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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10283-02 |
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Viewing Workflow Details
The Workflow Details page shows information about a selected workflow.
The page displays the workflow type internal name and item key as well as the following details:
- Workflow Type - The workflow item type.
- Status - The status of the workflow.
- Started - The start date and time for the workflow.
- Completed - The completion date and time for the workflow.
The Workflow Definition region displays the following information about the workflow type:
- Internal Name - The workflow type internal name.
- Description - The workflow type description.
- Persistence Type - The persistence type, either Permanent if the runtime status information is maintained indefinitely until it is specifically purged, or Temporary if the runtime status information is maintained for a specified number of days after the workflow completion date before it can be purged.
- Persistence Days - If the persistence type is Temporary, the number of days from the time a workflow of this workflow type completes before its status audit trail can be purged.
- Selector - The selector/callback function that determines which process activity to run for the workflow type in a particular situation.
The Workflow Attributes region lists the names and values of the item attributes for the workflow. For an attribute of type event, select the event message link to view the event message details.
If you have workflow administrator privileges and you are viewing a workflow that is not yet complete, you can use the administration buttons to perform administrative operations on the workflow.
- To change the values of any item attributes, select the Update Attributes button. In the Update Workflow Attributes page, enter the new values you want and select the Apply button. You can also select the Cancel button to cancel the changes or select the Return link to return to the previous page.
After you select the Apply button, Oracle Workflow displays the Update Workflow Attributes page showing a confirmation message as well as the new attribute values. You can continue making further changes in this page if necessary.
Note: You cannot update attributes of type event. However, you can select the event message link to view the event message details.
- To rewind the workflow to an earlier activity stage, select the Rewind button. In the Rewind page, select the activity you want from the list of activities that the Workflow Engine has reached and select the Apply button. Oracle Workflow stops processing at the current activity and resumes processing at the specified activity. You can also select the Cancel button to return to the previous page without rewinding the workflow.
Note: You cannot rewind a suspended workflow. You must resume the workflow before you can rewind it.
- To suspend the workflow, select the Suspend Workflow button. In the Suspend page, select the Apply button. All further processing for the workflow is suspended until the process is resumed, and all subprocesses are suspended as well. You can also select the Cancel button to return to the previous page without suspending the workflow.
- To resume the workflow if it is suspended, select the Resume Workflow button. In the Resume page, select the Apply button. Processing for the workflow is resumed, and all subprocesses are resumed as well. Any activities that were transitioned to while the workflow was suspended are now executed. You can also select the Cancel button to return to the previous page without resuming the workflow.
- To cancel the workflow, select the Cancel Workflow button. In the Cancel page, select Apply. The Workflow Engine sets the status of the workflow to #FORCE, and all processing for the workflow is canceled and cannot be restarted. You can also select the Cancel button to return to the previous page without canceling the workflow.
You can also select the Return link to return to the previous page, or choose Activity History, Status Diagram, or Participant Responses in the side navigation to navigate to the corresponding Status Monitor page.
See Also
Accessing the Administrator Monitor
Viewing Workflows in the Status Monitor
Viewing Child Workflows
Viewing Activity History
Viewing a Status Diagram
Viewing Participant Responses
Viewing Error Information for a Workflow

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