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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page
Use the Oracle Workflow home page to link to all of Oracle Workflow's web-based features. This page centralizes your access to the features so you do not have to remember individual URLs.
Note: If Oracle Internet Directory/Single Sign-On integration has been implemented for your installation of Oracle Workflow, you can use single sign-on when accessing Oracle Workflow's web-based features. With single sign-on, a user who is logged into any participating component is automatically authenticated when accessing any other participating component and does not need to log in again. See: Synchronizing Workflow Directory Services with Oracle Internet Directory.
Note: For information about the administrator home page in the Oracle Applications Framework user interface format, currently available with the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, see: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Administrator Home Page.
To Access the Oracle Workflow Home Page
Attention: This is a secured page, so if you have not yet logged on as a valid user in the current web session, you will be prompted to do so before the page appears.
2. The web page identifies the current version of Oracle Workflow.
3. A toolbar appears in the upper left corner of the Oracle Workflow home page, as well as on every other Oracle Workflow web page. The Home icon returns you to the Oracle Workflow home page. The name of the current page appears in the middle of the toolbar. The Logout icon logs you out of your current Oracle Workflow web session and the Help icon displays online help for the current screen. Some of the Event Manager web pages also include a Query icon that lets you enter query details to search for Event Manager objects.
4. Choose the Worklist link to display your list of workflow notifications. You can close or reassign your notifications directly from the Worklist or you can drill down to the details of each specific notification and close, reassign, or respond to them individually. See: To View Notifications from the Worklist, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
5. Choose the Find Notifications link to locate notifications that match specific criteria and act on those notifications. See: To Find Notifications, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
6. Choose the Notification Rules link to view and define your automatic notification routing rules. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, the Find Automatic Notification Processing Rules web page appears, letting you first display the routing rules for the role you specify. See: To Define a Rule for Automatic Notification Routing, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
7. Choose the Find Processes link to query for a list of workflow process instances that match certain search criteria. Once you find a specific process instance, you can view its status details in the Workflow Monitor. See:
Using the Find Processes Web Page.
8. Choose the User Preferences link to set the preferences that control how you interact with Oracle Workflow. See: Setting User Preferences, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.
9. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Global Preferences link to set global preferences that control how users interact with Oracle Workflow. See:
Setting Global User Preferences.
10. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, the Document Nodes link appears. This functionality is reserved for future use. You do not need to perform any actions with this link.
11. Choose the Item Type Definition link to access the Find Item Type web page. Use the Find Item Type web page to query for a specific item type definition to display in the Item Type Definition page. See: Item Type Definition Page, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
12. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Launch Processes link to test a specific workflow process definition. See: Testing Workflow Definitions, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
13. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Demonstration Page link to access the Demonstration home page. You can use the Demonstration home page to launch any of the demonstration workflow processes provided with Oracle Workflow. See: Sample Workflow Processes, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
14. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Events link to view and define Business Event System events. See: To Define an Event, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
15. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Find Event/Group link to query for events and event groups that match certain search criteria. See: To Find Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
16. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Systems link to view and define Business Event System systems. See: To Define a System, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
17. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Find System link to query for systems that match certain search criteria. See: To Find Systems, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
18. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Agents link to view and define Business Event System agents. See: To Define an Agent, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
19. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Find Agent link to query for agents that match certain search criteria. See: To Find Agents, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
20. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Event Subscriptions link to view and define Business Event System subscriptions. See: To Define an Event Subscription, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
21. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Find Subscription link to query for subscriptions that match certain search criteria. See: To Find Event Subscriptions, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
22. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Check Setup link to check your Business Event System setup and schedule listeners and propagations for local agents. See:
Setting Up the Business Event System.
23. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Raise Event link to raise a business event to the Event Manager. See: Raising Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
24. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the System Signup link to sign up one system with another to receive business events. See: Signing Up Systems, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
25. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the System Identifier link to retrieve the system identifier information required for signing up systems. See: To Retrieve System Identifier Information, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
26. If you are logged in as a role with workflow administrator privileges, you can choose the Event Queue Summary link to review the local queues used by the Business Event System. See: Reviewing Local Queues, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

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