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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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To Copy an Item Type
2. Drag the item type, holding down your select mouse button, to the data store or workspace you want to copy it to.
You can also use the Copy and Paste commands in the Edit menu.
3. If you copy this item type back to the same data store, you get prompted to enter a new internal and display name for the item type in the Item Type property page. This is because every item type must have a unique internal and display name. When you are done, choose OK.
Note that when you copy an item type, you also copy all the components associated with the item type. Since most components must also have unique internal and display names, you may get prompted to update those components' internal and display names in their property pages as well.
4. If you copy an item type to a data store where a previous version of the same item type already exists, you update the existing version of the item type in that target data store with the changes in the version of the item type you are copying.
Attention: The order in which you drag two or more item types to a new store is important. For example, suppose an item type references objects in the Standard item type. If you plan to copy that item type and the Standard item type to a new data store, you should first drag the Standard item type to the new data store before dragging the other item type over, otherwise the other item type will have unresolved references to the Standard item type.
See Also
To Create an Item Type

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