select the Upload File button. You can also select the Cancel button to return to the previous page without uploading the file.
Note: You must provide the system identifier information in order to register a system. You cannot leave the event data XML content blank.
5. Choose the Submit button to raise the System Signup event to the Event Manager. When the System Signup event is raised, Oracle Workflow executes a predefined subscription that loads the system identifier information from the event data to the Event Manager. See:
System Signup Event.
You can also choose the Cancel button to return to the previous page without raising the System Signup event.

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