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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Run wfrund.sql
1. Enter the following command to run the script wfrund.sql in SQL*PLUS:
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<alias> @wfrund.sql
<req_num> <req_desc> <req_amount> <requestor>
<req_process_owner> <process_int_name> <item_type>
Replace <username>/<password>@<alias> with the username, password, and alias for the database account where you installed the demonstration data model.
Replace <req_num> with the requisition number that uniquely identifies the requisition.
Note: The requisition number is used as the item key for the process, so it must contain only single-byte characters.
Replace <req_desc> with an end-user defined description that uniquely identifies the requisition.
Replace <req_amount> with the amount of the requisition, <requestor> with the name of the requisition requestor (who should be listed in the employee approval hierarchy), <req_process_owner> with the name of the requisition process owner (who should be listed in the employee approval hierarchy), <process_int_name> with the internal name of the process activity (in this case, REQUISITION_APPROVAL) and <item_type> with the internal name of the item type that the workflow process is associated with.
2. When this script completes, enter Commit at the SQL> prompt to save the transaction before quitting from SQL*PLUS.
3. Based on the approval hierarchy, you can either log on as the requisition requestor or the requestor's manager to follow and respond to the series of notification messages that move the process to completion. See: Reviewing Notifications Via Electronic Mail, Oracle Workflow User's Guide and Viewing Notifications from a Web Browser, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
You can also access the Workflow Monitor to view the status of the workflow process. See: Using the Find Processes Web Page, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

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