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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Reviewing Local Queues
You can use the Event System Local Queues page to review the local queues used by the Business Event System as well as the messages currently being held on those queues.
Note: In the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, you can also use the Check Setup page to verify the setup of your local queues. See: Checking the Business Event System Setup, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Note: If you are using the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications and you have implemented Oracle Applications Manager, you can use Oracle Workflow Manager to review the statuses of the messages being held on local queues. For more information, please refer to the Oracle Applications Manager online help.
If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, you can use the standalone Oracle Workflow Manager component available through Oracle Enterprise Manager to review the statuses of the messages being held on local queues. For more information, please refer to the Oracle Workflow Manager online help.
To Review Local Queues
Replace <webagent> with the base URL of the web agent configured for Oracle Workflow in your Web server. See: Setting Global User Preferences, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Attention: This URL accesses a secured page, so if you have not yet logged on as valid user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears. You must have workflow administrator privileges to access the Event Manager web pages.
Note: You can also access the Event System Local Queues web page from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
2. The Event System Local Queues page appears, displaying a list of the local queues used by the Business Event System. For each queue, the Event System Local Queues page summarizes the protocol and name of the agent with which the queue is associated, whether the agent is used for inbound or outbound communication on the system, and the number of messages currently being held on the queue.
3. You can review message details for queues that use the standard WF_EVENT_T datatype as their payload type. To review message details for a queue, choose the flashlight icon in the View Detail column for that queue.
Note: You cannot view message details for queues that do not use WF_EVENT_T as their payload type.
The Find Standard Event Queue Messages page appears, displaying the name of the queue you selected. The Find Standard Event Queue Messages page lets you enter search criteria to locate specific event messages. The search criteria are:
- Event Name--enter the internal event name for the event messages you want to display.
- Event Key--enter the event key for the event messages you want to display.
- Status--choose Ready, Wait, Processed, or Expired as the status of the event messages you want to display, or choose Any to display messages of any status.
Choose the Go button. The Local Queue Messages page appears, displaying a list of event messages on the queue you selected that match your search criteria. For each message, the Local Queue Messages page summarizes the event name, event key, correlation ID, event parameters, From System that sent the message, To System that received the message, send date, error message, error stack, and the message status.
Note: Each queue table contains one default exception queue that is shared by all the user queues in that queue table. When you search for messages on a particular queue, the Local Queue Messages page includes all messages on the associated exception queue as well, regardless of the user queue from which they originated. Consequently, if you create more than one user queue in the same queue table, the Local Queue Messages page may display exception messages that originated from other queues than the queue you selected.
6. To review the event data for a message as an XML document, choose the flashlight icon in the Event Data (XML Format) column for that message.
7. To review the event data for a message as a text document, choose the flashlight icon in the Event Data (Text Format) column for that message.
See Also
Standard Agents
Setting Up Queues, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

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