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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Installing the Requisition Data Model
The Requisition data model is installed only with the standalone version of Oracle Workflow. The data model is automatically installed for you by the Workflow Configuration Assistant. The files used in the installation are copied to the demo and demo/<language> subdirectories of your Oracle Workflow server directory structure.
Attention: For the Requisition process demonstration to work properly, you should perform the steps required to set up Oracle Workflow after the installation. See: Overview of Setting Up, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
The installation does the following:
- Calls the script wfdemou.sql to create a database account for each of the users listed in the seed data table shown below. The script creates public grants and synonyms so that these accounts have full access to Oracle Workflow's web-based user interface.
Attention: For security reasons, the installation process automatically locks these user accounts after they are created. Before you can begin using the accounts, you must unlock them using a script called wfdemoul.sql. This script is located in the wf/demo subdirectory within your Oracle Home. Connect to the SYSTEM database account using SQL*Plus and run the script using the following command:
sqlplus SYSTEM/<SYSTEM pwd> @wfdemoul
See your Oracle DBA if you need more information about the SYSTEM account and password.
- Calls a script called wfdemoc.sql to create two tables with seed data. These tables make up the demonstration database application that is workflow-enabled:
- WF_REQDEMO_EMP_HIERARCHY--maintains the employee approval hierarchy. The approval chain consists of these employee user IDs listed in ascending order with the employee having the most authority listed last: BLEWIS, KWALKER, CDOUGLAS, and SPIERSON.
- WF_REQDEMO_EMP_AUTHORITY--maintains the spending limit for each employee. The limit for each employee follows the employee's user ID: BLEWIS:500, KWALKER:1000, CDOUGLAS:2000, and SPIERSON:3000.
- The script wfdemoc.sql also inserts seed data into the WF_LOCAL_ROLES and WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES tables. The following table shows the users and roles that are seeded by the script.
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Attention: Each user has an e-mail address of 'WFINVALID' and each role has an e-mail address identical to its role name. You can change the users' and roles' e-mail addresses to other values by calling the Directory Service APIs SetAdHocUserAttr or SetAdHocRoleAttr. Alternatively, if you want e-mail notifications for all the users and roles to go to a single e-mail inbox, you can specify a test e-mail address in the Test Address configuration parameter when you configure a notification mailer. For more information, please refer to the Oracle Workflow Manager sections of the Oracle Applications Manager online help for Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, or to the Oracle Workflow Manager sections of the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help for standalone Oracle Workflow.
Attention: Also all users except BLEWIS have a Notification Preference of 'MAILHTML', which allows them, in addition to viewing notifications from the Notifications Web page, to get individual notifications via e-mail. BLEWIS has a Notification Preference of 'SUMMARY', which allows him, in addition to viewing notifications from the Notifications Web page, to receive a periodic e-mail summarizing all his currently open notifications. Note that a notification mailer must be set up to deliver e-mail notifications.
Attention: Your Oracle Workflow directory service views must map to the WF_LOCAL_ROLES and WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES tables to include the users and roles of the Requisition data model. See: Setting Up an Oracle Workflow Directory Service, Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
- Calls the scripts wfdemos.sql and wfdemob.sql to create the PL/SQL spec and body for packages called WF_REQDEMO and WF_DEMO. These packages contain:
- The PL/SQL stored procedures associated with the demonstration home page.
- The PL/SQL stored procedures called by the function activities used in the Requisition Process workflow.
- The PL/SQL procedure WF_REQDEMO.Create_Req called by the Oracle Workflow web agent to generate the web-based interface page for the Requisition process demonstration.
- Runs the Workflow Resource Generator to load messages from wfdemo.msg into the database. The messages are used by the web-based interface page for the Requisition process demonstration.
- Loads the Requisition Process workflow definition from wfdemo.wft into the database. You can view this process in Oracle Workflow Builder.

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