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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Define an Agent
Replace <webagent> with the base URL of the web agent configured for Oracle Workflow in your Web server. See: Setting Global User Preferences, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
Attention: This URL accesses a secured page, so if you have not yet logged on as valid user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears. You must have workflow administrator privileges to access the Event Manager web pages.
Note: You can also access the Agents web page from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
2. The Agents page appears, displaying a list of existing agents grouped by the system where they are located. The Agents page summarizes the internal name, address, protocol, direction, and status of each agent.
Choose the Add Agent button to open the Edit Agent page.
3. Enter the internal name of the agent in the Name field. The agent's internal name must be unique within the agent's system. Oracle Workflow APIs, SQL scripts, and PL/SQL procedures may refer to the internal name when identifying an agent.
Attention: The internal name must be all-uppercase and should not include any single or double quotation marks (' or ") or spaces.
4. Enter a Display Name for the agent.
5. Enter an optional description for the agent.
6. Select the message communication protocol that the agent supports.
7. If the agent supports inbound communication to its system, enter the address for the agent. The format of the address depends on the protocol you select.
For agents that use the SQLNET protocol, the address must be in the following format to enable AQ propagation:
<schema>.<queue>@<database link>
<schema> represents the schema that owns the queue, <queue> represents the queue name, and <database link> represents the database link to the instance where the queue is located.
Note: You must enter the database link name exactly as the name was specified when the database link was created. See: Creating Database Links, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
8. Enter the system in which the agent is defined. Click on the System field's up arrow icon to display a list of systems from which to choose. See:
Using a List of Values.
9. Enter the Queue Handler for the agent. The queue handler is the PL/SQL package that translates between the Workflow event message format (WF_EVENT_T) and the message format required by the queue associated with the agent. See:
Standard APIs for a Queue Handler.
Attention: You must enter the queue handler name in all uppercase.
10. Enter the name of the queue that the local system uses to interact with the agent. Since only the local system refers to this queue name, the queue name should be within the scope of this system, without requiring a database link. Use the following format to specify the queue name:
<schema> represents the schema that owns the queue, and <queue> represents the queue name.
Attention: You must enter the queue name in all uppercase.
11. In the Direction field, select In for an agent that supports inbound communication to its system, or select Out for an agent that supports outbound communication from its system.
12. In the Status field, select Enabled or Disabled as the agent status. If you disable an agent, it still remains in the Agents list for reference, but you cannot use the agent in active subscriptions.
13. Choose the Submit button to save the agent and return to the Agents page. The Agents page displays an updated list of agents.
You can also choose the Cancel button to return to the Agents page without saving the agent.

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