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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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To Filter Activities in the Activities List
1. The Activities List web page lets you specify various criteria to filter for specific activities of interest.
2. Use the Activity Status Options check boxes to specify any activity status of interest. A status of Active also includes activities that are in the Notified, Deferred and Waiting state.
3. Use the Activity Type check boxes to specify the types of activities you want to view. You can choose to display notification activities that require a response, notification activities that do not require a response, function activities, activities that belong to the Standard item type, and/or event activities.
4. Once you finish selecting your criteria, choose Filter Activities to display the activities that match your criteria.
5. The resulting activities summary list includes the following columns of information:
- Status--the status of the activity, which is either Active, Complete, Error or Suspend.
- Who--the performer of the activity. If the activity is a function activity, the Workflow Engine is the performer. If the performer is a person, you can click on the link to that person's name to send mail to that individual. Note that if an activity is a notification activity that has Expand Roles on, multiple rows of that same activity appear in the summary, with the individual members of the role listed in the Who column.
- Parent Activity--the process activity that this activity belongs to, unless the activity itself is the top level process. The parent activity provides a link to the details of its definition.
- Activity--the name of the activity. This activity provides a link to the details of its definition.
- Started--the date and time when the activity was initiated.
- Duration--the amount of time taken to complete the activity, shown as one unit lower than the most significant unit of time taken. If the activity took only seconds to complete, then only seconds are shown.
- Result--the result of the activity. If the activity has a status of Error, then the result provides a link to the error name, error message, and error stack associated with the error.
Note: You can display a helpful hint about any link on the Activities List web page by placing your cursor over the link. The hint appears in your web browser's status bar.
6. You can sort the activities summary list based on any column by clicking on a column header. An asterisk (*) appears next to the column title to indicate that it is being used for sorting. If the asterisk is to the left of the column title, the sort order is ascending. If the asterisk is to the right of the column title, the sort order is descending. Clicking multiple times on the same column title reverses the sort order.
7. You can also choose the View Diagram button to display the process instance in the Workflow Monitor for a graphical representation of the process status. If you connected to the current web session as a user with Workflow Administrator privileges, the Workflow Monitor displays the process in 'ADMIN' mode, otherwise the process is displayed in 'USER' mode. See:
Workflow Monitor.
See Also
Setting Up an Oracle Workflow Directory Service
Setting Global User Preferences

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